There was once a man named Job who was blessed with many possessions and because of his willingness to serve God, lived a great and happy life. We all know the story of how God allowed Satan to take everything away from him. And yet his trust and respect for God never changed.                           

As the story goes, at the height of Job’s misery, three men came to give him Godly counsel. These three men considered themselves quite worthy to speak for God, therefore their words sounded comforting and even somewhat righteous. (2nd Timothy 3:1-5) However, these men gave no thought to the fact they were giving Godly counsel to a man who truly looked upon God in a very righteous manner!      

They were sure they were in a much better standing with God than poor Job, but God knew they were giving words of counsel without knowledge! Job had another visitor that was in direct contrast to them, his name was Elihu, which means; My God is He. This man did not claim to speak for God, but rather on His behalf. Elihu actually represented a righteous outlook towards God. Job recognized the difference.  

In the end, God had these words for Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar. “My anger has grown hot against you men. You men have not spoken concerning me what is truthful as has my servant, Job. My servant Job will pray for you, and only him shall I accept, lest I deal with you after your folly.”        

Within the book of Job lies one of the greatest life lessons for our modern-day world we could ever imagine, which is no doubt why it is one of the first books of the bible that was written. The story of Job and his companions is a simile of a choice that will be made in today’s world. Will people recognize the way, the truth and the life, represented by Elihu… or will they listen to self-righteous religious leaders who shrewdly and skillfully twist the words of God in order to build great dynasties for themselves? (The vision seen by the prophet Habakkuk gives us a great rendition of how men’s worship systems have falsely used God in order to gather people to themselves and build their nests on high.)             

The first three men that confronted Job came from different areas and had different things to say. This simulates how the widespread religions of today will mislead the people that God knows are His. (Isaiah 3:12-15.)            

The 13th chapter of Ezekiel gives us a perfect example of how religious leaders seduce God’s people like birds in the hunt. The main priority of all men’s religions is to grow their memberships. The sustaining force of all institutionalized worship is money.  Therefore, their constant hunt for more people is continually in the process of fulfilling Ezekiel’s easy to understand prophecy. Exactly like the men who came to Job, today’s religious leaders are speaking for God without being sent!                                                                    

In the 14th chapter of Ezekiel, a fact is stressed over and over that everyone in today’s world needs to understand! This fact does not apply to all religions but one, (as some teach) this fact applies to all organized worship systems period!! The Almighty God says; “Even if Noah, Daniel and Job were in it, I will cut you off. I will deliver only Noah, Daniel and Job, because of their righteousness, but the rest I will cut off!”   

Everyone should give this fact a lot of thought. These words directly from the mouth of God, are telling us that being a member of a church or religion is meaningless in His eyes! God chooses His people because of individual righteousness! None of today’s religious systems can legitimately get around these scriptures in Ezekiel, they can only ignore them, which they do.                                 

By cleverly teaching that salvation can only be attained because you’re with us, today’s religious leaders exemplify the message the book of Job is portraying! God Himself is our ark of safety, not any organization built by men!      

The 33rd chapter of Isaiah reveals the oblivion (condition of being entirely forgotten) that is the destiny of all the “golden calves” men have built.                                    

As we go through Isaiah’s vision in this chapter, you will gain valuable knowledge about God’s hidden plan of salvation as told to His servants the prophets. (Revelation 10:7) The location, time period and setting for the 32nd and 33rd chapters of Isaiah are very important parts of God’s Sacred Secret that has remained unknown for centuries. In order to properly understand the where and when of Isaiah’s vision, you must discern the previously sealed-up information in the 5th thunder.                                                       

This is a vision of the events God’s people will experience in the devastated places of Ariel! The extreme difficulty of properly understanding the identification and purpose of Ariel in the 29th chapter of Isaiah, is confirmed by God as He speaks in verses 11 & 12. “And the vision of all this has become to you like the words of a book that is sealed. When men give it to one who can read, saying read this, he says, I cannot, for it is sealed. And when they give the book to one who cannot read, saying read this, he says, I cannot read.”  

This is the only prophecy in the bible that is followed up with God’s strong declaration that it will not be understood until He unseals it!! Why? Because it contains the key knowledge of His hidden plan of salvation! As explained in a part of the definition of musterion, it’s only for those whom God intends!

It’s actually describing the time period when God causes His invited people to come into vacated areas where He will create Jerusalem. (Isaiah 65:18-25) The bible refers to these places as Jerusalem because they will become cities of praise. (God names them Jerusalem, after their ancient prototype) The symbolic house of Judah (the teachers: Isaiah 30:19-22) will teach God’s invited people real truth, and God’s promised Kingdom will have its beginning!

Read Micah 4:1-4 & the 2nd chapter of Isaiah to understand more about this unknown event. A summation of the vacated areas of Ariel and how the destruction will occur, is also recorded in the 9th chapter of Jeremiah. The exclusiveness of understanding the reason God will vacate these islands and coastline areas is spoken at Jeremiah 9:12.

