Immediately before the impalement of Christ, the religious leaders of that day were presented with the opportunity to make a very monumental and historical choice. Since it was customary for the governor to release a prisoner on Passover, Pilate set before them a choice between two men. They could set one free, the other would be killed. The two men in question were distinctly different, and yet had many similarities.

Many of the earlier manuscripts reveal that Jesus was the first name of both men. Also, the name Barabbas means “son of the father.” Ironically, both men were “Jesus son of the father.” The true son of The Father taught that God’s people would be set free through the truth and righteousness of God’s coming Kingdom…. Jesus Barabbas however, desired to overthrow the Roman’s rule through the force of war. Therefore his plan to free Israel was designed to be used instead of the plan of God. Since this man was a direct contrast, or anti everything Christ stood for, Jesus Barabbas was obviously an antichrist figure. The fact that “anti” literally means “instead of,” confirms what this whole scenario represented. The people had to choose either Jesus Christ, or an antichrist!

Would the people be able to recognize truth and choose the real Christ…. or would they follow their religious leader’s advice and choose a man in direct contrast to him? We all know their decision.

It’s absolutely amazing how this exact scenario is being played out in today’s world, even as we speak! If you are wondering how this could possibly be…. Listen closely.

In the previous post the correct identity and purpose of the rider of the first seal was thoroughly explained. Undeniable scriptures revealed this identity to be the end-time word that will go forth to conquer and prepare people for the events of the remaining seals. That’s why this righteous and truthful word is symbolically depicted as riding a white horse. Throughout the bible, white always represents something that has been cleansed, something pure and righteous. It also prophesies (many, many times) that a pure and righteous word is coming immediately before the tribulation begins! This word, riding a white horse, will provide people the opportunity to become purified in their thinking, and turn their back to falsehoods. In other words…. Repent. (Luke 13:3)

If the rider of the white horse of the first seal is the antichrist (as many followers of traditional teachings still contend) the bible would be deliberately deceiving! An antichrist would not be riding a horse that symbolized righteousness and purity!!! If this world-wide theory was actually true, God’s word would have malicious intent to deceive or demonstrate trickery. Many scriptures clearly show God despises anything that is sly and cunning!

Would it make sense for the revelation of Christ to begin with another liar coming to deceive the world? Would Jesus himself open a seal that would bring forth a conquering antichrist? What would be the purpose? The world is already lying in the power of the serpent’s lies and has been saturated with antichrists for centuries! (1st John 2:18)

The opening of the first seal is the beginning of events that will bring in God’s Kingdom! The restoration of truth will be the very foundation of that Kingdom! (Malachi 4:5, 6) The bottom line is; God’s word does not purposely deceive!         

One reason men’s antichrist theory was developed is because the bible uses the singular pronoun “he” to describe the many entities that are set in direct opposition to Christ’s truth. Their failure to apply this detail properly, along with their inability to realize their own traditional teachings are the real culprit, is why they felt it was necessary to develop the doctrine. Since nothing fit the bible’s description of the antichrist in their eyes, they claim a super individual is destined to come onto the world scene. They claim he will be such an incredibly slick deceiver the whole world will follow with admiration. They say he will position himself in the ancient city of Jerusalem and somehow rule the world.

First of all, the bible uses the term “Jerusalem” in a much broader sense than they realize. In prophecy, Jerusalem is not used in a literal sense. It is used to symbolize the world’s center of worship, which is exactly what it was when the bible was written. (John 4:21)

The next fact, which is the world’s greatest paradox…. It’s already taking place…. And has for 2000 years! They themselves are fulfilling the prophecy! The beast which they say is the antichrist is actually the world’s powerful empire of false worship! Today’s teachers of false doctrines ride the beast! They are the slick deceivers who have misled all those who dwell on the earth! (Revelation 13:14)

