The 5th Thunder: ARIEL, WOE TO ARIEL

The theme of the 29th chapter of Isaiah is the destruction and downfall of something referred to as “Ariel.” Most bible readers will say this word should be applied to our literal city of Jerusalem, but would much prefer not to even comment on this chapter.

They normally just leave it as a historical event. Others apply it to their own religion because of the statement, “she must become to me as the altar hearth of God.” This too is puzzling….are they conceding their own demise? All in all, the enigma surrounding this chapter has always been confounding for good reason.

Why did the prophet Isaiah, whose name means “Jehovah’s salvation,” use the highly cryptic word “Ariel” rather than just saying Jerusalem? In order to completely understand the complexity of the reason, we need to know the facts behind the word “Ariel” and the stage of God’s musterion it represents.
The word Ariel actually has 6 Hebrew root meanings; amazingly all of them play a big role in correctly understanding the most misconstrued chapter in the entire bible! All of these meanings can easily be searched out by anyone who has computer access.

The 6 meanings of Ariel are:

1) A synonym for Jerusalem
2) The scene of a holocaust
3) The lion of God
4) A place of a gathering of food
5) The altar hearth of God
6) The heart of God

As we go through the 29th chapter of Isaiah, and several other parts of the bible that add explanatory details to this chapter, each of these root meanings will come to the forefront. You will progressively begin to understand exactly why Isaiah used this word as a basis for a prophecy that will occur in the near future, and impact the lives of everyone. The chapter begins with a proclamation of the big trouble that’s in store for Ariel.

Verse 1: “Woe to Ariel, to Ariel, the town where David encamped! Add year upon year, you people; let the festivals run the round.”
Yes, Ariel is being used as a synonym for Jerusalem, as commonly thought. However, Isaiah is not talking about the literal Jerusalem that is always perceived. He is referring to the paradigmatic Jerusalem that we learned about in the previous thunder. Ariel represents the locations of the cities of Israel before they actually become the Jerusalem God will create when He gathers his chosen people to them during the tribulation! This is why Isaiah used the phrase, “the town where David encamped.” Ariel represents a place similar to Jebus before it became the altar hearth of God. David came to Jebus and destroyed the entire town. He ran the idolatrous Jebusites off and prepared the area for pure worship to Jehovah. He then built Jerusalem, the city of praise, in the same vacated location. David’s actions were used as a counterpart to provide enlightenment of how God will create the end-time Jerusalem. (Acts 15:11, 14-17) The rest of the scripture explains that we will keep adding year upon year while the festivities of men’s false ways of worship continue to run their rounds before Ariel’s devastation actually occurs.

Verse 2: “And I have to make things tight for Ariel, and there must come to be mourning and lamentation, and she must become to me as the altar hearth of God.”
God is again forewarning Ariel’s downfall, while also making a powerful and revealing statement. “Ariel must become to me as the altar hearth of God.” In the ancient prototypes, an altar hearth was always located in the places where pure worship to the God of Israel was performed. God is telling us the places of Ariel will become that altar! Jerusalem will be created! (Isaiah 65:18)

Verse 3: “And I must encamp on all sides against you, and I must lay siege to you with a palisade and raise up against you siege works.”
This verse must be investigated intensely because it reveals the very instrument God will use to clear out the places that will eventually become His altar hearth. Many bible translations have unintentionally twisted and distorted the correct identity of this instrument. The false identification of this weapon has played a big part in men’s complete ignorance of the entire prophecy!

The original Hebrew word that was used to describe the type of attack God has set in place to come against Ariel was “mutstsab.” The English meaning of this word is: mount or palisade. The rendering errors have occurred when mount and palisade have been used in the wrong sense. In many translations, mount is used in the sense of being a military outpost made up of troops, like a station or garrison. This actually is the definition of the Hebrew word “matststab.” This definition has nothing to do with the similar sounding word “mutstsab.”

The mount that mutstsab represents is completely different than a military outpost! The correct definition of the mount that truly applies to this scripture is: a mountain, or a lofty promontory. A promontory is a high point of land or rock extending from a coastline into the water. This is certainly indicating something far different than a military invasion! It’s easy to see how translators, who have no clue about God’s sacred secret, could get confused! The confusion of this situation has however, kept the secret sealed up!

