The 6th Thunder: T R U S T

Trust is one of the most important words in the English language. Before trust can be established, a firm belief in the honesty, truth, justice, or power of a person or thing must first exist. Therefore trust is the most vital component in all successful relationships.

It is the absolute foundation that allows us to rely and depend upon things that complete and enrich our lives. Making proper decisions concerning where to place our trust is critical to everyone. We have all no doubt, experienced the deflating disappointment when something or someone we had determined was completely trustworthy turned out to be false to their claims.

Our world today is full of deceptive falsehoods and devious people who continually entrap the trust of many good people. Everyone is aware of this, however very few take the time to evaluate their own circumstances. When it comes to religious practices, the traditional teachings that parents have handed down to us are seldom investigated. Too many take the attitude portrayed at Isaiah 30:10 who has said to the ones seeing, “You must not see, and to the ones having visions, you must not envision for us any straight forward things. Speak to us smooth things, envision deceptive things.”

Very few realize the bible emphatically teaches that an end-time truth will be launched into the face of the world immediately preceding the start of the tribulation events. The truth that will provide the world with convincing evidence of the things coming is described in the words of Jesus at (John 16:8, 13.) The big questions are; who will recognize it and who will trust in it.

The people of today’s world will be confronted with the identical choice that faced people in the days of Jesus. The people in that day were told by John the Baptist they had to repent or change their traditional thinking because the promised Messiah was about to make his appearance. By partaking in his water baptism, they showed their trust and willingness to discard their former ways of thinking and accept new and different teachings. They did this simply because his words had a ring of truth that could not be denied. He exposed the high and mighty temple leaders with their self-appointed reverent positions for the frauds they really were. His dynamic irrefutable manner caused quite a disturbance among the religious elite to say the least! (Matthew 3:1-11)

When Jesus came onto the scene, he heightened the attack on these self-indulging men, by further exposing their greed and lack of genuine love. A few listened to the different sounding words of John and Jesus and departed from their traditional teachings…. most did not. We would all like to think if we had lived in that time period, we would have had the insight to recognize the Word of God, and put trust in the ones whom He sent forth. When the sealed up information in the 7 thunders hits the world scene, this pattern will be played out…. once again!

There will be many devout people inside the gates of religious systems that will absolutely abhor this statement. This fact undermines every trusted teaching that exists throughout today’s world. At first it will appear laughable to them, without hesitation they will indignantly say, “Truth has already arrived, for there is no truth beyond the teachings of my religion.” They will be completely content to remain under the influence of their handed down, intoxicated teachings. But…. as this convincing evidence of the things coming continues to go forth conquering and begins to complete its conquest, some will become extremely agitated.

Amos 5:10 describes this future situation: “In the gate they have hated a reprover, and a speaker of perfect things they detest.”

If you have read the previous five thunders, you have been exposed to scriptural evidence explaining end-time places and events that you had never before heard. (Acts 17:20) If the end-time instructional knowledge did not present things that are new and different, why would God say at Acts 17:30 that all mankind everywhere should now repent or make a turnaround in their thinking? In the 3rd chapter of 2nd Peter, he states; “I am arousing your clear thinking faculties by way of a reminder.”

With this thought in mind, let’s review the previous thunders and see how each one provides critical end-time knowledge that will prepare clear thinking people for their coming salvation. We need to realize that each subject and its sequential presentation, enables us to recognize God’s future actions. Understanding these actions step by step will allow us to remain steadfast during their completion. As we are awaiting these things, the words at 2nd Peter 3:17, 18 explains the manner of people we ought to be in holy acts of conduct and deeds of Godly devotion.

“You, therefore, beloved ones, having this advance knowledge, be on your guard that you may not be led away with them by the error of the law-defying people and fall from your own steadfastness.”
“No, but go on growing in the undeserved kindness and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity.”

In the first thunder we learned where the knowledge in advance or food at the proper time will be heard. The scriptural fact that it will be presented from someone calling out in the wilderness and not from the altars of men’s religions was no doubt a shocking revelation to people who sincerely trust the bible as truth! The people who trust the teachings of men would consider this fact to be ridiculous and completely ignore or try to twist the prophecy at Isaiah 17:7-14. This prophecy for the last days, relates the story of how all of men’s altars now pillage and plunder God’s people of every cent possible. When the events of the tribulation begin, they will become like chaff before the wind or a thistle whirl before a storm wind. This prophecy does not stand alone it actually harmonizes with many others throughout the bible.

