At Matthew 18:3 Jesus said, “Unless you change and be converted and become like little children, you will not see the kingdom of heaven.” Why would Jesus say this?                                                                            

In the past few precepts, there has been an emphasis on many scriptures that are clearly informing us of events that have never been taught by any of men’s religions. It’s definitely not easy to understand and accept bible prophecies that have not been properly understood and brought out in the open before this time period. This fact exists, even though the previously unknown prophecies are actually very clear and are repeatedly the focus throughout the prophets.                                        

Because the established doctrines of men have instilled so many false teachings concerning how God will provide salvation for mankind, His real salvation plan up to this point, has gotten little or no attention. Of course, this is exactly why God’s word has referred to it as a hidden plan that will initially become known and understood only by those whom God intends. The prophecy at Isaiah 43 talks about these presently unknown people God will form for Himself in order to declare His praise!                                                                 

After describing the 1st exodus in chapter 43, God immediately says to forget about the former exodus and do not consider the things of old. He then announces the hidden and unknown thing the previous precepts have been telling you about!                                                      

“Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and give water in the wilderness, to give drink to My people, My chosen. This people I will form for myself; they shall declare My praise.”                                                                        

Our God is once again informing His chosen people of the last days about the very important, life giving, end-time exodus that was pictured or prototyped by the 1st exodus many years ago. (Read 1st Corinthians 10:11, Isaiah 35:8-10 & Jeremiah 31:21)                    

The knowledge you have been learning about the 2nd exodus represents a branch that will grow out from the root of Jesse, as explained in the 11th chapter of Isaiah. The root of Jesse is none other than the word of truth himself, Jesus Christ.            

The branch growing from the root, is his message to God’s chosen people in the final part of the days. Those who ignore the message of the end-time exodus will completely miss out on being in the presence of God and His son as they oversee their gathered people from metaphoric Mount Zion. In the devastated coastlands and islands of Ariel… God, His son, and the people who followed The Word, will rebuild the cities where pure worship will be restored. This is why God symbolically refers to these areas as the time when He will create Jerusalem. (Isaiah 65:18 & Zephaniah 3:14-20)               

Those who now acknowledge and eventually participate in the 2nd exodus will be taught by shepherds God has chosen according to His heart. (Jeremiah 3:14,15) In other words, as Jesus said at John 6:45, they will all be taught by God!                        

Presently, (because of the teachings of men) when everyone thinks about salvation, they immediately think they’re going to heaven. While it is true, some will go to heaven and rule over the earth with Christ… Jesus said he was going to prepare a place for those particular followers The Father had chosen for him. He also said he had sheep that were not of this fold. (John 10:16) These other sheep will remain on the earth (Proverbs 2:21) and live under the rulership of the promised Kingdom, which was God’s original intentions for mankind. This bible fact will infuriate the many who have already chosen themselves to go to heaven, however the scriptures show that the Almighty God is the only one who can make that choice. (Matthew 20:20-23) (Romans 10:6) (Romans 9:16) (Psalms 37:9,11)                           

Let’s consider some facts about the many millions who attend men’s churches and organizations week after week. Their leaders have done a great injustice to them by tickling their ears and instilling in them the hope of a heaven bound future. (2nd Timothy 4:3) Their total ignorance of God’s hidden plan of salvation as told to His servants the prophets, has allowed this to happen. (Revelation 10:7)      

Actually, Isaiah 34:4 foretells the final outcome of the many, many misled people who have chosen a heavenly future for themselves. “All those of the army of the heavens must rot away. And the heavens must be rolled up, just like a book scroll; and their army will all shrivel away, just as the leafage shrivels off the vine and like a shriveled fig off the fig tree.”      

As explained at Hosea 4:6-9, there is no knowledge among them. Knowledge has been rejected because of self-righteous pride, which will soon come to an end. As Isaiah 14:11 puts it; their pompous pride and the sound of their stringed instruments will be cut down.                                                                                                                 

The religious leader’s constant teaching that their followers are going to heaven keeps the money coming in… however, does it make sense that God would give everlasting life to people before they are taught by Him and actually learn and appreciate His true ways? This is exactly what God’s perfect plan of salvation provides!!! When we understand the musterion, (God’s plan) it becomes very clear how perfectly fair and just it really is, and the only way salvation could be justified. God’s plan gives salvation to people who will prove their acceptance of truth and truly prove their love for God and His righteousness!                                                 

As many scriptures clearly show, the people who will become God’s people, (Romans 9:25,26) are currently captivated in the many false worship systems all over the earth. The bible has titled them: “the captives ones of Jacob.” Would a perfect minded God grant salvation to people who mean well, but at this time, are not aware they are engulfed in false teachings? Or would He bring them under His wing and teach them His true ways? (Micah 4:1-7)                      

The 12th chapter of Isaiah prophetically describes the people’s reaction to this future situation when it occurs in the devastated cities where God will create Jerusalem. Their joy for God as they experience His guidance from His position in the Holy Mountain of Zion is very evident!                                                           

And in that day thou shalt say, O LORD I will praise thee: though thou was angry with me, thine anger is turned away, and thou will comfort me. Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the Lord Jehovah is my strength and my song; he also is become my salvation. Therefore, with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation. And in that day shall ye say, praise the Lord, call upon his name, declare his doings among the people, make mention that his name is exalted. Sing unto the Lord, for he hath done excellent things: this is known in all the earth. Cry out and shout, thou inhabitant of Zion: for great is the Holy One of Israel in the midst of thee.”                                                                                                   

The future opportunity to join in the exodus to places where people will become inhabitants of Zion, and be under the guidance of God and His son will only be possible because of the grace of God. Jesus gave his life to make this salvation opportunity… through the grace of God… possible!                                   

