The title of this post presents a question that will soon require an answer from every person on earth! Will a whimsical straddling of the fence be sufficient? Will lukewarm work? In the words of The Word himself…. “Because you are neither cold nor hot, I shall spew you out of my mouth!”  (Revelation 3:16)

At first glance these words by Jesus may sound somewhat difficult to cope with for many people, and yet presents no problem whatsoever in the minds of many others. How could this be so? Recent startling facts have revealed that approximately 50% of the active members in men’s religions have declared themselves as…. “Dones!” What does this new terminology actually mean? Are they “done” with God? In the vast majority of cases they are not done with God…. They are “done” with the many excruciating things involved in men’s traditional brands of worship! They are bored to death of hearing the same old elementary teachings hashed out week after week. They are sick and tired of paying out their hard earned money in order for their non-working preachers to live a comfortable…. and in many cases an absolute luxurious life. Many are frustrated with supporting beautiful expensive buildings that are really not necessary. (Acts 7:48, 49) The fact that religions are primarily showy performances is being noticed by more and more intelligent people! These people have decided they’ve had enough of: “God bless you all…. but most of all…. send your money!” Was this the message of Jesus? (Matthew 6:5, 6)

This 50% that has actually obeyed God’s repeated command…. “Get out of her My People” is searching…. some are conducting bible studies in their homes while others are in limbo…. still concerned with their spiritual life, but not knowing how or what to get hot about. The 50% who are remaining “in the gate” (Amos 5:10) continue to be enamored with men’s emotional based worship. They presently are not worried about a thing. They think they are hot…. But as many scriptures prophesy, soon their love will wax cold!! (Matthew 24:11, 12)

In the previous post we learned we are now living in the moment when God will call people from all walks of life to become a people He will devote to a purpose. They are being called out of the world’s darkness that has been created by the teachings of men during the past 2000 years. When the Lion of Judah recently opened the 1st seal, a light shining in this darkness became present! It’s certainly not hard to understand…. the future sealing of people described at Revelation 7:3 could never take place until Jesus opened the 1st seal and the Word of God went forth across the world for a witness to all the nations. (Matthew 24:14) Since every religion of man has picked green grapes and proven to be corrupted with falsehoods, there has never been a headstone or plummet line for righteous people to align themselves. (Matthew 24:28) The very 1st action of The Lord’s Day…. HAS CHANGED THIS SITUATION!! Jesus has once again, turned the depleted wine into New Wine!

One of the most fascinating things about the people God will call out during this great day of Jezreel, is listening to Jesus describe their characteristics. He not only covers every good quality they possess, he is also not hesitant to point out things that are not so good and need to be changed.

As the book of Revelation begins John is taken by Spirit into the Lord’s Day. The time period he was taken to, has now actually begun! This is why he was told; “these things must shortly come to pass.” We must remember, the book of Revelation is a revealing of the visions of the future that John was shown in order to pass the information to the called out ones during the time period when the revelation of Jesus Christ begins!!!

As the sharp two-edged sword of The Word astride the white horse begins to conquer, the 7 angels in his right hand will begin to guide the people who are currently under the influence of the world’s churches and organizations. The original Greek word used was ecclesia. Ecclesia literally means: An assembly of people that has been called out. These are the ones who have been called out of the darkness of the world’s religious lies, into the light of The Word that became present when the 1st seal was opened…. And the Revelation of Christ began!

At Revelation 2:2 Jesus begins his critique of the ones who are gazing upon his light shining in the darkness. He is pleased with the 1st group because they are able to recognize men who claim to be like apostles but are liars. They hate the deeds of false worship, which he also hates. He is not however, pleased with the fact their love has cooled off since their original contact with his light. When an individual recognizes The Flying Scroll as truth, it’s similar to a lampstand being placed in his life. Jesus says if this type of person doesn’t return to his original enthusiasm, he will remove it! This type of person should maintain zeal, and not get sidetracked by the many other things that go on in our everyday life. If their original interest returns he will grant them life under his Kingdom’s rule. `

The next group is rich in the spiritual qualities that really matter! Unfortunately, they live in areas or countries that will despise the word of truth. They will face situations very similar to the things Jesus himself encountered. Indignant religious leaders, those who say they are Jews but are not, will come against them! They will be fully put to the test, some even to death. But he that conquers will by no means be harmed by the second death. They will be resurrected and given the crown of Life!

