At Malachi 4:5 our God promised He would send a message that would be heard world-wide before His great and dreadful, fear- inspiring day would occur. It will bring many families together and create a new global unity of thought! (Isaiah 48:5-7) The method God will use to make this message known is described in the 4oth chapter of Isaiah.

“Comfort, Comfort my people,” says the God of you men.” Listen! Someone is calling out in the wilderness: “Clear up the way of our God! Make the highway for our God through the desert plain straight.” “And the glory of Jehovah will certainly be revealed, and all flesh must see it together, for the very mouth of Jehovah has spoken it.”                                                                                                     

As the rest of this chapter pinpoints, this announcement will be made in the last days of our present world system. These scriptures are telling the earth’s population to listen for someone who would publicly declare all the facts that will prepare their way straight to God! This free scriptural enlightenment will come from a wilderness setting….completely unattached from the molten images of men….the churches and religious organizations that have been built by….and depend solely upon….other people’s money. (Isaiah 48) (Isaiah 55:1-3)

The promised message will echo the thundering voice of God from one end of the earth to the other! This thunder in the wilderness is prophesied to publicly explain….for the first time….how our God will physically gather His choices of people together during the tribulation for the purpose of learning his true ways under his guidance! (Read Isaiah 40: 9-11)

It is realized this may sound incredible or difficult to comprehend, so let’s see how God explains His paradigmatic or new creation of Jerusalem at Zechariah 8:6-8, 20.                                                                                                                                                  

“Though it may seem incredible (difficult to believe) to the remnant of this people in those days, should it also seem incredible to Me?….declares the LORD of hosts.” The LORD of hosts says this: “I will save my people from the land of the east and the land of the west.” “I will bring them in, and they will reside in the midst of Jerusalem, and they must become my people, and I will become their God in truthfulness and righteousness.” “It will be that peoples and the inhabitants of many cities will come.”  

God has kept His sacred secret unknown up to this time period, through His paradigmatic use of the word Jerusalem. To use a word in a paradigmatic form means: “To set forth a model from an old situation.” Blinded men have ridiculously taught that people from all the nations of the world will crowd into the old ancient city of Jerusalem….they even claim they must build a new temple there. The real temple of Jerusalem will be made of human stones, not brick and mortar! So as Romans 9:32, 33 warns; don’t stumble on the stone of stumbling….like they do! (also read 1st Corinthians 3:16)      

The truth of the matter is; these scriptures, plus many others, use the old situation of ancient Jerusalem as a model, to describe locations around the world where the Jerusalem of prophecy will be created! (Isaiah 65:18) Listen closely to the scripture at Zechariah 1:17 and you will further understand this key component in God’s hidden salvation plan….and why the end-time Cry from the Wilderness is necessary!

“Cry yet, saying. Thus says the LORD of hosts; my cities through prosperity shall yet be spread abroad; and the LORD shall yet comfort Zion, and shall yet choose Jerusalem.”                                                                                                                             

This scripture confirms how God has yet to choose the many locations that will be spread out around the world where obedient people will gather to the true altar of God! (Read the 2nd chapter of Zechariah for more details) Men’s inability to understand the bible’s paradigmatic use of the word Jerusalem has played a major role in keeping the sacred secret hidden until….food at the proper time reveals it! (Matthew 24:45)

Now you know what the Jerusalem of prophecy really is! Now you won’t be looking at the wrong Jerusalem like the rest of the world! Now you know what the following scripture is really telling us to keep next to our hearts, when God’s sword begins to get active, and the tribulation actually begins.

(Jeremiah 51:50) “You escapees from the sword keep going. Do not stand still. From far away remember Jehovah, and may Jerusalem herself come up into your heart.”                                                                                              

The role of this end-time Cry from the Wilderness is expressed in the pattern of the Ethiopian at Acts 8:30, 31. As the Ethiopian was reading from the book of Isaiah, Philip asked him if he understood what he was reading. The man answered, “How can I, unless someone explains it to me?” Even though this man was an official in charge of a queen’s treasury, understanding the treasures in the word of God required guidance! Wisdom may abound, knowledge may be abundant, but the end-time Elijah message will take you to the pinnacle….Understanding! (Proverbs 4:7-13)           

This long awaited message of the coming Kingdom is THE LIGHT TO THE NATIONS announcing every detail of how God will provide salvation….to the extremities of the earth! (Read the 49th chapter of Isaiah)                                                                

The 4th & 5th thunders along with the 7th, irrefutably explains scriptures that will prepare people for everything that is coming. This new knowledge will enable participation in all the things God has in store for those who sincerely desire understanding. Therefore the lives of you (the seeker) and the lives of your loved ones will depend upon recognizing this information that has been sealed up for centuries.