The word palisade has also supplied much confusion to the translators. In one sense it can mean: sharpened posts or stakes driven in the ground to form a defense of a fortification. There are many, many translations that totally misconstrue the scripture’s true meaning with phrases such as; “I will encircle you with posts” or “I will set posted troops all around you.” These types of renderings have caused blindness for centuries. God is not setting up a defense for Ariel…. especially with a fence made up of pointed posts! He is describing a highly destructive offensive attack that He will use to completely wipe Ariel out!

As verse 5 states; the extreme intensity of this attack will cause the inhabitants to become like chaff that is passing away!

Notice in your dictionary, the 2nd meaning of palisade!!! : A row of mountains or steep cliffs associated with being alongside coastlines…. This clearly is the applicable meaning, and defines exactly how “mutstsab” was used in this scripture! It harmonizes perfectly with the intended definition of “mount” as being a “lofty promontory.” Whether a translation uses mount or palisade, the true meaning is exactly the same!

You should now see why this chapter has remained sealed up, and never properly understood. When the words mount and palisade are not used in the proper sense, it changes the predator’s identity, entirely! A military attack matches men’s blinded assumption that Ariel represents the literal city of Jerusalem, or a literal religious organization. A fence with pointed posts offers no offensive threat whatsoever!

The definition of a siege is: a prolonged preparation for an eventual attack. Listen!….Here are the facts concerning the siege works God has prepared for Ariel in this always misunderstood scripture: Constant underwater earthquakes that are presently set in motion, will ignite volcanic eruptions causing mountains to fall into the ocean in God’s preordained strategic areas!! (Revelation 8:8)

In 2004 and later in Japan we saw the incredible power of waves generated by underwater earthquakes. A mountain falling into the ocean will create many times more energy!
Would Jesus make comments without insight, or use examples without meaning? At Mark 11:23 and Mathew 21:21 Jesus prophetically said; “If you have faith and say to this mountain, be lifted up and cast into the sea, it will happen.”

So, what will vacate the areas God has chosen for paradigmatic Jerusalem and cause Ariel to become so low she will speak from the very earth? Mega Tsunami!!! This is exactly why verse 5 states: “And it must occur in an instant, suddenly!”
Psalms 46:2, 3, puts the very moment into a reality.

“Therefore we will not be afraid, though the earth trembles and the mountains topple into the depths of the seas, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with its uproar.”

Verse 6 describes the dynamic commotion that’s in store for many coastlines! “From Jehovah of armies you will have attention with thunder and with quaking and with a great sound, storm wind and tempest, and the flame of a devouring fire.”

Many skeptics might say, “A devouring fire doesn’t sound like waves of water.” The devouring fire statement represents total destruction! Have you seen the tangled mess after a Tsunami?

Verses 7 & 8 foretell that people will not understand or believe this highly cryptic prophecy! To those who put their trust in their countries and continue to follow men’s teachings, this vision of the initial stage of God’s salvation plan will sound like only a dream! They will not believe that God will use a Tsunami to clear out places where people will reside under God’s protection and presence, while the coming tribulation is raging in all other locations.

As verse 8 forecasts: A crowd from the nations (Gog of Magog) will eventually wage war against these areas that will be overlooked by Mount Zion. They will however, come to their end, with no helper. (Daniel 11:44, 45)

Verse 9 confirms the fact that men’s structured religious organizations will never understand this prophecy! It states their thinking is similar to being in a drunken stupor. They are intoxicated, but not because of liquor. Verses 10-13 explain why!
“For upon you men Jehovah has poured a spirit of deep sleep, and he closes your eyes, the prophets, and he has covered even your heads, the visionaries.”
“For you men this whole vision is nothing but words sealed in a scroll. And if you give the scroll to someone who can read, and say to him, ‘read this please,’ he will answer, ‘I can’t, it is sealed.”
“Or if you give it to someone who cannot read, and say, ‘read this please,’ he will answer, ‘I don’t know how to read.”
These scriptures are illustrating just how highly cryptic this sealed up information really is! There is no doubt these scriptures have been read millions of times by eyes that cannot see.