When Jesus was asked by his disciples to state the signs of the end of this age, the first thing he said was; “Look out that nobody misleads you.” In order for us not to be misled by the many who teach falsehoods, a way would first have to exist for us to follow. In other words, the only thing that will prevent us from going down the broad and spacious road to destruction, is finding the narrow and cramped road that will lead us to life. (Matthew 7:13-15) The most important aspect of our lives will be finding that narrow road, or the advanced knowledge of the events that will lead us to God’s hidden salvation plan. Once we recognize this knowledge as the way, we must trust it!

In order to find it, we first must know where to look. This is why Jesus closed his signs of the time remarks in the 24th chapter of Mathew in a manner that should cause any truth seeker…. pause for thought! “Who really is the faithful and discreet slave whom his master appointed over his domestics, to give them their food at the proper time?” The proper time would not be many, many years before the tribulation begins, as some have taught. In order to create the proper urgency and generate the attention of all people, it would need to occur immediately preceding the first event! It will occur very similar to the bible’s pattern. When the promised Messiah finally appeared on the world scene, his recognition was initially made possible by the preparatory teachings of the forerunner, John the Baptist. Immediately before the events begin that will end this system and bring on Christ’s rule, a similar enlightenment of the things coming will again go forth. In the 5th chapter of the prophetic book of Zechariah this vital end-time truth is termed “the ephah measure.”

This ephah measure represents the proper portion of God’s word that will provide the knowledge necessary to escape the imminent tribulation and become part of His salvation plan. By providing a clear worded synopsis God allows everyone an equal opportunity to recognize the events of the final days.

As we all know, the bible in its entirety can be like a big chunk of tough meat, hard to chew and very easy to choke on. A smaller dose consisting of clearly explained information pertinent to end-time problems and solutions is exactly what people will need. The fulfillment of this prophesied provision exemplifies the justness and fairness of our wonderful Creator.

The 2nd thunder emphasized the fast from false teachings that must take place. It presented an important step we must take on the highway that leads straight to our God. After we recognize the end-time words of the promised ephah measure…. Jesus’ statement; “We must not put new wine into old wine skins” will confront each of our lives. Truth and lies should not be mixed!

Remember the words of John the Baptist; “Look! There goes the Lamb of God who will take away the sins of the world, therefore repent!”
This same decision of change will confront each one of us immediately preceding the events of the tribulation. We can re-align our thinking to the now revealed musterion or flounder in the depths of men’s lies.

The 3rd thunder presented the curse and downfall of the men who are stealing from God’s people…. not only monetarily but also spiritually…. by making sworn oaths in God’s name falsely. A detailed description of how the flying scroll of the ephah will drop a lid on the mouth of the harlot is related in the 5th chapter of Zechariah. Listen, as an angel explains to the prophet exactly how the end-time truths will go forth and pronounce a curse on false teachings.

“Then I raised my eyes again and saw; and, look! a flying scroll.” “Then he said to me: ‘This is the curse that is going forth over the surface of all the earth, because everyone that is stealing, according to it on this side, has gone free of punishment; and everyone making a sworn oath, according to it on that side, has gone free of punishment.”
“I have caused it to go forth, is the utterance of Jehovah of armies. And it must enter into the house of the thief and into the house of the one making a sworn oath in my name falsely; and it must lodge in the midst of his house and exterminate it and its timbers and its stones.”
“Then the angel who was speaking with me went forth and said to me: “Raise your eyes, please, and see what this is that is going forth.”
“So I said: “What is it?” In turn he said: “This is the ephah measure that is going forth.” And he went on to say: “This is their aspect [iniquity] in all the earth.”
“And, look! the circular lid of lead was lifted up; and this a certain woman sitting in the midst of the ephah.” “So he said: “This is Wickedness.” And he proceeded to throw her back into the midst of the ephah, after which he threw the lead weight upon its mouth.” (Men’s foolish explanations of this prophecy have been too many to number!)

The confused state of mind people will be in after the mouth of their trusted false teachings has been shut was related to us through the sign of Jonah. This was the first time the real meaning of the sign Jesus said would have major impact, had been properly explained.