This may sound harsh or presumptuous, however this recognition is very similar to the biblical pattern established in the days when Jesus made his first appearance on earth. The foretold and long awaited Messiah was the Way, the Truth and the Life. This suddenly appearing singular truth on earth raised his head right in the midst of the pious temple leaders! These religious rulers had firmly established their own ways of worship among the people and were considered the absolute proper ones to follow. The people had no idea the actual Word of God had arrived! Some began to listen to the truth in the words of Jesus….some recognized his love for his Father and his genuine love for them….many did not! As the ones his Father chose to follow him began to multiply, the arrogant religious leaders became very irritated….they hated the Word of Truth! They feared he would ruin everything they had built!…….Why should we think the very time period these patterns represented will be any different??                  

No doubt the many people of that era, that continued to cling to the temples and the teachings of men were good people. After all, their intentions of worship were genuine. However the fact remains….they failed to recognize who Jesus really was because they couldn’t accept or distinguish his words of truth from the lies they had been taught their entire lives. The light had suddenly appeared in the world….but the world did not know it! (John 1:10)                                                                   

So, what factor separated the good people that remained in the teachings of men and the good people The Father chose to follow Jesus? The answer is Love! An intense, pure Love! A rational love that is attracted to and seeks real truth! This type of person will immediately cast aside nonsensical teachings regardless of how deeply they are embedded. They will change their thinking, they will turn completely around….they will repent! This type of love overcomes the self-indulged pride that prevents repentance! As God Himself said at Acts 17:30 concerning the devices of men….“The time of this ignorance God winked at; but now commands all men everywhere to repent.” If today’s worship is indeed righteous, why would God command all men everywhere to repent or change their thinking?

The revealing of the sealed up 7 thunders has caused light to flash across the entire world scene….Since March of 2015 they have been read by people in practically every country on earth. The same decision the good people in Jesus’ day had to make is now confronting the good people of today’s world. Many should now understand that God has promised something wonderful for the multitudes of people that will put all their trust and faith in Him when times hard to deal with begin. Remember the words of Jesus, “When these things occur, your deliverance is getting near.”

In order to accomplish the things He has promised for all righteous mankind, God will once again, choose people that will go forth and become fishers of men. (Ezekiel 47:9, 10) This upcoming selection was patterned when God originally chose the 12 men who would follow Jesus wherever he went. These currently hidden teachers will be those who have recognized and seized the light that is now shining in the darkness. (Isaiah 30:20-22) They will possess the heartfelt love that agrees with God and eventually feed His people with knowledge and insight. As Romans 2:29 foretells; their praise will come not from men, but from God.

Will this special love be found in only one religion, while all other people are doomed to destruction? This theory is taught by those who have picked the unripe grapes of prophecies before their time for fulfillment. (Jeremiah 31:29-31) When religions claim they have spent years and years gathering people into the one true faith they are actually exposing their failure to understand the opportunity God has promised for all mankind….in the final part of the days. They are in fact saying; their teachings have already fulfilled the things that could only be accomplished through God’s true altar. Because of applying the scriptures prematurely, they are completely unaware that God will establish His true altar after putting an end to all those made by the hands of men. This true altar will do what men cannot do! It will prepare every deserving person for life under the rule of God’s Kingdom….which will  immediately follow. (Daniel 2:43-45)        

Let’s put our thinking caps on for a moment. Currently our world is saturated with different opinions and teachings concerning who will gain salvation and how it will be attained. The only common ground is the many problems that have developed within each and every group. Good, honest, God fearing people are mixed and mingled among all of these diversified teachings. Why wouldn’t a perfectly fair and just God intervene and provide a situation that would unify His truth and set matters straight among those who love and trust Him? (1st Corinthians 2:8-10) How could His Kingdom begin to rule before this was accomplished??? The revealing and explanation of this reality is the focal point of this message!

One of the main reasons this future situation has never been understood  has been men’s inability to understand how God has used the word Israel in the prophecies. The very mission of the apostle Paul was to tell the world that now, because of Jesus Christ’s sacrificial death, there was no longer a separation of people in the eyes of God. (Romans 16:17, 25, 26) All people from that day forward, including ancient Israel’s descendants, would have equal opportunity to become a new nation of people….under a new covenant that will be based on the conditions of one’s heart! (Read Hebrews 8:6-13) It doesn’t take the genius of Einstein to realize….this type of world changing event has never occurred……yet.

Despite Paul’s valiant effort to reveal this new light to the nations, most of today’s shepherds insist God’s chosen people are still based on the fact, their ancestors came out of Egypt 3500 years ago. If this world-wide teaching was actually true, wouldn’t that make God’s choices biased and unfair to all others? If the criteria for His choices was really based on the things we hear from the altars of men, the fairness and justness of our God would certainly be maligned and trivialized, would they not?

God relates to us in the 29th chapter of Jeremiah; “During the time period when false worship comes to its end, I will come to you and fulfill my gracious promise.” “I will establish toward you my good words of peace and give you a future and a hope.”                                                                                                 

There is a prophecy in the bible that perfectly describes the events of the final day gathering. It is the culmination of the many enlightening facts that have been presented in the 7 thunders. Even though the prophets Isaiah and Micah were probably not associates, they were both inspired to quote their vision of salvation practically word for word. Let’s now examine this prophecy so that all people who believe God’s word is true, can visualize the method of salvation that is now being revealed in the last days. (Read 1st Peter 1:1-5)        

The 2nd chapter of Isaiah and the 4th chapter of Micah identically report the event God told to all the prophets of long ago. Understanding their vision will give us all….a genuine hope for a wonderful future! We will now learn the process of how and when God will build His Temple in the hearts of all righteous and obedient mankind!

