At the beginning of the 34th chapter of Ezekiel the Sovereign LORD tells the son of man to say this to His people and their shepherds. “Woe to the shepherds of Israel, who have become feeders of themselves. Is it not the flock that the shepherds ought to feed?”                                                                                              

The business of religion in today’s world has become a gigantic world-wide industry! The leaders live in the fatness of luxury as they feed themselves on the tax-free billions their flocks donate. And what do the unsuspecting flocks get in return… traditional, handed down false teachings that God Himself has declared disgusting! (Mark 7:13)

The fact that churches and men’s religions commit unjust acts against God is not recognized in today’s world!                                                                 

If anyone desires to do good or please God, the very first thing that must be done is… go to church. This is the accepted way of the world we live in. This is what God’s sheep-like people have been taught to believe, despite the fact most of God’s word is about deceitful leaders of religions teaching false-hoods that mislead His people. (Isaiah 3:12)             

Very few people will take a stand against the status-quo or established norms. It requires rational wisdom, thoughtful study and a whole lotta backbone. (Mathew 7:13,14 & 11:7)                                                                                         

We should be able to perceive the anomaly of religious malfeasance better if we think about the many injustices Jesus had to endure. Jesus was The Almighty God’s representative of truth… he was actually the Word of God. He was placed directly in the middle of the accepted, traditional worship of that day. Few followed him, most were even apathetic of his very existence. The leaders of the temples despised him! They made a mockery of his words of truth, fearing he would tear down everything they had built. (John 11:48)                                                                           

When Jesus first entered their place of worship and observed their merchandizing schemes, he became very upset and began turning over the temple’s polluted tables. (John 2:15,16) Eventually the religious leaders, (the ones everyone thought were the most righteous people on earth) … had Jesus killed!                                     

Today, many of our pious shepherds are raking in millions. As the 34th chapter states; they slaughter the plump sheep. In other words, the more money you have, the higher your value. Some of the shepherds are in smaller settings and make less, however it’s doubtful if any of them would continue without pay.                   

On the contrary, the apostle Paul was chosen to tell the world that Jesus tore the wall down that divided Israel and the rest of the world… from that moment on there would be no difference between people in the eyes of God. Through Jesus, all people would approach God in one spirit and have equal opportunity for salvation! This light to the nations was the most important message in the world after Jesus’ death, and yet Paul was a tentmaker, not a preacher for hire!                             

The following scriptures show God and His son’s open arms invitation to all people, no cost involved.                                        

“Hey there, all you thirsty ones! Come to the water. And the ones that have no money! Come, buy and eat. Come buy wine and milk even without money and without price.” “Why do you people keep paying out money for what is not bread?” (Isaiah 55:1,2)                                                                                             

“Let anyone that wishes, take life’s water free!” (Revelation (22:17)                                                                                     

When shepherds twist scriptures obligating followers to pay them hard earned money, their degree of guilt is irrelevant. Merchandizing the word of God is fraudulent… period! (Malachi 3:5)                                                                               

In the 2nd Thunder many of the lies being told from today’s altars are scripturally explained. As Jesus said, only truth will set us free from the traditions of men. 

During the time period immediately preceding His Kingdoms rule, God has promised truth will become present in the earth. He will once again lodge it right in the midst of this world’s established lies that have robbed His people from learning truth. This has been done via a flying scroll that will be read by people all over the world.       Zechariah 5:4 actually describes what took place when the first seal was opened and the rider of truth on the white horse began its journey across the earth. (Psalms 45:1-5)         

“I will bring it forth, saith the LORD of hosts, and it shall enter into the house of him that has sworn falsely by my name: and it shall remain in the midst of his house, and shall consume the timber thereof and the stones thereof.

Searching for and finding this truth is an individual responsibility God’s people need to understand. When we begin to learn truth, it becomes much easier to recognize just how ridiculous the ranting and raving antics of today’s shepherds really are. The emotion they generate in their audiences depends on their performance. A great showy performance creates more personal popularity and therefore more successful careers. Preaching for pay is like all other businesses, success is measured by the amount of money made. (Micah 3:11)              

According to scripture, some of today’s shepherds will eventually change their thinking and learn God’s time of the end truth. Unfortunately, most will remain like hungry wolves, continuing to feed themselves on God’s sheep.                      

This will go on until God unites and empowers the ten horns that will destroy the whore of Babylon. (Revelation 17:16) When God’s sword comes against the shepherds, His people will be delivered out of the hands of those who had been using them as slaves. The bars of their yoke will be broken in the day of clouds and thick gloom. (Ezekiel 34:12)          

After this occurs, God’s people will be scattered, or as the sign of Jonah puts it, enclosed in the confusion of the symbolic watery deep. However, as God has declared in the 34th chapter, He will search for them until each one is found. He will collect them together and bring them onto their own soil. He will feed them real truth as the desolated lands of Ariel are rebuilt and become the cities of God’s people… the cities of Israel! (Matthew 10:23)

When God creates Jerusalem, (Isaiah 65:18) His chosen people will dwell in the wilderness in security and no longer be plundered by greedy shepherds. God will appoint the good shepherd over them… His son Jesus Christ!                                     

The prophecies of how the seed of Israel will attain salvation can be found in all the prophets. Ezekiel 36:24-27 shows some of the wonderful events that will begin to restore God’s original intentions for mankind.                                       

“For I will take you out of the nations; I will gather you from all the countries and bring you into your own land.” “I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will become clean; I will cleanse you from all your impurities and from all your idols.” “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you, I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.” “I will put my spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws.”                      

It’s time for all righteous minded people to learn about the reality of God’s hidden plan of salvation! Whether we realize it or not, knowing the bible’s esoteric truths about God’s future actions is an awesome and currently an extremely rare privilege! With this knowledge, as stated at Psalms 46:2-5, God will become your refuge and strength when He sets astonishing events on the earth!                                                                               

“That is why we shall not fear, though the earth undergo change and though the mountains topple into the heart of the vast sea. Though its waters be boisterous, foam over. Though the mountains rock at its uproar.” “There is a river the streams of which make the city of God rejoice, The holiest tabernacle of the Most High.” “God is in the midst of the city; it will not be made to totter. God will help at the appearance of morning.”                 

For yet another great description of God’s future activities read the 31st chapter of Jeremiah.                                         

And as Ezekiel 34:30 states: “Then they will know that I, the LORD their God, am with them and that they, the house of Israel, are My people, declares the Sovereign LORD.”   

Do you understand what this precept is preparing you for, O virgin of Israel? Focus on Jeremiah 31:21.