In the 4th thunder we learned about the solution to that confusion, God’s true salvation plan. We learned how this plan has been a sacred secret hidden in the prophets for centuries awaiting the proper time for God to reveal it. It was revealed strictly through a scriptural presentation, absolutely devoid of any man’s opinion!

We should now understand many details of how God is going to prepare every deserving person for life under the rule of His promised Kingdom. Before His righteous Kingdom can rule this earth, He must destroy men’s unrighteous ways of governing and eliminate false worship! (Isaiah 34:1, 2) (Isaiah 40:15, 17) Many people understand and agree with this fact. However the overlooked and never considered factor is; How will God institute and unify worship that will be designed and governed by Him! By explaining the musterion, or the sacred secret of God, the 4th thunder revealed the answer to this question!

Men have developed many different schemes and twisted many scriptures to match their own desires for how their salvation will be carried out. (2nd Peter 3:16) Because of this, many people today are awaiting an event they have termed, the rapture. This event consists of a vanishing act that will magically transform them from a fleshly body into a spirit creature that will immediately fly off to heaven enabling them to miss the tribulation. As Paul explained, nothing like this will take place until the last trumpet. By twisting Paul’s comments concerning the promised resurrections, and using scriptures that in truth refer to the end-time exodus, they have conjured up a theory that will enable them to become a spirit creature without experiencing death. Does it make sense that death could be by-passed before; “death is swallowed up forever?”

Men’s rapture theory is a cunningly devised fable (2nd Peter 1:16) and completely makes every word the prophets spoke null and void!
Ironically, the original lie the serpent told Eve was: “If you eat of the tree of life, you will not die, but you will become like God.” If you are one of the many who trust in this ear-tickling fable, similar to the way Eve did, read 1st Corinthians 15:34-36. These scriptures clearly reveal that: “A fleshly body cannot become a spiritual body, unless first it dies!” Even Jesus had to experience death before he departed this earth…. why should we expect something better than he received??

This widely taught theory has been contrived around the belief that people are actually made up of 2 different entities. They teach that a human being has some sort of invisible spirit within himself. They say the body dies, but this ghostly thing is immortal and never dies. (Ezekiel 18:4) Is this theory of man having an immortal spirit a scriptural fact…. or is it another fable spawned from the original serpent’s forked tongue? Here’s another irony, Webster says: Fables are fictitious stories often told by animals who can talk.

There are some people who have salvation theories much closer to truth. They understand that a person is a soul and does not have one. They know that the Israel of prophecy is totally distinct from the prototypical ancient Israel. They also clearly understand that God’s Kingdom will someday rule the earth. (Daniel 2:44) They do not however, understand each step God will take in order to make that kingdom a reality.

The members of this world’s most knowledgeable religions confidently revere their men-designed organizations in a manner similar to bowing down to a golden calf. This statement is not a biased opinion. The fact that men’s religious organizations will set themselves up to become like molten statues and will be idolized by their innocent members…. is prophesied to occur! Most religions are primarily based on dramatized emotion however there are a few that are more reliant on actual study. These need to intently study the seldom considered but very clear scriptures at Hosea 13:1-3.
“When Ephraim spoke there was trembling; he himself carried weight in Israel. But he proceeded to become guilty in regard to Baal and die.”
“And now they commit additional sin and make for themselves a molten statue from their silver, idols according to their own understanding, the work of craftsman, all of it.” To them they are saying, “Let the sacrificers who are men kiss mere calves.”
“Therefore they will become like the clouds of morning and like the dew that early goes away; like the chaff that is stormed away from the threshing floor and like smoke from the roof hole.”

Neither the exalted leaders of today’s religious organizations nor their trusting sacrificers, currently have any concept of the ephah measure or what it represents. When the fulfillment of the sign of Jonah begins and their idolized golden calf becomes mere splinters, (Hosea 8:4-6) some will realize the flying scroll that God has caused to go forth, (Zechariah 4:6, 7) warrants their attention. The seven thunders of the ephah will provide solutions for their confused state of mind and direct their steps to the salvation plan their trusted golden calf knew nothing about.

The end-time prophecies of Hosea that are set under the pretense of ancient lingo, explains many things about God’s people in the last days. The last scripture of the book reveals the importance of understanding Ephraim’s identity today, and certainly establishes the fact; it is not meaningless history!

