There have been many different opinions concerning the content of the sealed-up information that was originally stated in the Seven Thunders. Unauthorized renditions tend to be extremely vague, and do not offer the valuable end-time instruction all of God’s people need in these perilous times. It’s not difficult to realize our world is charging blindly toward the events all the prophets and Jesus himself warned would take place before the great fear-inspiring day of our God. We need answers! We need solutions! When the Lion roars…. Who will know his voice and follow? (John 10:1-10)

Because God has hidden a plan of salvation in the prophets…. as Revelation 10:7 has undeniably revealed…. our lives depend on knowing every detail of how that salvation plan will be carried out! The following information will explain why distinguishing The Authentic Seven Thunders from all others is so vital!

At Revelation 5:6, 7 Jesus receives a scroll from the right hand of his Father that is sealed tight with seven seals. Each seal represents individual events that will take place in order for Revelation 11:15 to become a reality.

“And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, THE KINGDOMS OF THIS WORLD HAVE BECOME THE KINGDOMS OF OUR LORD, AND OF HIS CHRIST; AND HE SHALL REIGN FOR EVER AND EVER.”

When Jesus opens the 1st seal of the scroll…. The Seven Thunders will once again…. Roar like a Lion! This is the initial event that will mark the beginning of God’s actions that will fulfill His sacred secret and bring in the reign of His Christ!

This should help us realize how important it is to recognize what the Seven Thunders will say! The information in The Real Seven Thunders will prepare people who trust in God for the events that will take place when Jesus opens the remaining seals. Remember, throughout the bible, God has always preceded His destructive actions with warnings. He has never failed to provide information that will give everyone an opportunity to repent or make a mental turnaround….and obey His instructions. This is why the only event that will take place when the 1st seal is opened is exclusively…. the thunderous words of God, explaining things that have been hidden for centuries! As each additional seal is opened, other types of much more physically devastating events will occur. But because the Seven Thunders have already spoken, the people who have listened will know what to expect….and exactly what to do, at the proper time. (Isaiah 51:3, 4, 11 & 52:8-12)

Each bible writer used different terminology to describe the end-time word of The Seven Thunders. Chapters 18 and 29 of Psalms calls it the thundering voice of God that will shoot out arrows of truth just like lightning, causing mass confusion in the midst of this world’s profit-hungry religions! These arrows of truth will light the lamps of individuals He delights in, rescuing them from the men of deception. He will bring them out into a symbolic roomy place where they will thrive because real truth has set them free from their yoke of bondage.

Isaiah 28 describes it as a thunderous storm of hail and powerful flooding waters that will pour into the gates of men’s religions and attack their intoxicated teachings! The report of the Seven Thunders heard in the land will be a quaking to make others understand what the spirit of truth has heard! (Isaiah 28:17-19) (John 16:13)

When the devastating plagues of the 2nd seal take peace away from the earth, Jeremiah 51:50 gives critical instruction to everyone who will be seeking God during this soon to come time of distress. This scripture clearly tells us to do something that will be explained only in the real Seven Thunders! ….”Keep the Jerusalem God will create…. in your mind and heart!” (Isaiah 65:18, 19)

Ezekiel says the report will be a portent or a sign for the peoples. Daniel laments how the people have not listened to the voice of God that He set before them by the hand of His servants the prophets…. this will change when Jesus opens the 1st seal, and the report of the Seven Thunders transforms darkness into light!

The prophet Zechariah has much to say about this light. He calls it the headstone that will bring forth shouts of grace from the peoples, and how they will rejoice in the plummet as the Seven eyes of God are roving about in all the earth. In his 5th chapter, Zechariah has a vision that gets even more specific. Aided by an angel’s explanation, he sees a flying scroll going forth over the surface of all the earth. Men have concocted many fantastic interpretations of this prophecy that truly magnifies the bible’s amazing ability to foretell the future. Zechariah’s vision actually simulates our modern era’s internet system! When the flying scroll goes forth into cyberspace, people throughout the entire world will be presented with the opportunity to study the report of the Seven Thunders and learn every step that will bring in the rule of God’s Kingdom…….at the push of a button!!!

The angel speaking with Zechariah says the flying scroll contains an ephah measure of truth that will lodge in the midst and expose the falsehoods that have stolen real truth from God’s people. Eventually, as God’s chosen teachers recognize His thunderous voice in the Seven Thunders, they will attack the lies and consume the timber….in the houses of the thieves who swear by God’s name falsely! As Isaiah 28:6 further explains: God will give strength to these chosen ones…. when they turn the battle to the gate!!

Isaiah 28 continues to give other clues that will help people recognize the real Seven Thunders. The end-time word that God has sent forth, will be presented “precept upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little.” In other words, it will not be a quick study. Recognizing the presence of the word will require a consideration of facts never before heard. (Isaiah 52:15) Therefore it will demand intense discernment of each and every precept…. line after line…. here a little, there a little. The ones who have patience, interest and insight will understand. They will be those who put their love for God and His Word first in their lives! The ones who will instruct in knowledge…. or the symbolic house of Judah, will be seekers of truth, able to detect lies, and become absolutely unwilling to continue following them!

As stated in Psalms 14:2 & 53:2; God already knows who you are! You will fulfill the end-time prophecy of Isaiah 27:6. “Jacob will take root; Israel shall blossom and bud, and fill the face of the world with fruit.” One of the main purposes of the Seven Thunders is to wean these presently hidden instructors (Isa. 30:20) from the milky repetitious teachings they have heard their entire lives. (Isa. 28:9)

The prophet Malachi quotes a statement by God everyone is familiar with. “Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD.”

Down through the years there have been many individuals who have claimed to personally represent the Elijah God promised to send. Even though their claims have proven to be very premature, their accomplishments in many different religions have brought them much personal fame and admiration. As a comparison we should recall John the Baptist’s reaction when asked if he was Elijah. “I am not Elijah, nor am I a prophet. I am the voice of one crying out in the wilderness; Make straight the way of the LORD, as said the prophet, Isaiah.” (John 1:19-23)

Here’s the facts about the Elijah God will send immediately preceding the plagues of the 2nd seal. The world that now exists during God’s end-time actions is very different, many times bigger and technically, far more advanced. But rest assured the quest will be very similar to the patterns established. The flying scroll or the end-time Elijah message, will not draw attention to any individual! Personal names will not be mentioned, nor will the pronoun “I” be used in a personalized form. The focus of the latter rain will be exclusively about the message of the Seven Thunders! The 2nd coming of the word will be absolutely free…. completely unattached from any of men’s religions….and will not interject personal opinions! The Elijah message will reveal the sacred secret of God’s hidden salvation plan, preparing all flesh to see it together! (Isaiah 40:1-5) The Seven Thunders will roar and go forth to conquer and complete the conquest when the lion of the tribe of Judah opens the 1st seal! (Revelation 6:1, 2)

The 1st seal has been opened…. The Lion is Roaring…. The Sovereign God has spoken…. Do you know the voice of the Lion? Will you tell others what has been heard? (Amos 3:8) (John 10:4) (Isaiah 28:19)