Verse 13 explains why God has put them in a deep sleep.
“The LORD says: These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship of me is made up only of commandments taught by men.”

The real identity of Ariel; how it will be destroyed, and the reason for its destruction, could never be understood until the musterion itself is understood! This information is prophesied to come in a very discreet manner from someone crying out in the wilderness!! And only at the proper time! It will not come from any man-made religion! Men have made a complete mockery of this extremely important chapter. The scriptures we just read, have explained that God Himself has caused their blindness!
As the chapter continues, it begins to explain the very events that will take place in the desolated places of Ariel. The following scriptures that describe the teaching and learning activities leaves no doubt that you have just learned the true facts about Ariel…. facts that God has kept hidden for centuries!

Verses 18, 19, 22-24: “And in that day, the deaf ones will certainly hear the words of the book and out of the gloom and out of the darkness even the eyes of the blind ones will see.”
“And the meek ones will certainly increase their rejoicing in Jehovah himself, and even the poor ones of mankind will be joyful in the Holy One of Israel himself.”
“Therefore this what Jehovah has said to the house of Jacob, he that redeemed Abraham. ‘Jacob will not now be ashamed, nor will his own face now grow pale; for when he sees his children, the work of my hands, in the midst of him, they will sanctify my name, and they will certainly sanctify the Holy One of Jacob, and the God of Israel they will regard with awe.”
“And those who are erring in their spirit will actually get to know understanding, and even those who are grumbling will learn instruction.”

These events are describing the sacred secret of God, and the most glorious time in the history of mankind! It will be a time of wonderful things for both God and His consecrated people. (Daniel 12:1-6) Many prophecies that have been in darkness will come to fruition and be fulfilled. All of the prophets spoke about this amazing time of wonders that will reveal the bride of Christ and prepare the virgin Israel for life under the rule of God’s Kingdom.

The same breach of Jerusalem that is represented through Ariel is further high-lighted in Isaiah 22. It allows us to peer directly into the vision of the future through the eyes of antiquity!
Verses 1-3 “The pronouncement of the valley of the vision. ‘What is the matter with you, then, that you have gone up in your entirety to the roofs?”
“With turmoil you were full, a boisterous city, an exultant town. Your slain ones are not those slain with the sword, nor those dead in battle.”
“All your dictators themselves have fled at one time. Without need of a bow they have been taken prisoner. All those of you who have been found have been taken prisoner together. Far off they have run away.”

Verse 5: “For it is the day of confusion and of down treading and of confounding that the Sovereign LORD, Jehovah of armies, has in the valley of the vision. There is the demolisher of the wall and the cry to the mountain.”

Right away a clue to what’s coming is given. Why are the residents on their housetops?….Because the news is out, a mountain has fallen into the ocean many miles away! The slain ones will not be victims of a military attack or any type of invasion carried out by men. Something else is the adversary! The people will be fleeing from a Tsunami that is roaring across the oceans! For the many who claim this prophecy is about the literal city of Jerusalem, we must remember; that city is in a hilly region, and is 2,550 feet above sea level. Verse 7 states that it will occur in the choicest places of our low plains. As we all know, coastlines are considered among the choicest areas in the world.

Verse 9 says we will certainly see the many breaches of the city of David. Once again, this scripture is using the example of Jebus to confirm the hidden fact; this prophecy is a vision of the actual clearing out of locations before they become paradigmatic Jerusalem. God will then gather his choices of people to these desolated locations and they will rebuild the ruins and learn His ways through teachers that are presently unknown to them.
Verse 8 makes a statement that actually refers to the revealing of these currently hidden instructors, by stating: “the screen of Judah will be removed.” Hebrews 7:11-14 explains a hard to imagine fact…. God’s chosen teachers…. that He refers to as the house of Judah…. have not officiated at the altars of men!! Isaiah 33:19 also describes these humble leaders…. no falsehoods will be found in their mouths.

Verses 16, 17 & 18 describe how God will not allow any undesirable residents who will flee from the scene of this holocaust to return. When The Almighty God has plans, men will not interfere! He will wrap them up like a tight ball and hurl them forcibly! Verses 19 & 20 explain how it will occur in that day…. He will push the rich nobles out of their position, and bring in His teachers, represented in this similitude as Eliakim. This name means: “God will raise up.” The character Eliakim harmonizes with the 2 witnesses in the futuristic 11th chapter of Revelation.