(Hosea 14:7-9) “They will again be dwellers in His shadow. They will grow grain, and will bud like the vine. His memorial will be like the wine of Lebanon.”
“Ephraim will say, ‘What do I have to do any longer with the idols?”
“I myself shall certainly give an answer and I shall keep looking on him. I am like a luxuriant juniper tree. From Me must fruit for you be found.”
“Who is wise, that he may understand these things? Discreet, that he may know them? For the ways of Jehovah are upright, and the righteous are the ones who will walk in them; but the transgressors are the ones who will stumble in them.”

As we think about the tremendous amount of light provided in the 4th thunder, we should realize the 5th thunder revealed the events that will create actual places for the gathering of God’s people. Without the advanced knowledge contained in His promised ephah measure, no one would know anything about the coming exodus to the true altar of God. (Matthew 19:29) But now, because the thunderous information in the ephah, has gone forth, the opportunity to have food at the proper time has arrived! The world-wide famine described at Amos 8:11 can begin to end for those who listen. A plummet line has now been established that will enable us to stop trusting in altars that are mere impostors, because now we know how God will present His true altar! (Isaiah 56:7) Did John see a vision of the seven thunders going forth in Revelation? Yes!

As the 5th chapter of Revelation begins, the Almighty God has a book or scroll in His right hand that is sealed tight with seven seals. The question is heard, “who is worthy to open the scroll and loose its seals?” A conclusive answer is quickly given; “Look! The Lion that is of the tribe of Judah has conquered and proven he is worthy to open the scroll and its seven seals.” The Lamb of God having seven eyes, which [eyes] mean the seven spirits of God that will be sent forth into the whole earth, took the scroll from the right hand of his Father.” (Revelation 5:6)

This sealed up information is now in the hands of the one who will execute The Almighty God’s end-time proclamations! What will actually take place when the Lamb opens the first seal, and how will we know it has occurred?
In the beginning of the 6th chapter of Revelation, as John saw the Lamb open the 1st seal, he heard a voice as of thunder, and saw a white horse. The one seated upon it had a bow, and a crown was given him, and he went forth conquering and to complete his conquest.

This is the only seal that is accompanied by a voice like thunder as it is opened. This indicates very pertinacious words are about to be heard! Remember the bible’s very consistent patterns, as Amos 3:7 states; God’s future actions were always told to the prophets! Immediately Amos 3:8 describes exactly what takes place when the Lion of the tribe of Judah opens the 1st seal. “There is a lion that has roared! Who will not be afraid? The Sovereign Lord Jehovah has spoken! Who will not prophesy?”

Since the real meaning of the opening of this seal has been twisted by men in many different ways, let’s allow additional scriptures to further explain the true identity and quest of the one seated upon the white horse. The many scripture twisters fail to understand that the short quips of symbolic visions John saw in Revelation are described in vivid detail throughout the prophets!

We will see that the rider with the bow does not represent the actual person of the lion of the tribe of Judah, as some religions have taught. Nor is it some anti-Christ figure, as many others without knowledge have taught. Pay close attention to the real identity, as explained by the prophet Zechariah!!!

The rider on the white horse is a metaphoric illustration of the end-time word Jesus will send forth before he opens the 2nd seal. This word will explain scriptures in an authoritative and irrefutable manner, revealing events never before heard. It will provide salvation information that will go to the extremity of the earth! (Isaiah 49:5-9) The currently unknown chosen ones who will recognize and eventually teach its messages are symbolically called “the house of Judah.” God will cause the Lion’s end-time Roar of the Seven Thunders to become…..A Light to the Nations!

Jesus set the pattern for this end-time prophecy when he made his prototypical ride into Jerusalem on the son of a she-ass at Zechariah 9:9. God then clearly explains what occurs at the opening of the 1st seal and the real meaning of the rider with the bow, at Zechariah 9:13, 14.

“For I will tread as my bow Judah; the bow I will fill with Ephraim, and I will awaken your sons O Zion, against your sons O Greece, and I will make you as the sword of a mighty man.” “And over them Jehovah himself will be seen, and his arrow will certainly go forth just like lightening.”