As Revelation 10:7 states; this mystery or sacred secret was told to all the prophets. This is why Jesus said at Luke 24:25; “O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken.”                                          

In our world today, the single most asked question is; when and how will the king of God’s promised Kingdom, Jesus Christ, come again. In the 33rd chapter of Isaiah, the prophet saw the vision of God’s people in the vacated areas of Ariel. As the 5th Thunder revealed, these cities of Judah will become the Jerusalem of prophecy overseen by God’s presence in symbolic Zion. The metaphoric way God uses the words Jerusalem and Zion is a major reason His plan of salvation has remained hidden to the altars of men! They always apply these words to today’s literal places. This is why Isaiah 17:8 states that God’s plan will never be heard from the altars. Isaiah 40:1-5 explains how God’s true plan for mankind’s salvation will finally become known!   

The types of people God will invite to the areas where He will create Jerusalem are described at Isaiah 33:15,16. If you read these scriptures, you will see that these people have characteristics similar to Noah, Daniel and Job. In the 17th verse, Isaiah makes a very enlightening and revealing statement aimed directly at the people who will have journeyed to the ruined cities of Ariel.    

“Thine eyes shall see the king in his beauty: They shall behold the land far off.”                          

The next verse reveals a few things that will come as an alarming surprise to the people.

“Thine heart shall meditate terror. Where is the scribe? Where is the receiver? Where is he that counted the towers?   

The people will be astounded by the fact there will be no need for men appointed officials or experienced preachers to regulate the teaching and learning! (Jeremiah 3:14-18) (Hebrews 7:13,14) There will be no need for anyone to collect money. The passing of the plate and pleads for the people’s contributions will be a thing of the past! (1st Corinthians 9:18) Men’s traditions of requiring ornate settings and beautiful towering churches will also be unnecessary, and entirely forgotten! (Acts 17:24)

Because of finally learning God’s true ways, proper worship will eventually become a way of life, not a weekly obligation.   

After learning all of these bible facts, should we continue listening to the words of men like Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar, instead of what Elihu represented? Should we continue following men who have no knowledge of God’s plan of salvation that He purposely hid in the ancient similitudes and visions of the prophets? (Hosea 12:10) Should we keep following men who have no understanding of the 29th chapter of Isaiah, and yet claim to be the faithful and discreet slave, described at Matthew 24:45? Without proper understanding of that highly cryptic chapter, it would be impossible to know and recognize the events God will use to establish His promised Kingdom.

The 51st chapter of Jeremiah speaks of the time when God’s sword attacks men’s religions. Verse 50 tells God’s people the things they should be thinking during this confusing time. “Ye that have escaped the sword, go away, do not stand still: remember The LORD afar off, and let Jerusalem come into your mind.”     

In these days before all of these biblical facts take place, we need to realize our lives will depend on taking God’s Word and promises to heart. Jeremiah 51:50 has clearly told God’s people to be focusing their minds on God Himself and making the journey to the places where He will create the Jerusalem of prophecy! Around the time period when God is doing judgment upon the graven images of Babylon, there will be news that islands and coastlands have been devastated by volcanic eruptions and earthquakes causing tsunami and mega-tsunami. (Jeremiah 9:21) (Psalms 46:2-5)

When these events occur God’s people must be ready to leave all things behind (Luke 18:29,30) (Matthew 10:37,38) and follow the Word to these devastated places in order to rebuild them and learn God’s true ways under God and His son’s guidance. (Read Isaiah 29:18-24) At that time Isaiah 11:10-12 will be fulfilled.  

The journey will no doubt be a wonderful thing for the many poor people who now suffer and have great need for a better life. However, for the people who have amassed hard earned fortunes, and have many possessions, it may be as difficult as a camel going through the eye of a needle! As you recall, this was the same dilemma that faced the people during Jesus’ first coming. Following Jesus into the wilderness during his 2nd coming will be done on a much larger scale and be a world-wide event. The people that will leave homes, jobs, even family, will have trust and faith that God and His son will do great things for them.

Some of these people will initially experience feelings of loss similar to Job. Job lost all his worldly possessions, however, he pressed on, never looking back, but always looking to God. Job eventually understood that God knew all things and that learning from, and having love for The Great Creator was far more important than worldly possessions! Because of Job’s righteousness, God restored his great life, many times over.  

The book of Job is a profound story about the decisions and choices everyone on earth is now facing and will face even further in the future. When The Word stands as a banner, informing the people to gather to his glorious resting place… (Isaiah 11:10-12) will we have the faith to believe? (John 3:16) Can we have the determination to do God’s will, like Abraham? Will we be able to abandon everything in our lives that we love, because of trust in The Word of God? Do we really believe in Jesus, or do we just say we do? (Isaiah 29:13)      

If we choose to leave all things behind in this world, and follow The Word, we will eventually come to the same conclusion as Job… When there is nothing left in our lives, but our hope in God ….. GOD IS ENOUGH!!!