If you are a person who believes the bible is truly the word of God, you are no doubt very concerned with many of the events that are now taking place in this world. Even though the world-wide pandemic is currently in a slowed down stage, it has left a trail of many deaths and financial woes. It has also drastically slowed down the lies, robbery and the voices of men’s traditional churches and religious organizations… just as God’s prophet said it would! (Nahum 3:1-6)                                                                                                     

Other problems however, are on the rise. The deterioration of how people think is coming more and more to the forefront. The recent shootings and killings of innocent people is difficult to even comprehend. Hard to cope with food shortages could also be on the horizon. With the continuous rise in taxes, inflation, building and manufacturing materials… financial difficulties are everywhere. We could go on and on about the doom and gloom now facing all of mankind, but the fact is; the bible has already prophesied about the time period when all of these things will take place. (Read Zephaniah 1:14-18)             

These scriptures plus many others, actually prove the bible’s accuracy and leaves no doubt this book of ancient events is truly the word of God! Therefore, should we trust in the promises of men, who cannot direct their own step, (Jeremiah 10:23 & Psalms 118:8) or should we trust in the promises God has given us in His proven word of truth?                  

There are 2 types of people in this world. This is pointed out in the symbolic drama of Esau and Jacob. The house of Esau represents people who are not interested in anything God has promised, and dismiss the bible as useless. Their destiny is clearly stated at (Obadiah 18.) The house of Jacob represents people who actually do believe in God and His Word. However, at the present time most of them are entangled in men’s false teachings. Jeremiah 5:20-31 and many other scriptures describes their present state.                       

Not only has the bible predicted the destructive process that will take place before God sets His Kingdom in place, it has also provided the solutions to the problems the house of Jacob will face in the final part of the days! Incredibly, the prophets have recorded every event that will take place that will bring in God’s Kingdom!            

There are a few of men’s religions that advocate the coming of God’s Kingdom. However, since they have no understanding of the prophet’s similitudes and visions explaining God’s hidden plan of salvation, (Revelation 10:7) they have no idea about the absolute essential events that will bring in the Kingdom. Therefore, when the events take place, their lack of knowledge will prevent recognition! (Hosea 4:6) (Revelation 18:4)                                                                              

A good example is their attempts to explain Zechariah’s vision of the flying scroll in his 5th chapter. These highly esteemed intellectuals do not understand that the flying scroll is a vision seen by Zechariah, of a future event that would take place in the final part of the days. Their very indignant explanations of the prophet’s extremely important and valuable prophecies for the final days always begin with information about the ancient time period the visions took place. This makes them appear very knowledgeable to their members however it renders the bible as mere history… and does not prepare their members to recognize the fulfillments when they actually take place! In effect, this steals away true understanding and certainly restrains against God’s people obtaining true knowledge. (2nd Thessalonians 2:10-13)             

The modern-day relevance, or when and especially how the fulfillment of Zechariah’s vision of the flying scroll takes place, actually proves the bible’s astounding ability to foretell the future even further! Why could this be said, and how did the vision explain and actually clarify itself?                    

The flying scroll is described as being a vast accumulation of truthful written words that curses, exposes and condemns everyone who is teaching false doctrines about God! (Zechariah 5:3) The many preachers, ministers and leaders in all religions, (in this final part of the days) are swearing falsely in God’s name, and not only steal the people’s money, they also prevent and steal truth from the people!                                                                                                               

The flying scroll that God declared He would send out over the face of the whole earth, scripturally exposes the iniquity and wickedness of stealing in the name of God!! They require payment for the very thing our God says will be free!! (Revelation 22:17) (Isaiah 55:1) (Micah 6:6-8)                    

This ephah measure of true knowledge, will eventually become like a lead weight on the mouth of the woman (the great harlot of Babylon) that sits in the midst of the ephah. It will enter into houses all over the world and lodge itself right in the middle of the false teachings that are dominating and polluting the whole earth!! (Zechariah 5:6-8) It will remain until it exposes the thievery and wickedness of people who have built religious dynasties and amassed fortunes by teaching falsehoods in the name of God!!!                    