This is explaining how the crowned rider of the white horse with the bow represents the awakened end-time truth that will go forth conquering to complete the conquest against the falsehoods that dominate today’s religious teachings. As very clearly explained at (Psalms 127:4, 5) the arrows of truth will speak against the enemy in the gate! This will ignite a judgmental war of words that the bible terms as; “The Battle at the Gate.” (Isaiah 28:6) Be on the watch!!!

“Like arrows in the hand of a mighty man, so are the sons of youth. “Happy is the able-bodied man that has filled his quiver with them. They will not be ashamed, for they will speak with enemies in the gate.”
These symbolic arrows of truth will be guided by The Almighty God and pierce the lies of men just like lightning, throwing them into confusion!

(Psalms 18:13, 14) “And in the heavens Jehovah began to thunder! And the Most High himself began to give his voice. And he kept sending out his arrows, that he might scatter them. And lightnings he shot out, that he might throw them into confusion.”                                                                                                    Psalms 45 also provides a great description of the crowned rider with the bow that is now going forth to conquer the enemies of Christ Jesus!

“And in your majesty ride prosperously because of truth, humility, and righteousness; and your right hand shall teach you awesome things. Your arrows are sharp in the heart of the king’s enemies.”                              

Instead of Jesus riding into literal Jerusalem, the Word will arrive and enlighten the world about the restoration of the Jerusalem of prophecy! The Truth…. The Word…. will be riding a magnificent white stallion this time…. not the donkey used in the prototypical ride into old Jerusalem! The Truth will go forth conquering this time…. not killed! The Word will be crowned with the Glory of The Father this time…. not a crown of thorns!

All astute thinkers should be able to understand the bible’s constant use of symbols and…. play on words. There should now be no doubt in any truth seeker’s mind what really happens when Jesus opens the 1st seal!!! Do you hear the Roar of the Lion? Are you a polished arrow hidden in the quiver of God? Are you of the house of Judah?…. The doorkeeper opens to this one! (John 10:1-4)

If you study the whole scenario of this 9th chapter of Zechariah, the release of the crowned rider on the white horse will become even more vivid. It reveals how during the going forth of the end-time word, God will make His presence felt in the midst His real chosen ones. The final verse explains how the end-time truth will be like grain and new wine to the virgin ears of God’s people, causing them to thrive.

The 10th chapter of Zechariah continues to show how the flying scroll of the ephah measure will attack this world’s false shepherds and the battle that ensues!
(Zechariah 10:2-4) “For the teraphim themselves have spoken what is uncanny; and the practicers of divination, for their part, have visioned falsehood, and valueless dreams are what they keep speaking, and in vain they try to comfort. That is why they will certainly depart like a flock; they will become afflicted, because there is no shepherd.
“Against the shepherds my anger has grown hot, and against the goat like leaders I shall hold an accounting, for Jehovah of armies has turned his attention to his drove, the house of Judah, and has made them like his horse of dignity in the battle.”
“Out of him is the key man, out of him is the supporting ruler, out of him is the battle bow, out of him goes forth every taskmaster, all together.”

The 1st Seal has been opened! The Lion is roaring! The supporting ruler of the tribe of Judah is astride the magnificent white stallion! The bow of Judah will soon be armed with the arrows of Ephraim! The battle at the gate…. or the illuminated truth against the lies that have adulterated the Word of God is about to begin!!! (Read Isaiah 28:5-19)

The prophets have used several different stories and phrases that coincide with what occurs when the 1st seal is opened. As we have seen, Zechariah termed it as a flying scroll, or the ephah measure going forth.
In Daniel the hand writing on the wall announcing Babylon’s coming destruction, was “Mene, Mene, Tekel Parsin.” The interpretation was: God has numbered the days of your kingdom. You have been weighed in the balances and have been found deficient. Babylon was immediately attacked and taken over by the men God had positioned to carry out His thoughts. (Revelation 17:16, 17)
Hosea declares how God will use the knowledge found in the prophets to hew or shape His people. The sealed up seven thunders are prophesied to carry this fact out by explaining the antiquated disguise of the prophet’s real meanings. The proper understanding of the events the prophets were truly declaring will determine the end-time preparation and growth of Judah and Ephraim. Hosea 6:3-11 thoroughly explains the end-time harvest their God has fixed for them.