“In the final part of the days, the mountain of the LORD’S temple will be established as chief among the mountains. It will be raised above the hills, and all nations will stream to it.”                                                                                                    

“Many peoples will come and say, ‘Come, let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob. He will teach us his ways, so that we may walk in his paths.”  “And He will certainly set matters straight respecting many peoples.”                                                                                                                                                              This is a great description of the time when the Jerusalem of prophecy will be created. The good news of this journey to the true altar of God will come first, through the forerunner, the end-time Elijah message. This knowledge will allow the people who have listened, to escape the terrible things that will be occurring when verses 6-23 of Isaiah 2 are being fulfilled.

Isaiah and Micah are describing the exact way and time period….a nation of people that God will call His own….will be born again! Yes, Israel will be born again! (Isaiah 66:7-11) This is the exact reason Jesus said at John 3:3 “Most truly I say to you, unless anyone is born again, he will not see the Kingdom of God.”                                 

Here is a fact that has never been realized or taught by today’s shepherds: Every event that occurred with ancient Israel was meant to be a pattern or example for the people living in the time of the end. (Read 1st Corinthians 10:11-13)                                                                                                                                         

So the 1st question that should come to mind is; why would the most spectacular event in ancient Israel’s history….The Exodus….not be a pattern of something equally important for us today? As we are learning….it will be! The pattern was established when God took His people out of their enslaved idolatrous environment and away from the plagues He had put upon Egypt. In our day He will again provide the opportunity for people to leave the areas wrought with the plagues and deaths of the coming tribulation and escape their captivation of false teachings!….. (Skeptics of this previously hidden knowledge should read these scriptures.)   (Isaiah 11:11, 12) (Isaiah 43:16-19) (Jeremiah 31:21-23) (Hebrews 2:3) (Revelation 3:10)                                                                            

Actually these scriptures only scratch the surface of the 2nd Exodus. A deeper study will reveal that the final day gathering of the virgin Israel into devastated lands they will rebuild….is the focal point of all the prophets. (Isaiah 64:10 & 65:18, 19) This deeper knowledge can be easily understood by reading the 4th & 5th thunders.

People streaming to locations where they will be prepared for life under the rule of God’s Kingdom is exactly what Isaiah and Micah saw in their vision. Jeremiah 3:14, 15 provides yet another clear and perfect description of this futuristic final day event.

“I will take you one out of a city and two out of a family, and I will bring you to Zion. And I will give you shepherds in agreement with my heart, and they will feed you with knowledge and insight.”                                                                                                  

These future shepherds are referred to many times in the scriptures as Jews. (Zechariah 8:23) The inability of men to discern God’s metaphoric use of the word Jew has thrown as much darkness on this prophecy as even the words Jerusalem and Israel. Literal explanations of the bible’s metaphoric allegories, is a big reason there is a famine of knowledge concerning the word of God throughout the world. (Amos 8:11, 12) (Hosea 4:1, 6)                                                                                                      

Romans 2:28, 29 should be rationalized by all. “For he is not a Jew who is one on the outside, nor is circumcision on the outside upon the flesh.” “But he is a Jew who is one on the inside, and his circumcision is that of the heart by spirit, and not a written code. The praise of that one comes not from men, but from God.”               

These very clear scriptures precisely explain….the entitlement of a Jew is now based solely upon God’s assessment of a person’s inner character. A Jew in God’s eyes today has nothing to do with heritage or any other fleshly matter. These people could be of any race, and reside in any country in the world. The word Jew actually sprang from the word Judah. This is why the scriptures refer to the chosen shepherds as the house of Judah. The upcoming selection of these teachers will be the 1st step that will begin the salvation plan of God. Revelation 7:1-3 will begin to take place when the Lion of the tribe of Judah opens the 1st seal. When The Lion Roars….they will know his voice and follow!

What does this mean for you? If your heart is agreeable to God’s heart….If you have clearly understood the scriptures that have been explained in the 7 thunders….continue to study them daily. The opportunity to become one of the chosen teachers is now available for anyone! Remember, you are not following any man! You are following The Word! Jesus is The Word! The Lion of the Tribe of Judah is The Way, The Truth, and The Life!                             

The Word is not riding a donkey this time….The Word is not wearing a crown of thorns this time….NOW THE WORD WEARS THE CROWN OF A KING AND IS MOUNTED ON A GREAT WHITE STALLION….THE ROAR OF THE WORD IS SHAKING THE EARTH! THE WORD IS SEEKING SERVANTS! Who will complete the tribe of Judah? Who are the chosen elect? Who will prepare themselves to step forth and say….                                                                                                                                                                                     HERE  I  AM  SEND  ME !!!!                                                                                                   (Isaiah 6)