Immediately after Jesus turned five loaves and two fishes into a grand meal for his followers, an event took place that has great significance for the time period we are now living!

As the story goes; Jesus told his disciples to get in a boat and go to the other side. In the meantime he went off into the mountains to be alone and pray. As the night deepened into the late hours, a great storm with high winds began to develop. The boat his disciples were in was in danger of capsizing. Suddenly they saw Jesus walking on the water towards them! They cried out in fear, thinking they were seeing an apparition, but at once Jesus spoke to them with the words: “Take courage, it is I; have no fear.” In reply Peter said to him: “Lord if it is you, command me to come to you over the waters.” Peter then stepped out of the boat and began to walk on the water toward Jesus. But looking at the windstorm, he got afraid, and after starting to sink, he cried out; “Lord, save me!” Stretching out his hand Jesus caught hold of him and said to him: “You with little faith, why did you give way to doubt?”

After they got up into the boat, the windstorm ceased. Then those in the boat gave obeisance to him saying: “You really are God’s son.”

Because they recognized the actual presence of the promised Messiah, the men related all that took place to many other people. As a result, great multitudes began to realize they were in the presence of a truth with the power to change the world!

As the story continued, the false teachers of the day approached Jesus complaining that his disciples did not follow the established traditions. Jesus retaliated by saying, “You have made the word of God invalid because of your traditions.”

Everyone knows this story plus many, many others in the bible. From Genesis to Revelation the bible tells us about events that took place and visions that were seen, no less than 2000 years ago. Does this make the bible a history book? No! It’s hard to imagine that a book of historical events could actually relate the details of how the destruction of this present system and mankind’s salvation will be carried out. This is exactly what the word of our omniscient God has done for us. The bible is an absolute allegorical book aimed specifically at the spiritual man…. It presents big problems for the literal thinking natural man! This is why Jesus told his followers the false teachers were not granted to understand the sacred secrets… but it was granted to them. He further said; “This is why I speak to them in parables, because looking, they look in vain, and hearing, they hear in vain, neither do they get the sense of it.”

Knowing the stories is not the key! Understanding why they were put in the bible and what they mean is the key!

So what event did the story of Jesus walking on water really represent for our day? Why did the bible connect it to the traditions of men? Obviously it’s a story about faith, however the true meaning is actually much more specific. This story is a vision of a time period when the faith of many righteous people will be fully put to the test.

The act of Peter leaving the safety of his little boat and stepping out onto the turbulent waters to walk with Jesus, illustrates the moment when a person leaves the established traditions…. of men designed worship! (Psalms 42:4) When the 1st seal was opened and the crowned word of God went forth to provide a witness to all the nations, (Matthew 24:14) a decision requiring great faith was thrust into the face of individuals everywhere. The dilemma now facing righteous thinking people is whether to keep following the crowd to churches, cathedrals and men’s organizations…. or step out into the wilderness alone…. And follow The Word! If your decision is to step away from men’s traditions and follow Jesus, you can accept his out-stretched hand just like Peter did!

This act is truly what the overused phrase; “accepting Jesus or taking him into your heart” really means! It’s just so much more than a passing thought while standing in front of an altar! If anyone truly loves Jesus, that person will devote himself to learning all he can about him. That’s why thunderinthewilderness.com is free for all people! (Revelation 22:17) This website is devoted to all who hunger and thirst for true knowledge! There is no other incentive involved! You will never see any advertising or hear any names or promotions involving individuals. (2nd Corinthians 2:17) And it does not represent the teachings of any religion of man. When you hear the Thunder…. The Lightning of the Latter Day Rain will follow. Does it matter where it comes from? Your knowledge is what matters! When you step out of the boat and begin studying the end-time cry from the wilderness (Isaiah 40:3-5)…. The Word will become your way, your truth and your life.

Never forget: Jesus is The Father’s representative…. Jesus is The Word of God! (Revelation 19:13) When you find The Word…. You find God!! (John 1:1)

It will require recognition and faith in the Bible’s truth, before we can be set free from the lies that are continually seeking to devour us. Prayer, Knowledge and Love for God…. Love for your fellowman and Love for The Word could enable you to be baptized with the promised end-time Spirit! (Matthew 3:11) The Holy Spirit will then ignite within you, The Faith………. TO WALK ON THE WATER WITH JESUS!!!!