Most of men’s traditional religions have publicly related their versions of Ezekiel 38 & 39. Their opinions on the Gog and Magog invasion of Israel may vary somewhat, however all seem to agree on one point. Gog and Magog will be an army accumulated from the northern parts of the ancient world. They will invade literal Israel, as we now know it. When this invasion occurs, the traditional religions teach that God will destroy Gog and Magog, and the descendants of ancient Israel will forever be under God’s protection.                          

Some of these men of the altars are very knowledgeable, however knowledge without understanding is like a reed being tossed in the wind. (Matthew 11:7-10)                                         

When these intellectual men apply the bible’s use of geographic locations in a literal sense, they go off down a very broad and spacious path. A path that is very easy to start down, and also very easy to cause many to follow. (Matthew 7:13-15) (Matthew 11:25)                                                           

The bible is a book of eschatology. Its main purpose is to explain how God will fulfill His original intentions for mankind… or the final salvation of God’s choices of people. When it was written, the earth’s population was contained in a much smaller area than today. Therefore, God used the prophets to write similitudes and visions from the ancient world to foretell future events about a much bigger and more populated world that didn’t even exist at that time. God revealed this very important fact at Hosea 12:10. “I have also spoken by the prophets, and I have multiplied visions, and used similitudes, by the ministry of the prophets.”                

When the men of the altars use God’s symbolic speech and extremely intelligent, metaphoric prophecies in a strict literal sense, they not only mislead many of God’s people, they unknowingly expose their own lack of understanding!                

Let’s examine a few of their many misunderstandings. The greatest stumbling block of all is the word, Israel. This word simply means: A person of God, a person who fights for God, any person who appreciates God and desires to please Him. This is why God has used this title for all of His people in the bible’s prophecies.                                                                        

The blood of Jesus tore the wall down between ancient Israel and the people who will become Israel forevermore. Ephesians 2:11-14 clearly explains this fact! Romans 2:28,29 also clearly reveals that a Jew in God’s eyes, is not a Jew on the outside, but a Jew on the inside. Therefore, a very unrecognized fact is… a true Jew could be anyone!            

When these honored men of the altars continue to build the wall back between the 2 peoples, the very one Jesus tore down… according to Galatians 2:21, they are saying Christ died for nothing!                                                                                                    

A prophecy they definitely do not understand is found in the 23rd chapter of Ezekiel. In this highly metaphoric chapter, God tells a story about 2 sisters with whom He is completely disgusted. Oholah represents the original Israel who participated in the first exodus as they escaped their captivity in Egypt. Even though they were God’s chosen people at the time, they eventually developed detestable ways that caused God to turn His back to them and make their covenant obsolete. (Hebrews 3:7-11) (Hebrews 8:13)               

Her sister Oholibah represents the future new covenant people who will become God’s Israel in the final part of the days. These people, who are presently scattered all over the world, are also in captivity to false teachings. In the bible’s prophecies they are the captive ones of Jacob. When today’s people turn away from this world’s many false teachings and begin to learn truth and proper worship in the final part of the days, (just like the prophecy at Genesis 35:2,3,10,11 says;) “You will no longer be called Jacob, but Israel you will become.”                                          

Currently Oholibah is deeply entrenched in false worship. Many routinely attend church because it’s the traditional thing to do. They just follow along, never questioning, nor do they give the teachings much thought. They pay their dues and go on with their life. However lately, more and more of Oholibah are beginning to notice the many flaws in traditional religions. They are not necessarily done with God, but realize the need for change. Oholibah needs to read the 48th chapter of Isaiah carefully… very carefully!                                                               

For soon the sign Jesus said would be the sign of our times, (the sign of Jonah) will begin. Oholibah’s captors will be out of business, throwing her overboard. The confusion of the watery deep looms in her future! (Jonah 2)                                    

As for Oholah, her expected never ending protection from God is going to take a world-wide hit! Long before the actual Gog and Magog war occurs, she will be attacked and devastated! Her downfall will stun and amaze the religions of this world! Their old saying, “all who bless Israel will be blessed,” will stop. Their hypocritical teaching that the church will go to heaven and Israel must undergo changes will also stop. Jude 18,19 condemns their teaching that the 2 parties will have separate methods of salvation.             

When Oholah falls, the very backbone of Oholibah’s teachings and their credibility will be in complete ruination! This will play a major role in lifting the skirt of this world’s religions, exposing their leader’s many false teachings.                      

Unless the most cryptic and no doubt the most misunderstood chapter in the bible is properly discerned, the real Gog and Magog invasion of Israel could never be understood. As explained in the 5th Thunder, within the 29th chapter of Isaiah lies the key of knowing when, where, and why, God will hook the jaw of Gog and bring him into the glorious land of beauty… the holy mountain of decoration!                    

This is not referring to the desert conditions associated with today’s middle east! This refers to the places where God will bring in His choices of people from all the nations. The real Israel will come into the devastated coastlands of Ariel and work hard (Haggai 2:4) to rebuild the land after God’s destructive forces had run the current occupants out. (As Isaiah 22 explains, God will not allow most of them to return.) Because God is in their presence, the people who will become Israel in the final days, will turn the devastated coastlands and islands of Ariel into the most beautiful places on earth.                                                                                  

Ezekiel 38 shows that the final day Israel of God will be people brought in from the activity of the sword, collected together out the nations. Hundreds of scriptures from the prophets explain how they will experience many wonderful things when they begin their life in the presence of God and His son. They will be cleansed of their previous idolatrous type of worship. They will begin to have hearts with a new spirit, and giving thanks to God for all things, will become a complete joy and a way of life. The 12th chapter of Isaiah perfectly describes this very moment in time!