As the scriptures have explained, Judah is the symbolic title of the future teachers in paradigmatic Jerusalem. These Elisha types are very strong willed, intelligent truth seekers. (Mathew 11:7-10) Just as Elisha caught the cloak of Elijah, they will latch on to the flying scroll (the end-time Elijah message) and run with it!!! They will become like mighty men stamping down in the mire of the streets in the battle! (Zechariah 10:3-6) (2nd Kings 2:13, 14)

Ephraim represents people familiar with many of the bible’s basic truths, but are reluctant to turn their backs on their revered organization, which Hosea 10:1-5 calls their calf idol of Bethaven. After a period of time, the irrefutable words of truth will create big problems for men’s traditional teachings and the conflict will begin to get world-wide attention. God’s spirit will cause the previously sealed-up knowledge to have major impact on many different types of people. Ephraim will greatly multiply and join Judah as the word crowned with God’s spirit explodes upon the world scene! (Read Isaiah 11:13-16)

Jesus’ first miracle of turning water into wine was the pattern for this initial event that will be immediately followed by tribulation events! The new wine…. or new knowledge…. will allow God’s people to know every step they must take for their salvation. Remember, God does nothing without first preparing righteous people!

Many will begin to realize the errors their man-made golden calf has made. Currently their golden calf has placed itself firmly between the people and their God. Their leaders have gained this trust by causing them to believe that God works directly through their man-made organizations. Would God work through any organization that has taught one falsehood after another…. and declared events would occur on dates that never took place? Would He work through an organization that has continually picked unripe grapes from major end-time prophecies, applying them to their own trivial matters? (Isaiah 32:9, 10) Some of these applications are actually humorous, however many intelligent people continue to believe them. (1st Kings 18:27)

The 28th chapter of Isaiah tells the story of the drunkards of Ephraim, but unfortunately the guilty parties always apply it to other people. Instead of depending upon a group of men whose main focus is glorifying their organization, shouldn’t God’s Word stand alone as our mediator? Has Jesus been replaced by men?

John’s always misconstrued statement at John1:1, “The Word was God,” should be considered here. This play on the word…. Word, has led many people to conclude that the son of God and his Father who sent him, are the same individual. This statement does not mean Jesus is the Almighty God! By stating “The Word was God,” John simply meant that God is found through His Word. When we find or gain true understanding of His word…. we find God.

When Jesus opens the 1st seal, the Seven Thunder’s synopsis of truth allows the opportunity for God to be found by all, immediately before the plagues of the 2nd seal begin. Rather than continuing to give their allegiance to organizations of men that are destined for destruction, God’s people will have scriptural reasons to give their exclusive devotion directly to Him through His son, The Word. This is explained in chapters 1 & 2 of 1st John. These chapters are written directly to the people who will become cognizant of God’s salvation plan in the last hour.

If we read Zechariah 10:7-9, it will explain how symbolic Ephraim will eventually accept this new knowledge and will even be scattered like seed among the people in paradigmatic Jerusalem. First however, as Zechariah 10:11 states, they must pass through the confusion of the watery deep and strike down its waves!

After the 1st seal is opened and the knowledge of how God’s people will restore and rebuild Jerusalem goes forth, we should stop making sacrifices to our golden calf, and begin preparing to follow and obey the word of God. All religious people claim they are already obeying God, yet they are all going down different roads. The going forth of the word crowned with God’s spirit will provide the most distinct road mark this world has ever seen! As Isaiah 11:12, 13 foretells, God’s consecrated people will begin to experience a universal unity of thought never before known! Isaiah 30:21, 22 further describes these future moments.

“And your own ears will hear a word behind you saying: ‘This is the way. Walk in it you people, in case you people should go to the right or in case you should go to the left.”
“And you people must defile the overlaying of your graven images of silver and the close-fitting covering of your molten statue of gold. You will scatter them. Like a menstruating woman, you will say to it: “Mere dirt!”

The fact that God has reserved knowledge that will be heard when Jesus opens the 1st seal…. and before the plagues of the 2nd seal begin, is presented in a very straight forward manner by the prophet Isaiah. In chapter 48:5-7, God makes it very clear He will cause His people to hear new things that will not come from the molten images of their idolized golden calves!
“Before it could come in, I caused you to hear it that you might not say; ‘My own idol has done them, and my own carved image and my own molten image have commanded them.”
“You have heard. Behold it all. As for you people, will you not tell it? I have made you hear new things from the present time, even things kept in reserve, that you have not known.”
“At the present time they must be created, and not from that time, even things that before today you have not heard, that you may not say, ‘Look! I have already known them.’