Verses 21 & 22: “And I will clothe him with your robe, and your sash I shall firmly bind about him, and your dominion I shall give into his hand, and he must become a father to the inhabitant of Jerusalem and to the house of Judah.”

During this time period, Romans 8:19 will be fulfilled. “For the eager expectation of the creation is waiting for the revealing of the sons of God.”
God’s people will experience the actual fulfillment of the many scriptures that have declared; “I will give you houses you didn’t build and vineyards you didn’t plant.” In the cities of Judah, God will be in their midst, and His reward will be with Him! (Isaiah 40:9-11) (Read Amos 9:14,15 for confirmation)

We can learn even more about the fabulous musterion of God, in the great book of hidden secrets, Zephaniah. The meanings of the words God uses are always significant, and never fail to provide insight into His true meanings. The definition of the name Zephaniah is especially intriguing, it means: hidden by Jehovah.

The prophecy in Zephaniah is a great example of the various ways each prophet explains the identical salvation plan that God declared to them. The book of Zephaniah will substantiate and reconfirm the same hidden facts we have learned in Isaiah.

Even though some of the scriptures will clearly reveal it was written about the final days, you will see how the backdrop of ancient places and peoples has cleverly kept its true meaning unknown for centuries. As usual, its disguise is primarily secured by the false front of literal Jerusalem. The literal eyes of men are totally blinded by the word Jerusalem. As prophesied, the sacred secret will never be heard from the altars. (Isaiah 17:7, 8) But as Jesus said at Mark 4:22, 23 “For there is nothing hidden except for the purpose of being exposed, nothing has become carefully concealed but for the purpose of coming into the open. Whoever has ears to listen, let him listen.”

As the book of Zephaniah opens, The Almighty God is aroused! He begins to declare that destruction is on the way for the inhabitants of Jerusalem. All those who have not sought or inquired of Him are bowing down in prayer to Him on their roofs. If this prophecy is talking about the literal city of Jerusalem, why would people have to be on their rooftops? Would a Tsunami be a threat to a city that is over 2,500 feet above sea level? The fact is; this prophecy is explaining the same urgent situation and event we have just learned about in Isaiah 29 & 22. The nobles are on their rooftops in the choicest places of the low plains (coastlines) only moments before the breach of Ariel begins!

Verse 7 sets the time period and reveals something God will do before the destruction takes place. “Keep silence before the Sovereign LORD, for the day of Jehovah is near. He has prepared a sacrifice. He has sanctified His invited ones.”
Before the devastating waves hit Ariel, God will have made His choices of people that will be the teachers in the areas that will become His altar hearth. As the parable Jesus used at Mathew 22:3-5 reveals; many invited guests will not come! Many will not leave their homes, their land and businesses. This future situation brings to light why he said, “Thus, you may be sure, none of you that do not say good-bye to all his belongings can be my disciple.” (Luke 14:33)

For those who might be wondering; “What will I have to do to be among the invited ones that will have the opportunity to experience the parousia of Christ?” Psalms 15 provides the answer.
“O Jehovah, who will be a guest in your tent? Who will reside in your holy mountain?”
“He who is walking faultlessly and practicing righteousness and speaking the truth in his heart.”
“He has not slandered with the tongue. To his companion he has done nothing bad, and no reproach has he taken up against his intimate acquaintance.”
“In his eyes anyone contemptible he has rejected, but those fearing Jehovah he honors.” 

You may have noticed there is nothing mentioned about one’s ancestry, nationality, race or what religion they belong to. All the qualifications are matters of the heart!

Verse 10: “And there must occur on that day, is the utterance of Jehovah, ‘the sound of an outcry from the fish gate, and a howling from the second quarter, and a great crashing from the hills.”
Remember, this is a book of future events that has been written under the pretense of ancient places and ancient peoples. When the great crashing from the hills occurs and tsunami waves are roaring toward heavily populated coastlines, there will be mass hysteria indeed!