The 3rd group is made up of those who find it very difficult to walk away from lifelong beliefs. Even though their love for Jesus is sincere and heartfelt, they will ignore the end-time word and continue to digest the fornicating lies of their Baal religions. They will have the opportunity to change their thinking when the two-edged sword of truth pierces those lies right in front of their eyes. He that conquers during the battle at the gate will then accept the meal of Christ that had been hidden for centuries. They will be late bloomers…. however it’s never too late if your love is sincere!

The next group is somewhat unique. They are in religions that are very studious. They understand many truths however these true teachings are mixed and mingled with many falsehoods. Their false teachings have been primarily created through premature applications of prophecies. Despite the unripe grape picking, their faith is strong and drives their hard-working ethics. The problem lies in leadership. Their leaders have self-appointed themselves to an exalted and very arbitrary position. They demand exclusive devotion to their high and mighty organizations as well as their handed down doctrines…. hence the reference to Jezabel. The domineering and overbearing Jezabel wanted the false teachings that Israel was following, to continue…. therefore she fought the words of Elijah tooth and nail. This is exactly the way these arrogant leaders will fight against the end-time Elijah message. Many intelligent thinkers have been leaving this type of molten image in droves. Jesus tells them he will put no further burden upon them and to hold fast to what they have until he comes. Those who conquer by latching on to the end-time Elijah message will add many truths to their knowledge, and eliminate many falsehoods as well. They will become shepherds and he will give them authority over the nations. As Zechariah 10:9 explains; he will scatter them like seed among the peoples.

Jesus’ next critique is directed to the ministers and preachers who teach false doctrines from the podiums each week. Their weekly audiences, whom they declare as being “the church,” shower them with lavish praise and boatloads of money. They have the name of being alive…. But they are dead! Jesus admonishes them to wake-up and change their thinking. For if they do not recognize the presence of his crowned word that goes forth on the symbolic white horse, they will remain blind to his coming!!! They are currently teaching a completely twisted interpretation of what occurs when the 1st seal is opened! Nevertheless, there are a few who have the right heart condition. These few will eventually recognize God’s thundering word from the wilderness and repent. They will walk with Jesus in cleansed outer garments because they are worthy.

The next group has gotten more attention than all the others combined. Practically every religion has claimed…. That’s us…. We are the church of Philadelphia! The fact is: No one knows the identity of these people but The Father Himself! The choice is not ours…. God does the choosing! (Romans 9:11-16) This is the only group that does not receive a reprimand from Jesus. They know exactly what occurred when Jesus opened the 1st seal and will work hard to help others understand as well! They are the lion-like horsemen of the tribe of Judah and the true symbolic Jews described at Romans 2:28, 29 and Zechariah 8:23. Those who say they are Jews but have no understanding of God’s symbolic meaning of a Jew…. will learn to have great respect for these chosen ones…. as the real ecclesia of Philadelphia become pillars in the midst of God’s people.

The final ecclesia is made up of people who are neither cold nor hot for the Word of God. They put more value on their acquired riches of the world than the gold refined by fire that Jesus presented to them when he opened the 1st seal. They are very aware of following The Word, but because their attention is on their worldly possessions, they remain lukewarm. If they become zealous for The Word and realize their riches amount to nothing when compared to the riches that can be attained through true knowledge…. they will be granted to sit on the throne with Jesus.

As we can easily see, the 7 categories of people Jesus described, are not grouped in relation to specific religions, but are grouped according to their individual characteristics. His critiques cover every type of person that will have the chance to experience his grace during the final days when the wheat is separated from the weeds. In other words, at that time, all the captive ones of the house of Jacob (Ezekiel 39:25) will be given the opportunity to conquer their shortcomings. The prophecy of Genesis 35:1-11 will finally be fulfilled when Jacob becomes Israel…. As the people of God are born again!!

As Jesus ended his critique of the final ecclesia, he made a declaration that we should all now realize could only occur when the flying scroll goes forth at the opening of the 1st seal!

“Look! I am standing at the door and knocking. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come into his house and take the evening meal with him and he with me.”

Our Lord and Savior is now standing at our door and knocking! Those who invite him in and take the latter day meal with him will be prepared for the final day events. This never before offered meal will provide the strength and spiritual nutrition necessary to become the over-comers he just described. It is a meal with no rival, it satisfies like no other, it will cleanse with the only substance that can provide salvation for mankind…. the Blood of the Lamb!

Listen! …. All you gathered at the slain Lamb!

Look! …. All you with eyes like an Eagle!

“Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.” (Revelation 1:7)

The eyes of understanding will rejoice! The eyes of the blind will beat themselves in grief. Even so, all will soon know…………..THE SLAUGHTERED LAMB HAS BECOME A ROARING LION!!!!