As the vision indicates, all of this information will be presented together as if in a basket. How will this timely ephah measure of information actually get into households all over the entire world? The vision itself explains how this wonderous anomaly will take place.                                                    

Zechariah saw 2 women coming forward with the wind in their wings. They lifted up the ephah between the earth and the heaven and established a place for it in the middle of men’s false teachings.                                                                                       

Women were seen lifting up and carrying the scroll to its destination in this prophecy, because in ancient times they were designated as the helpmate of man. In those days the women did most of the household chores and primarily accomplished whatever the men desired. This is telling us the instrument that will be used to carry or transport the written information throughout the entire world, will be invented, developed and put in use… by man. This man designed method of world-wide communication with the ability to instantly transmit written words all over the earth… is called the internet!!!                                                                            

Down through the years, the prophecy of the flying scroll has been explained in many ridiculous ways and certainly appeared extremely mysterious… but now, at the push of a button, Zechariah’s vision has come to life! If you understand the bible’s synonymous relationship between “The Word” and Jesus Christ, Matthew 24:26,27 explains the flying scroll even further!                                                        

The recent modern-day reality of the internet has legitimized and provided great enlightenment on previously very cryptic scriptures in the bible.                                       

God’s people can now be aware of a fact (described at Psalms 42:1-4) that will be a tough pill to swallow. In the book of Jonah (according to Jesus, the sign of our times) the looming problem of worship loss will face members of every religion! The 2nd chapter of Jonah symbolically describes this future loss of worship opportunity as being “Thrown Overboard” into deep waters. The prophecies at Isaiah 17:8 and Ezekiel 24:25 tells us exactly what’s going to take place that is represented as being thrown overboard.                                   

In these always ignored scriptures, God declares there is coming a day when He will take away the work of His people’s hands. They will no longer look to the altars… their sacred poles, steeples and expensive buildings… abandoned. Their looked to hope… gone. (Isaiah 17:8) God calls His people’s places of worship and world-wide organizations that He is going to take away: “their fortress, the beautiful object of their exultation, the thing desirable to their eyes and the longing of their soul.” (Ezekiel 24:25)                                         

The prophet Hosea explains how God’s people today, instead of looking directly to God from the heart, look first to their religion. (Isaiah 29:13) Hosea sarcastically refers to this type of dedication to a religious organization as “Kissing the Calf.” (Hosea 13:2) Many of the prophets refer to the day when God will tear down these idolized organizations, as the time “When their Golden Calf Crumbles!”                                             

The written scroll will also contain vital knowledge that will prepare people to recognize every event that will bring in the reign of the Kingdom Jesus constantly talked about! The Way, The Truth, and The life … The Word … The Revelation of Jesus Christ is coming with the clouds for all eyes to see, exactly as the bible has spoken!                                         

“Behold, he cometh with the clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.” (Revelation 1:7)                                                                          

All of men’s self-exalted religious organizations misuse the scripture at Hebrews 10:25 to make it appear they are the only way to get to God. This is just another example of picking unripe grapes or applying prophecy before its time for fulfillment. (Job 15:33-35) (Jeremiah 31:29-40)                   

As the context of the entire chapter shows, we should not forsake our gathering together when: the new covenant begins! Obviously, the glorious perfection describing the new covenant has not as yet, come into existence. The promised new covenant will begin when God’s hidden plan of salvation begins! Then and only then, is when God will teach His collected people His ways and write His truth on their hearts. (Micah 4:1-4) (Hebrews 8:10-12) This time period and the event of all things being gathered in Christ is explained at Ephesians 1:8-13.                                                             

God’s people today do not realize their organizations have no understanding about God’s future plan to teach them His true ways. Because they continue to Kiss the Calf, they fail to realize their mediator to God is Jesus Christ (The Word) and not the altars of men.                                                                  

Regardless of the exalted stature this world’s religions now claim, regardless of how they have duped people into believing they are holy places… the flying scroll will lodge itself in households throughout the world, gradually exposing the iniquities of religious malfeasance, while consuming their timber and stones. (Zechariah 5:4)