Verse 11: “Howl you inhabitants of Maktesh, for all the people who are tradesman have been silenced; all those weighing out silver have been cut off!”
Many of the world’s most luxurious places are on coastlines and are occupied by the rich and famous. All those who place the value of possessions above God, will be removed.

In verse 12 God declares He will carefully search Jerusalem with lamps. In other words, He will make sure none of the people who care nothing about Him, remain in the areas of Ariel. As the scriptures at Isaiah 13:2, 3 foretell; the entrances of the nobles will be cleared and readied for the invited ones. The rest of the 1st chapter confirms that the wealth of the current residents will be pillaged by the invited ones as the great day of the LORD approaches.

The 2nd chapter begins with God admonishing his invited ones to gather together, so they can be concealed before the day of His wrath comes upon them. Verse 4 actually tells his people where they will need to go……metaphorically.
“Gaza will be abandoned and Ashkelon left in ruins. At midday Ashdod will be emptied and Ekron uprooted.”

These cities symbolize the locations of the cities of Israel, where the future paradigmatic Jerusalem will be built. They are shown in their abandoned state, after their unrighteous occupants have been killed or chased out. The cities God uses in this ambiguous manner have certainly fulfilled His intentions of keeping this prophecy hidden until the proper time! These cities are used as metaphors for the actual places because they are on coastlines, and also because they were longtime enemies of Israel in the ancient world.

Verse 5: “Woe to you who live by the sea, O Kerethite people; the word of the LORD is against you, O Canaan, land of the Philistines. I will destroy you, and none will be left.”
This scripture is echoing the same breach of Isaiah 29 & 22. The terminology of antiquity has blinded men for centuries.

Verse 6: “And the region of the sea must become pasture grounds, with wells for shepherds and stone pens for sheep.”
This is a very revealing and confirming scripture! This is where the shepherds, who have been found agreeable to God’s heart, will teach His sheep, the house of Jacob. (Jeremiah 3:15) In islands and lands by the sea, paradigmatic Jerusalem will become a reality. The knowledge of Jehovah that will eventually cover the earth will, at that time, have its beginning! (Isaiah 32:20)

Verse 7: “And it must become a region for the remaining ones of the house of Judah. Upon them they will feed. In the houses of Ashkelon, in the evening, they will lie stretched out. For Jehovah their God will turn his attention to them and certainly gather back the captive ones of them.”

Every deserving person who has been captivated by the false teachings of men will have the opportunity to learn God’s true ways. They will be fed spiritual food, by righteous men who are currently unknown. Only God knows the identities of the teachers He terms “the house of Judah.” This is why one of the meanings of Ariel is; “A place of a gathering of food.” Another one of Ariel’s root meanings reveals itself here also. “The lion of God” is represented by the house of Judah and its leader of the word during this time period, Jesus Christ. We can read about the ones who will possess the commander’s staff at Genesis 49:1, 8, 9, 10.

The rest of the chapter describes how God will devastate the thresholds of His people’s captors. He will lay bare the false teachings of those who now sit in security and say “I am, and there is nobody else.” When their captors become an object of astonishment, God’s people will then turn their attention to the exodus and inherit and plunder the devastated regions of the sea. (Isaiah 32:13-20)

In the 3rd chapter we can begin to see another meaning of Ariel emerge; “The heart of God.” “Jehovah your God is in the midst of you. As a mighty One he will save. He will become silent in his love. He will be joyful over you with happy cries.”

These heart touching scriptures should truly excite the type of person who will flourish in the Jerusalem God will create in the most luxuriant places on earth. The beautiful regions of the sea will be the places Israel’s original “promised land” foreshadowed!! (Romans 4:13) Abraham’s descendants will be obedient lovers of God just as he was. After their exodus from the tribulation and escape from their religious captivity, the house of Jacob will rebuild the desolated lands by the sea, as God prepares them for life under His Kingdom’s rule! (Luke 1:33) Eventually their numbers will greatly multiply, fulfilling God’s promise to Abraham that he would be a father to all nations.

