Throughout the world people are in line to receive a piece of our Lord’s bread and take a sip of his wine. Some do it once a year while many others do it every week. This ceremonial libation has become the most standard tradition existing in today’s worship systems. But has it been performed in the manner Jesus intended? …. Have the religions of men discerned what the Lord’s last supper really represented? Why did Jesus carry it out only one time? And why do all people who desire to follow him in these troubled times, need to understand its true meaning?

The fact is; the evening meal that Jesus shared with his disciples, directly preceding his departure, had a completely different meaning for our day than the worthless vanity men have turned it into! Does merely repeating the ceremony change us? Do we actually believe that taking a bite of a cracker and a sip of wine…. that ends up in a sewer…. makes us different? Is this really the way Jesus wanted us to commemorate him? Let’s allow the actual words of Jesus as recorded at Mark 7:14, 18, 19…. to teach us about men’s vain tradition regarding this matter.

“Listen to me, all of you, and get the meaning.” “Are you also without perception like them? Are you not aware that nothing from outside that passes into a man can defile him, since it passes not into his heart, but into his intestines, and it passes out into the sewer?”

(John 6:27) “Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life.”

A meal of true knowledge is what changes our hearts! …. Not literal food! It’s actually not hard to understand that Jesus’ act of consuming the Passover meal was not meant to be literally repeated! It was carried out to symbolize the most important and vital event of the final days!!! This is the reason Jesus made this statement at Matthew 26: 31, “All of you will be stumbled in connection with me on this night.” (The original Greek word used in this scripture was skandalizo…. it means: “to set a snare or stumbling block” “hinder right conduct or thought” “to fall into a trap”) Many translations render skandalizo as “being offended” or “falling away” but as we can see, “stumbled” is a far more accurate rendering and clearly explains the modern-day error that has become a world-wide stumbling block for all men!

The real meaning of Jesus’ statement clearly reveals the greatest folly in worship today! Participation in this ritual has become the very backbone of all modern-day religions!

God Himself explains that men’s failure to discern what it means to partake of the Passover meal has caused them to perform an act merely for the sake of proclaiming their holiness in front of other men! As Isaiah 30:1 explains; this alliance they are claiming to form…. by pouring out wine…. is done without His Spirit, and only adds sin to sin. Their libation will stop…. And not be a part of His coming temple of pure worship!

The end-time prophecy of Hosea 9:4 gets right to the point and explains this fallacy beyond a shadow of a doubt:

“They will not continue pouring out wine to Jehovah. And their sacrifices will not be gratifying to him; they are like the bread of times of mourning to them; all those eating it will defile themselves. For their bread is for their own soul; it will not come into the house of Jehovah.”

We become a part of the body of Christ and are cleansed by his blood…. through eating the meal of accurate knowledge! (John 17:3) This final day event could not take place until the crowned Word of God goes forth when Jesus opens the 1st seal! That is why the opening of the 1st seal has been emphasized throughout the 7 thunders! When this true knowledge recently exploded on to the world scene…. The Revelation of Christ began! Five loaves and two fishes have once again, become a full blown meal! The real Passover meal is now available for all people who hunger and thirst for the Word of God! The true symbolic meaning of ancient Israel’s Passover meal is now actually being carried out. This meal will once again splash the saving grace of the blood of the Lamb on the doorposts of God’s called out people…. immediately before the plagues of the 2nd seal put everyone on earth in jeopardy!

(John 4:32, 34) “But he said unto them, I have food to eat that you know nothing about.”  “My food, said Jesus, is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work.”

As Zephaniah 2:1-3 explains; it’s quite possible you will be concealed when the devastating events of the remaining seals are opened! So now is the time to satisfy that hunger! Now is the time to prepare your way ahead of you by learning exactly what will take place, and how God will provide escape for all righteous and obedient mankind!

For it is written; “Man shall not live on bread alone but on every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.” (Matthew 4:4) Properly understanding the real meaning of the Passover meal will allow you to conquer and become an overcomer, as you are called out of this world’s darkness into the light of the word.

Accepting the truth about men’s most valued ritual may be difficult for some…. The scriptures however, are very easy to understand…. They lift the skirt of the great harlot of Babylon like few other topics! The prophet Nahum, whose name means; “The LORD will comfort” uses a similitude to describe the city of bloodshed that is full of lies, deception and robbery.

“Owing to the abundance of the acts of prostitution of the harlot, attractive with charm, a mistress of sorceries, she who is ensnaring nations by her acts of prostitution and families by her sorceries.” “Look! I am against you, is the utterance of Jehovah of armies, “and I will put the covering of your skirts over your face, and I will cause nations to see your nakedness and kingdoms your dishonor.” “And I will throw disgusting things upon you, and I will make you despicable; and I will set you as a spectacle.” (Nahum 3:4-6)

Nothing exposes false worship any more than revealing their complete inability to understand the symbolic meaning of the Lord’s evening meal. This is why Jesus used the phrases; “He that dips his hand in the bowl will betray me.” And “Blessed is he that does not stumble in me.” The ones who continue to dip their hand in the bowl will not recognize God’s thundering word…. when it roars like a lion in the wilderness. This end-time word will not accommodate false traditions! It will present real truth and set matters straight, regardless of how many toes it steps on!

As Jesus said in the 11th chapter of Matthew; “What did you go out into the wilderness to behold? A reed being tossed by the wind? “This is he concerning whom it is written, Look! I myself am sending forth my messenger before your face, who will prepare your way ahead of you!”

The Revelation of Christ’s presence has begun! (Revelation 1:1-3) There is now food at the proper time! (Matthew 24:45) The meal that truly represents the flesh and blood of Jesus is before you…. He that feeds on this flesh and drinks this blood will live forever! (John 6:55-58)

“This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ.” (John 17:3)

Now you know what taking Jesus into your heart really means!

                                 HIS HAND IS EXTENDED….