All people should read these irrefutable scriptures closely and very carefully! They are explaining how people today have become worshipers of their religions rather than placing their exclusive devotion to God’s Word! Their leaders are focused on messages that will raise more money in order to beautify their cherished golden calf and provide higher salaries for themselves. Although some are more discreet than others, these same priorities exist in all.

In these scriptures, God is being very explicit in explaining that He will cause people to hear new things that their churches and organizations have not taught them! God’s declaration of this shocking reality should help all of us to clearly understand His repeated statement; “Get out of her my people!”

See you people and be amazed, for there is an activity going on in your day that you will not believe, even though your God has just explained it in these few scriptures! (Habakkuk 1:5)

One pattern for this end-time reality occurred when ancient Israel was first introduced to a set of rules which was to be their guide-lines for living a life acceptable to God. Up to that point they were not held responsible for ungodly actions. Afterwards however, ignorance was no excuse. When Moses presented the Ten Commandments, they were heavily engrossed in the worship of a golden calf they had constructed themselves. Ironically, this is the exact situation God’s people have unwittingly positioned themselves in today’s world! As the end-time commandments go forth, they are once again found totally involved and absolutely consumed with their churches, cathedrals, kingdom halls and men built organizations. Before their lives are impacted by the seven thunders their worship of man-made organizations may be overlooked. However, after the 1st seal is opened and they are exposed to the real golden liquid, their innocence will not stand. Those who refuse to believe Habakkuk’s very clear prophecy, as related in the 2nd thunder, will look on in amazement and become an object of astonishment…. when their golden calf crumbles! (Micah 6:16)

When God was speaking to the prophet Ezekiel about the time period when He would take away these idolized fortresses, the real meaning of His sarcastic remarks should now begin to be clearly understood. At Ezekiel 24:25, He calls the organizations men have built and positioned as mediators between Him and His people; the beautiful object of their exultation, the thing desirable to their eyes and the longing of their soul.

The prophet Malachi relates a similar type of situation as he describes the impact of the ephah. Throughout this similitude, God uses the language of antiquity to describe the payment required type of worship that is carried on in our world today. His denunciations are met with comments such as; “what do you mean, in what way have we done these things?” This is the exact reaction of innocence that will be heard when the flying scroll goes forth.

Because they do not understand that Malachi’s prophecy is futuristic, and have been misled concerning Israel’s true identity, the religions of today legitimately do not realize they have done anything displeasing to God. At Malachi 2:1-4 God reveals his shocking end-time actions to today’s leaders who have no clue of their polluted teachings.

“And now this commandment is to you, O priests. If you will not listen, and if you will not lay it to your heart to give glory to my name, Jehovah of armies has said, I shall send upon you the curse, and I will curse your blessings. Yes, I have even cursed the blessing, because you are not laying it to heart.” “Look! I am rebuking on your account the sown seed, and I will scatter dung upon your faces, the dung of your festivals; and someone will actually carry you away to it.”
“And you will have to know that I have sent to you this commandment.”

If you remember the scriptures we read in the 5th chapter of Zechariah, you now know that God has indeed sent forth this commandment proclaiming the curse! These scriptures confirm that the seven eyes of the plummet line, or the seven thunders contained in the flying scroll will go forth over the surface of all the earth! The golden liquid of truth will pronounce a curse on false teachings, and lodge in the midst of men’s heavily polluted, though trusted ways of worship. (Zechariah 5:3-11)

One of the effects the ephah measure will have when it’s deposited in the land of Shinar…..or dropped on a plain in Babylon, is related at Malachi 3:18. “And you people will again certainly see the distinction between a righteous one and a wicked one, between one serving God and one who has not served him.”

In our world today, a person is perceived to be serving God if he routinely attends and monetarily supports his choice of religion. Today’s emotional based worship is applauded, praised and even deemed essential by men. However if you examine the book of Malachi closely, you will see, God is dead set against all of today’s leaders who act fraudulently with the hard earned wages of their followers. Your leaders want your money……Your God wants your heart. (Isaiah 55:1) (Matthew 23:16-28)

The prophet Jeremiah uses a very different, and to the point approach. His plea to get out of men’s money driven worship after the report of the ephah measure is heard in the land, provides a very precise and urgent warning!

