The statements made by The Almighty God at Psalms 91:14-16….reveals more about His unfathomable character than  practically any group of scriptures! These powerful scriptures should enlighten all of us to the main attribute God looks for in a person.
Because he has set his love and affection on me, I shall also provide him with escape. I shall protect him because he has come to know my name.”  “He will call upon me and I shall answer him. I shall be with him in distress. I shall rescue him and glorify him.”  “With length of days I shall satisfy him. And I shall cause him to see salvation by me.”  
You have just found a website that provides every detail of this salvation information that has been hidden in the prophets for centuries! does not represent any particular people or any individual person. Nor has it been influenced by any religion of man. You will find the statements made, are always in conjunction with scriptural reference…. And it’s absolutely free! (Revelation 22:17)
One of the reasons for this website is to help provide the wisdom that is acquired through the proper understanding of God’s word. (Proverbs 4:5-10)
Whether you have given the following scriptural facts any thought or not….God will cause an end-time teaching to come upon the world scene directly before the destructive plagues of the 2nd seal begin….and it will not come from the altars of men! (Isaiah 17:7, 8) (Isaiah 48:6, 7) (Isaiah 28:7, 8) (Matthew 24:14) (Ezekiel 12:25) (Zechariah 9:13, 14) 
The opening of the 1st seal will be a voice like thunder that will go forth to conquer and complete the conquest in a battle of God’s end-time word versus men’s long established, traditional falsehoods. (Revelation 6:1, 2) (Hosea 4:1) (Malachi 4:5) (Isaiah 28:5, 6)  
This new knowledge or new wine will be heard from the same wilderness setting as the pattern of John the Baptist. (John 16:13) (Matthew 11:10) (Isaiah 40:3-5) Remember, God will not do a thing unless He enlightens the world to the secrets He told the prophets! (Amos 3:7)
“The Lion hath roared, who will not fear? The Lord God hath spoken, who can but prophesy?” (Amos 3:8) This end-time event is presented to us in scriptural detail at Zechariah 9:13-17 and Psalms 18:13, 14.  
If you are someone who places your love and affection on God….do not dismiss as just another website.  Anyone who has an intense interest in the deep meanings of God’s word will refrain from reading only a small portion and moving on as some do. Those who desire to understand the modern-day relevance that is hidden in the prophet’s ancient stories and visions should study each of the Seven Thunders thoroughly. The few hours it will take out of your busy life, will provide an enlightenment and peace of mind in these troubled times, you will never regret! No one can take knowledge away from you! (Hosea 4:6)
You will realize how the scriptures were designed by God to speak to His people specifically in the time period we are now living. The Bible puts this opportunity in the metaphoric terms of….consuming a latter day….or an evening meal. Jesus describes the presence of this thundering word that is prophesied to go forth throughout the entire world during the last days at Revelation 3:20….
“Look I am standing at the door and knocking. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come into his house and take the evening meal with him, and he with me.”  
Many people are now speculating as to where we are in the stream of time in accordance with bible prophecy. The 1st seal has been opened!!! The light is shining in the darkness….but just as it was 2000 years ago….the world does not know it!! (John 1:5, 10) (Luke 17:20, 24)
The events of the soon to be opened 2nd seal will start a world-wide chaos every devout person needs to be prepared for!! These devastating plagues of the 2nd seal are prophesied to turn the world upside down! (Read Isaiah 24:1-3)
Before that takes place, as Revelation 5:6 describes, the Seven Thunders of the 1st seal will be like seven spirits of God or seven eyes going forth into all the earth. These seven thunderous messages will get the attention of those who have ears to hear….seeking out God’s scattered people wherever they may be.
Everyone reading The Seven Thunders needs to realize the content will not composed through a human justification. Each and every topic and their sequence of presentation will be solely designed and set in place by the words God spoke through the prophets of old. (Acts 3:21)
The Lion’s Roar of The Seven Thunders will prepare and arm God’s choices of people with truthful end-time knowledge….allowing them to understand and eventually fulfill the very important and prophetic scripture at Zechariah 6:15….
“And they that are far off shall come and build in the temple of the LORD, and ye shall know that the LORD of hosts hath sent me unto you. And this will come to pass, if you will diligently obey the voice of the LORD your God.”  
The chosen people of this generation who obey the voice of God will not remain in the captivity of false teachings! Their yoke of bondage will be speedily loosened (Isaiah 51:14) as they are called out of darkness into God’s marvelous light. They will know that building in God’s temple (1st Corinthians 3:9-16) has nothing to do with erecting a literal building in ancient Jerusalem, as blinded men teach. (Acts 7:48, 49) (Zechariah 8:9) (Jeremiah 7:4)  
The building of the temple God is talking about, refers to the futuristic time period when He will instill pure worship that comes from the heart! That temple will be built inside you!! (Jeremiah 31:33) 
A scriptural event (Zephaniah 2:1-3) (Ezekiel 20:34, 35) all the unripe-grape pickers claim to have already accomplished, (Jeremiah 31:29, 30) actually looms in our immediate future….God will cause a final  gathering of many different types of people from all nations and cultures….but they will all have one thing in common; they will have affection for God and a desire to follow His ways. God’s chosen people will not need to go to a temple made of stones by the hands of men! The Almighty God and His Lamb will be the temple….for the Glory of God and the lamp of the Lamb will be in the hearts of all people at all times! (Revelation 21:22-24)  
In our world today, the beautiful churches, cathedrals and world-wide organizations men have built, are the same objects of exultation and the things desirable to people’s eyes as the temple in Jerusalem was in Jesus’ day. This is why today’s exalted leaders will be just as appalled at the end-time Roar of the Lion as the ancient leaders were….when Jesus said, “Destroy this temple and I’ll raise it back in 3 days!” (John 2:19)  
The time to build the temple of truth and pure worship in the hearts of all righteous and obedient mankind….is at our doorstep! (Malachi 3:1) God’s promise will truly come to pass for those who take the time to….Listen to the Thunder….that always precedes the storm.