Remember the changes Paul said would take place after the arrival of faith in Christ… .Regardless of all other factors, all people seeking righteousness are now one in union with Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:29 identifies something that everyone who will be gathered together for Christ’s 2nd coming, will have in common. “Moreover, if you belong to Christ, you are really Abraham’s seed, heirs with reference to a promise.”
The last verse in Zephaniah describes the beginning of the fulfillment of that promise!
“At that time I shall bring you people in, even in the time of my collecting you together. For I shall make you people to be a name and a praise among all the peoples of the earth, when I gather back your captive ones before your eyes, Jehovah has said.”

The events of Zephaniah are re-emphasized and vividly described in the 36th chapter of Ezekiel. Once again however, the backdrop of ancient Israel has disguised the wonderful future God has declared for those who will become His new creation of Israel in the final days. This veil has remained secure because of His people’s inability to recognize their own current worship flaws, and accept their need for change.

Many of those who will be the recipients of God’s final salvation apply their own future cleansing that’s explained in this prophecy, to people whose errors occurred over 3000 years ago. Ezekiel 36:24-27 describes the changes that will take place in the future cities of the virgin Israel.
“And I will take you out of the nations and collect you together out of all the lands and bring you in upon your soil.”
“And I will sprinkle upon you clean water, and you will become clean, from all your impurities and from all your dungy idols I shall cleanse you.”
“And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I shall put inside you, and I will take away the heart of stone from your flesh, and give you a heart of flesh.”
“And my spirit I shall put inside you, and I will act so that my regulations you will walk, and my judicial decisions you will keep and actually carry out.”

The only thing that will cause the people of this world to recognize their worship flaws is the sign of Jonah. That’s why Jesus said it would be the only sign that would distinguish the end-time generation from all other generations. After the events of the sign of Jonah pummels people into the confusion of the symbolic watery deep, God’s next actions are very clearly presented to us in (Ezekiel 36:33-38.)

“This is what the Sovereign LORD Jehovah has said, ‘In the day of my cleansing you from all your errors I will also cause the cities to be inhabited, and the devastated places must be rebuilt.”
“And the desolated land itself will be cultivated, whereas it had become a desolate waste before the eyes of every passerby.”
And people will certainly say: “That land yonder which was laid desolate has become like the Garden of Eden, and the cities that were waste and were laid desolate and that were torn down are fortified; they have become inhabited.”
“And the nations that will be left remaining round about you will have to know that I myself, Jehovah, have built the things torn down, I have planted what has been laid desolate. I myself, Jehovah, have spoken and I have done it.”
“This is what the Sovereign LORD Jehovah has said, ‘This is what I shall yet let myself be searched for by the house of Israel to do for them. I shall multiply them like a flock with men.”
“Like a flock of holy persons, like the flock of Jerusalem in her festal seasons, thus the cities that had been a waste will become full of a flock of men, and people will have to know that I am Jehovah.”

The future destruction of the cities (Ariel) that will become full with flocks of people is again foretold in the 9th chapter of Jeremiah.
(Jeremiah 9:10-12) “Over the mountains I shall raise a weeping and lamentation, and over the pasture grounds of the wilderness, a dirge; for they will have been burned so that there is no man passing through and people actually will not hear the sound of livestock. Both the flying creature of the heavens and the beast will have fled, they will have gone.”

“And I will make Jerusalem piles of stones, the lair of jackals, and the cities of Judah I shall make a desolate waste without an inhabitant.”

The absolute exclusiveness of understanding what God is actually declaring and the implication that it is certainly something far different than anyone has ever imagined, is stated in the next scripture. Notice also, a very critical question is asked.
“Who is the man that is wise, that he may understand this, even the one to whom the mouth of Jehovah has spoken, that he may tell it? On what account should the land actually perish, be actually burned like the wilderness without anyone passing through?”

You should now be able to answer the most difficult question in the bible! Why will the land of Ariel become piles of stones, without people or animals? ….Because these are the devastated places God’s people will be gathered to and rebuild. These future places have been modeled in the prophecies by the ancient city of praise, Jerusalem.

In the final part of the days, God’s choices of people will come into tsunami swept areas that the 18th chapter of Isaiah calls “Lands of whirring insects with wings.” Men’s attempts to explain this very enigmatic statement have been ridiculous to say the least! It’s actually describing the buzzing sound of all the types of flies, gnats and insects over the dead bodies of both people and animals that God’s people will encounter upon their arrival in Ariel’s devastated places. This grotesque sight will not provide an initial time of joy, however the events after the cleanup certainly will!