(Jeremiah 51:45, 46) “Get out of the midst of her, O my people, and provide each one his soul with escape from the burning anger of Jehovah.” “Or otherwise your heart will be timid, and you will become afraid because of the report that is to be heard in the land. And in one year the report will actually come, and after it in another year there will be the report and violence in the earth and ruler against ruler.”

Jeremiah 50:1-20 tells the story that will soon take place! Is God able to foretell our future through ancient events? Didn’t He say He has spoken by the prophets and multiplied visions, and used similitudes by the ministry of the prophets? (Hosea 12:10 kjv)

If we realize the information in the 50th & 51st chapters of Jeremiah, is in fact a similitude, we can easily discern its real subject is not the small area of ancient Babylon! This prophecy is describing events that will rock the whole earth, in the last days!!!

(As we study the visions and likenesses of the prophets, remember what Jesus stated at Luke 24:25. “Then Jesus said unto them, O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken.”)

The original Hebrew word used to describe what will be sent forth and heard in all the land, was “shamuwah.” This word has been rendered in various ways by today’s translations, such as: report, rumor, tidings etc. The complete English meaning of shamuwah is…. Something heard that is an announcement.

We should also pay close attention to Jeremiah’s instructions immediately after his warning. “You escapees from the sword keep going. Do not stand still. From far away remember Jehovah, and may Jerusalem herself come up into your heart.” (Jeremiah 51:50)

As the scripture says, put this fact next to your heart……… Paradigmatic Jerusalem is the solution to the day of Jacob’s trouble! Remembering Jerusalem has nothing to do with today’s literal city! God has used the lingo of ancient Jerusalem to set forth a model for the Jerusalem of prophecy! He will create the real Jerusalem when He gathers people to the desolated lands of Ariel! Under the guidance of His Spirit and the presence of His son, His people will transform the scenes of Ariel’s holocaust into the altar hearth of God!!! (Isaiah 44:26) (Isaiah 65:18) (Isaiah 62:1, 7, 11, 12) (Isaiah 29:2, 24) (Zech.1:17) (Zech. 2:4, 11-13) (Ezekiel 36:35, 38)

The 30th & 31st chapters of Jeremiah should be read by all who trust the word of our God. The 31st chapter describes and explains paradigmatic Jerusalem…. the beginning of the forgiveness of sins and the beginning of the new covenant. The 30th chapter ends with the following 2 verses describing what will take place before the wonderful events of chapter 31.

“Look! A windstorm of Jehovah, rage itself, has gone forth, an onward sweeping tempest. Upon the head of the wicked ones it will whirl.” “The burning anger of Jehovah will not turn back until he will have executed and until he will have carried out the ideas of his heart. In the final part of the days you people will give your consideration to it.”

When the Lamb of God opens the 1st seal and the flying scroll goes forth…. Who will recognize the pouring forth of the golden liquid? (Zech. 4:12) Who will trust God’s promised provision of food at the proper time……. found only in the Seven Thunders?

“For just as the pouring rain descends, and the snow, from the heavens and does not return to that place, unless it actually saturates the earth and makes it produce and sprout, and seed is actually given to the sower and bread to the eater, so my word that goes forth from my mouth will prove to be. It will not return to me without results, but it will certainly do that in which I have delighted, and it will have certain success in that for which I have sent it!” (Isaiah 55: 10, 11)

Who will follow the white horse down the narrow path…. to the Way…. the Truth….and The Life? Who will recognize the crowned rider with the bow? Who are the polished arrows concealed in the quiver of God? Who will become like a mighty man…. in the battle at the gate?

The Lion has roared! The Sovereign God has spoken! Who will not prophesy?

“And when the Lamb opened the 2nd seal, a fiery-colored horse came forth. To the one seated upon it there was granted to take peace away from the earth so that they should slaughter one another, and a great sword was given him.”

When the 2nd seal is opened, will supply a full report.

The 3rd and 4th seals will then be opened rapidly!
Wars…. Famines…. Pestilences…. and Death!
Who will be able to stand?