If you belong to them, you carry the mark of the beast! They sell religion…. You buy it!  (Revelation 13:17, 18) That’s why God continually proclaims: “Get out of her my people, if you do not want to share in her plagues!” (Revelation 18:4)

There is only one thing that can slay the heads of the beast…. Truth! The reason John said he saw one of the heads slaughtered was because of the truth spoken by Jesus! While he was here on earth, the truth Jesus spoke delivered a death-stroke to the beast, but the beast got healed! (Revelation 13:3, 12) Since that time the beast has been on a rampage! It appears as a lamb, but speaks like a dragon. Lies!! Lies on top of lies! Outwardly they indeed appear beautiful but inside are full of dead men’s bones! (Matthew 23:27)

If everyone who dwells on earth…. the small and great, the rich and poor, and the free and bonded will follow the beast, as Revelation says, how could the beast be one man?

Let’s try to apply just a little bit of logic to this world-wide teaching that seems to be on the lips of many millions at this time! There are many hundreds of different belief systems throughout the world. Actually every individual is unique unto himself. Are we to believe that every person within all the diversified teachings and thinking the world over is suddenly going to stop, throw all their beliefs out the window, and follow one man??? Yes, it sounds ridiculous…. because it is!

If a logic minded person wears out a few bibles he will discover God’s word is certainly not ridiculous or contradictory, but actually very simplistic. All the end-time visions John saw in Revelation are explained through stories set in ancient times and the visions and similitudes of the prophets. A most amazing fact is, practically all of them are related to one thing; Mankind’s struggle with the deceiving lies of the false prophets that ride the beast!

If you are waiting for the antichrist to suddenly appear, look around you… look on every street corner… look into the temples of men, for he has been seated there for centuries!

The mystery of this lawlessness is already at work. He, who is right now acting as a restraint against truth, will be revealed and taken out of the way by the end-time words and the manifestation of Jesus Christ. Ministers and preachers the world over have guaranteed people that God is found through them, therefore you must come in and buy what they are selling. They will continue to sell their lying wonders and unrighteous deceptions to all those who will not accept and love truth. (The apostle Paul conveyed these thoughts at 2nd Thessalonians 2:6-12.)

These men have to maintain an exalted position in the eyes of the public in order to keep selling their product. The question is; who will continue buying the teachings of man? Who will continue wearing man’s mark on their forehead?

(Revelation 13:18) “Here is where wisdom comes in; Let him that has understanding count the number of the beast: For it is a man’s number and his number is 666.”                           

Wisdom…. What a powerful word! “Does not wisdom keep calling out? Does not understanding raise her voice?” “To you, O men, I am calling, my voice is to the sons of men.” “Listen, for it is about the foremost things that I speak.”  “I, wisdom, have understanding and mightiness. Those loving me I, myself love, and those looking for me are the ones that find me.” “For the one finding me, will certainly find life, but the ones missing me, do love death.”  (Sayings of the 8th chapter of Proverbs)

What is wisdom? …. This was the word Jesus chose to represent his personal self. How could we possibly miss Jesus? If you follow the teachings of men, and believe the rider on the white horse of the first seal is the antichrist…. rather than the end-time word of God…. then yes, you will miss the beginning of the revelation of Christ! You will miss the information that was sealed up in The Seven Thunders! You will miss the manifestation of God’s end-time message to the world!

(A full and complete biblical explanation revealing the correct identity of the rider of the first seal can be found approximately halfway through the 6th thunder! Anyone who is still hesitant to dismiss men’s teachings on this very important subject should study this scriptural information thoroughly.)

The choice the people made between Barabbas and Jesus was the most important decision mankind has ever made. That designed ancient pattern symbolized a choice that confronts those who are now seeking truthful bible knowledge ………… may wisdom be your guide.

Is the crowned rider on the white horse that will go forth to conquer the beast……. the antichrist……. or God’s promised end-time Word? The time has once again come for all people to choose between man’s ways……. or God’s ways.

Will you choose Barabbas or Jesus?