As Zephaniah and Isaiah have explained, the house of Jacob will feed on the truthful knowledge of the house of Judah like calves or babes, in the abandoned pasture grounds of the wilderness.

As Isaiah 60:5 says; “At that time you will see and certainly become radiant, and your heart will certainly quiver and expand, because to you the wealthiness of the sea will direct itself, the very resources of the nations will come to you.”

God’s people who “hasten to the spoil” will inherit houses they didn’t build, and vineyards they didn’t plant. The oceans will supply never-ending quantities and quality of food! (Remember the pattern when Jesus fed thousands) Many people who have been underprivileged their entire lives…. will pillage and plunder the former occupants high quality lifestyles! They will live a life they never knew was possible, as the promises in God’s word are fulfilled.

Isaiah 33:23, 24 confirms: “At that time even spoil in abundance will have to be divided up, the lame ones themselves will actually take a big plunder. And no resident will say; “I am sick.” The people that are dwelling in the land will be those pardoned for their error.”

Their hearts will certainly quiver and expand as they experience God’s love and learn His true ways. This preparation for life under the rule of God’s kingdom will be guided and directed by God himself through his anointed king, Jesus Christ. (Revelation 21: 3-5)

As the fabulous 31st chapter of Jeremiah declares concerning this time period; “eating the unripe grape will stop!” Men’s constant practice of saying they are now fulfilling prophecies that will actually be fulfilled after Ariel is devastated, will no longer occur!

Many will say an exodus into areas controlled by God’s spirit sounds too good to be true. However, to become steadfast in the reality…. the only thing anyone has to do…. is read! If you believe God’s word is truth, try it! For example, read God’s comments about paradigmatic Jerusalem at Zechariah 2:5.
“And I myself shall become to her,” is the utterance of Jehovah, “a wall of fire all around, and a glory is what I shall become in the midst of her.”

It’s almost impossible to turn to any page in the prophets and not have some parts of God’s salvation plan right in front of your eyes! Yet because today’s leaders have applied all the prophecies to their own current religion or in other cases…. to people whose ancestors were only the example for the final days…. their wonderful future in paradigmatic Jerusalem has never been understood.
1st Corinthians 10:11 explains how ancient Israel was merely an example of the final salvation of God’s people. “Now these things went on befalling them as examples, and they were written for a warning to us upon whom the ends of the systems of things have arrived.”

We must not forget, Jesus died in order for a change to take place. Since that time all people, Jew, Greek or otherwise, will have the same opportunities to become part of the virgin Israel the prophecies are really talking about. Many people will be fortunate enough to be alive during the beginnings of the holy cities, while many others will be recipients of the promised resurrections. And as Revelation 11:11, 12 indicates, the ones chosen to rule with Christ Jesus will also experience the fruition of their reward, after their teaching work is completed.

Many people today know about the coming new system on earth, but they are totally unaware of the events that will take place before God’s kingdom actually begins to rule. They are taught that being a member in a religion will be like an ark of safety…. and have no answer to, or concern about the vital question presented at Jeremiah 9:12.

When their ark of safety sinks, the people who have continued to put their trust in them…. will be thrown overboard, into the massive confusion of the watery deep! When this occurs, the faith of every devout person will be put to the test!

Who will turn their backs to men’s idols of untruth and look directly to The Father…. just as Jonah and Jesus did? Who will follow the Word…. and walk on the waters of the deep?

Now…. because we have gained the irrefutable true understanding of Ariel, all those who will have the faith to walk on the water with Jesus can be on the watch for a marked event! How long will the sword of Jehovah stay quiet?

“How can it stay quiet, when Jehovah himself has given a command to it? It is for Ashkelon and for the coast of the sea. There is where he has designated it to be.” (Jeremiah 47:7)

Isaiah 52:9,10 “Become cheerful, cry out joyfully in unison, you devastated places of Jerusalem; for Jehovah has comforted his people; he has repurchased Jerusalem.”
“Jehovah has bared his holy arm before the eyes of all the nations; and all the ends of the earth must see the salvation of our God.”