Presently, God’s plan of salvation is no doubt, being met with much skepticism. It has remained hidden until this time period because of religious leader’s inability to understand how God has used the words Jerusalem, Israel, Zion, Jacob and many other similitudes in the prophecies. It should make sense to us that ancient peoples and places had to be used metaphorically for peoples and places that didn’t even exist when the prophets were writing. If this was not the case, the prophetic word of God would amount to nothing more than history lessons.                                    

Instead of understanding the prophet’s similitudes and visions that explain God’s plan of salvation, our blinded religious leaders exalt themselves and their listeners to heavenly positions only God will authorize during the resurrection time period. (John 5:28,29 & 6:38-40) This time period will be after the Holy cities of created Jerusalem and God’s Israel have been established. (Matthew 10:23) (Galatians 6:15,16) The prophet Daniel explains the unrecognized fact about the resurrection time period at Daniel 12:2-4.                                  

One of the many similitudes about God’s people today (the captive ones of Jacob) is related at Jeremiah 5.                                       

“Declare this in the house of Jacob, and publish it in Judah, saying, hear now this, O foolish people, and without understanding; which have eyes, and see not; which have ears and hear not: For among my people are found wicked men: they lay wait, as he that sets snares; they set a trap, they catch men.”                                                  

“As a cage is full of birds, so are their houses of deceit: therefore, they become great, and waxen rich. The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests bare rule by their means; and my people love to have it so: and what will you do when the end comes?”                                             

Because God’s people today ignore most of the prophet’s very accurate prophetic words, (Luke 24:25) and do not understand the real identity of the house of Jacob, they are continuing their handed down traditions. Up to this point they have also ignored God’s command at Acts 17:30.                                                

“Therefore, having overlooked the times of ignorance, God now commands all people everywhere to repent.”                                                 

Remember, the original Greek word used that has been rendered repent, (metanoeo) actually and more accurately means “Change Your Mind, or Change Your Thinking.” God’s people today are scattered all over the world! Some are currently entangled in man’s false religions while many have no religious convictions at all. There are also many who are very poor, and have been totally neglected of opportunities for better lives. This is why the flying scroll of Zechariah 5, announcing the 2nd Exodus and how God’s Kingdom will begin, is foretold to be sent world-wide and be free of charge! (1st Corinthians 9:18)                                 

Regardless of current circumstances, God knows who His people are, and where they are. A good explanation can be read at Isaiah 65:1-10.                                         

The big question is; how can people turn away from men’s presumptuous traditions regarding the choosing, and accept God’s plan of salvation? (Romans 11:26-28) What can cause this very important change of thinking?                                    

In the 18th chapter of Luke, Jesus himself gives us the answer. He begins by saying, “Those who exalt themselves will be humiliated, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.” When his disciples tried to prevent the little children from surrounding him, he said, “Let the young children come to me, for the Kingdom of God belongs to suchlike ones.” Truly I say to you, “whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a young child will by no means get into it.”                                          

Can we change into a humble people with open minds and the innocence and willingness to follow, like a young child? Jesus’ words should allow all of us to realize how necessary it is to cast aside men’s teachings that tend to exalt and instill self-righteous expectations. (Isaiah 30:22) Rather than expect God’s rewards because we’re so deserving, maybe we should do as Micah 6:8 suggests.                   

Jesus followed this up by saying some things that definitely apply to the exodus of the final days this precept has been telling you about. The question came up concerning the difficulty of people leaving their possessions. This will certainly play a big part in the decision to follow the Word and join in the Exodus during the final part of the days. Which is the only reason Jesus would make the following statement at Luke 18:29,30.                                                                

“Truly I say to you, there is no one who has left house or wife or brothers or parents or children, for the sake of the kingdom of God, who will not receive many times more in this time, and in the age to come, eternal life.” He further emphasized the point at Matthew 10:37,38.                                             

“Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. And whoever does not follow me is not worthy of me.”                                               

In conclusion: What will we do in the day of the great dilemma?   When Isaiah 11:12 takes place, some may have loved ones that refuse to leave their worldly possessions. By staying in the midst of the great turmoil the nations will be experiencing at that time, their lives will be in grave danger!                                                                   

God’s people today will be faced with the same decisions as Abraham. When God told Abraham to leave all things behind and go to a different place, he obeyed. When he was told to sacrifice his son’s life… Isaac’s life was sparred because they both had great faith and obedience. Isaac did not resist God’s commands, because Abraham had taught him to have faith in God’s promises. This should be a great lesson for all who now have understood what the prophets are really talking about and have developed faith in God’s hidden plan of salvation. We need to teach our children and all of our loved ones exactly what God is going to do for all people who have genuine faith and heartfelt love for Him!                                   

The words at Zechariah 2:10,11 might help you make the proper decision in the day of the great future dilemma. Will you go where Jesus is coming back? Will you go where resurrections of many loved ones will take place? (Can you imagine missing that?!) Will you go where Jesus and His Father will be in your midst, and experience the beginning of God’s Kingdom? Do you have enough faith and love for God and His son to leave your worldly possessions behind and follow the Word?                                                                                                                                                          

“Shout and be glad, O daughter of Zion. For I am coming, and I will live among you, declares the LORD.”                                                

“Many nations will be joined with the LORD in that day and will become my people. I will live among you and you will know that the LORD Almighty has sent me to you.”