Because of the blood of Jesus… every person in all of mankind will have the right and opportunity to be a part of the 2nd Exodus to the end time land of milk and honey! (Exodus 3:8) (1st Corinthians 10:11) (Isaiah 11:11,12,16)          

Regardless of whether you’re currently a descendant of ancient Israel, a member of men’s religions, or just someone concerned with God… anyone and everyone can be a part of the future exodus to the holy cities of Israel!!!                                        

“But be ye glad and rejoice forever in that which I create: for, behold, I create Jerusalem a rejoicing, and her people a joy.” (Isaiah 65:18)                                                                                    

The esoteric knowledge of metaphoric Ariel becoming God’s paradigmatic Jerusalem will only be made public in the final part of the days! (Matthew 11:10,15)          

Where will the rebuilt cities of Jerusalem be located? Where will the highways of the 2nd exodus lead the remnant of Israel? Where will Isaiah 33:17-22 take place?

Zephaniah 2:11 answers! “The LORD will be awesome to them, for He will reduce to nothing all the gods of the earth; people shall worship Him, each one from his own place, indeed all the shores of the nations.                                                          

The coastlines and islands of Ariel will become inhabited by God’s people after their ruination occurs. If the descriptions in Ezekiel are studied closely, it’s very easy to see the circumstances in today’s country of Israel does not match the prophecy of Gog and Magog’s invasion.                    

Are totally devastated cities being rebuilt? Have they become fortified and cultivated to the point they resemble the garden of Eden? Are the people being cleansed of their errors and carrying out God’s judicial decisions? Are the people dwelling in safety and security without walls? Are the exiles accumulating wealth and property through a covenant of peace? Are they living on coastlines and islands? Have they become what Ezekiel 37:22 describes: 1 nation under the single kingship of Jesus Christ???                                                            

The fact is; today’s situation in the middle east is exactly opposite of Ezekiel’s prophecy! Rumors of wars are heard every day! The people that most religionists falsely apply as being the Israel Ezekiel is referring to… are in a position of constant danger and turmoil!                                                                          

The actual war of Gog and Magog will take place many, many days from now. In the final part of the years a mighty army will be assembled together, from the nations. The mysterious, origin unknown title, Gog of Magog… is actually an idiom, the prophet Daniel calls him the king of the north.          

During the time God will be creating the land of decoration on the coastlines and islands, Gog of Magog will be gaining control of many countries throughout the main lands. At the time of His choosing God will hook the jaw of Gog and bring him in with Gog’s intention of plundering and destroying the wonderful things God and His son have accomplished with their people. But just like the prototypical 1st exodus, God will lead them into a trap with no helper. The kings of the earth will come to their end, and God’s people will escape!                                                                                   

The 29th chapter of Isaiah covers practically everything that has been said in this precept. It actually adds even more detail. Many hidden components of God’s salvation plan are revealed in this most cryptic chapter of the bible.                             

It is realized that the vast majority of churchgoers and really, the entire general public are not interested in hearing anything about the bible’s hidden plan of salvation. They are concerned with making a living for their families, having nice homes, nice cars and so forth. They roll along with whatever their preachers say, and life is good… for now.                                     

This information is aimed at a small circle of individual seekers. God has designed the esoteric knowledge of the final days to be understood by an initiated and enlightened few! Just as it has occurred throughout history, the end-time knowledge all of God’s people will need, will come from one source. Anyone who understands the 5th Thunder and the entire 29th chapter of Isaiah, could be that source! Being a part of what God calls, the house of Judah, (the teachers of His people) will be a very privileged position, but also a very responsible one. (Isaiah 30:20-22) Only The Father knows when His day of tribulation will begin, however, as we have learned, there will be signs!                                                                             

Pay attention when wars in the middle east begin to affect Oholah. Pay attention when the leaders of Oholibah begin to come under fire. Pay attention when volcanoes and earthquakes ignite tsunamis that devastate many of the world’s islands and coastlands. As these things occur, Isaiah 11:10,11,12 will take place! The initiated will know the sign when the root of Jesse stands up! As these scriptures reveal, it will come to pass in that day… The LORD will set His hand a 2nd time to reclaim the remnant of Israel and gather together the house of Judah from the 4 corners of the earth!                                              

After the exodus to the coastlines and islands, God’s choices of people will be fully experiencing and enjoying the wonderful things of Isaiah chapter 12. During the same time, in the main lands, the terrifying events of Isaiah chapter 13 will be raging!!!                                                                                                     

The leaders of Oholibah and those who will remain joined to them, will be right in the middle of God’s burning wrath! Their luxurious palaces of exquisite delight will come under attack from ruthless men who will have no pity for woman or children and care nothing about silver and gold! Their beautiful churches will be deserted and become full of owls, ostriches, shaggy goats and howling jackals! They will not be inhabited again…. forevermore.