When Jesus was brought before Pontius Pilate, Pilate said to him, “Are you a king?” Jesus answered, “For this I have been born and for this I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of truth listens to my voice.” Pilate said to him, “What is truth?”                          

So, what is truth? How valuable is truth? Truth is always in total agreement with facts. It is the real state of affairs, the actuality of all matters. Truth is honest, perfectly exact, and is the very embodiment of the science of proof, which is logic! Nothing will eliminate a falsehood like the authority of truth. In a nutshell, truth is the bottom line!

Psalms 19 states that the laws, commandments, orders, and judicial decisions of The Almighty God are based on the authority of His perfect Truth! It also declares that knowing God’s truth on these matters is more valuable than refined gold, sweeter than honey, and for the one who seeks it and keeps it, there is a large reward!

Through a parable using trees to enlighten us, Judges 9:13 intensifies the absolute importance of Truth… “And the bramble said to the trees, ‘If in truth you anoint me as king over you, then come and take shelter in my shade; but if not, let fire come out of the bramble and devour the cedars of Lebanon.’

The most notable use of truth can be realized when John 1:1 is properly understood. The Greek word “logos” used in this scripture is a very difficult word to translate in English. We actually have no word in English that exactly expresses the meaning of logos. The use of the term “word” is very close, however the word “truth” in its real meaning of having no mixture of error in it, is actually the nearest equivalent.

In John’s day there were many asking, “Is there such a thing as truth?” John met this head-on by the peculiar way of beginning his gospel. He says there is truth, and always has been, but it is with God; and that men have been seeking it in the wrong place. They will find it in God, for Jesus is the incarnation of truth.

Among the age-long and countless words that have been spoken—true or false—Jesus is the truth. We need to search no further. Here the weary, panting, truth-hungry person can find eternal rest from the search. Jesus is the altogether-true word made flesh. This is why Jesus said at John 14:6 “No one comes to The Father except through me.”

When you find truth, you find God! (Psalms 43:3)

This helps explain another scripture that should be thoroughly understood. Many people base their entire theology on John 3:16. It is great to say you believe in Jesus, however as we can see, the real meaning of believing in Jesus goes much deeper than a single thought. Believing in Jesus is in reality, believing in God’s Truth! Taking Jesus into your heart cannot be done in a manner that does not involve recognizing truth… studying it… and accepting it! (John 17:3) (James 2:19)

The recognition of truth requires being objective, and not being concerned with ministering to subjective feelings, needs, or desires. Being objective about truth is realizing it is something real to aim at; existing outside the mind as an actual object, and not merely in the mind as an idea. Becoming aware of these facts should make anyone who is genuinely seeking God, cognizant of the importance and necessity of calling upon Him in truth! (Psalms 145:18)

The obvious great dilemma confronting all seekers of God is the ability to distinguish the end time truth amidst men’s long established falsehoods. A person having the insight to investigate lifelong beliefs and “change their thinking” is currently proving to be just as rare as the prophecies have foretold. The bible very adeptly describes this end-time dilemma throughout the 28th chapter of Isaiah. The rising up of the people who recognize God’s mighty and strong end-time truth against the ones remaining in the gates of men’s religions…. is called “The Battle at the Gate.”                                           

The questions that now confront everyone who professes to be a believer are; will you continue to follow the intoxicated teachings of men’s organizations…. Or will you recognize the presence of truth and make a turnaround? Will you take off the crown of pride and humbly allow God to become your crown of glory instead of men? When the Lion roars and the Lord’s thunderous voice speaks… (Amos 3:7) Will you know his voice and follow?

Today, there are many people that refuse to believe an end-truth will come upon the world scene that will enable chapters 2&3 of Revelation to finally be fulfilled. An unknown fact is: The gathering of the true ecclesia of Christ is an end-time event! The people who recognize and accept Christ’s truth will be called out of men’s organizations and churches, enabling the true church or congregation of Christ to come into existence.

The word ecclesia has been translated “church,” however, this Greek word used in the bible’s original text actually means: “called out of.” This assembly of people will be made up of people from all parts of the earth and all walks of life! Rather than the body of Christ being formed inside the gates of men’s religions, God’s people will be called out of them! (Revelation 18:4)

As Acts 7:48 & 17:24 says: “God does not dwell in man-made temples.” His true people will be baptized with Spirit and become united in their beliefs and faith…. Because they have accepted the truth presented in the Elijah message during the last days! (Malachi 4:5) (Matthew 17:11)

“There is one body and one spirit, just as you were called in one hope of your calling;” “one Lord, one faith, one baptism.” (Ephesians 4:5

Revelation’s prophecy refers to these called out people, as those who overcome, because they will overcome false teachings when the revelation of Christ’s truth begins!

Let’s read some scriptures in Isaiah 28 that tells the complete story about the individual struggle to turn to God’s truth and overcome the drunken teachings of men. The battle at the gate will become a major end-time event! (Read Amos 5:10 to confirm the bible’s meaning of “the gate” and what stirs up the battle)

“Woe to the crown of pride, to the drunkards of Ephraim, whose glorious beauty is a fading flower, to those who are overcome with wine!”                                                                     

“Behold, the Lord has a mighty and strong one, like a tempest of hail and a destroying storm, like a flood of mighty waters overflowing, who will bring them down to the earth with his hand.”                                                                                          

This prophetic scripture is describing the destructive power God’s time of the end truth will have on the traditional lies of men! Today’s beautiful and glamorous churches and organizations will hate this truth just as the temple leaders hated Jesus in his day. The smallness and youth of this truth coming against our world’s gigantic religious empire…. Was portrayed in the symbolic drama of David facing Goliath!!!                      

“In that day the LORD of hosts will be for a crown of glory and a diadem of beauty to the remnant of His people, for a spirit of justice to him who sits in judgment, and for strength to those who turn back the battle at the gate.”     

“The priest and the prophet have erred through intoxicating drink, they err in vision they stumble in judgment. For all tables are full of vomit and filth; no place is clean.”   

Isaiah’s very clear modern-day vision is in total agreement with Amos 9:1. This metaphoric drunken stupor is found in every religion of man! Not just a few or 99%…. All of them!

“Whom will he teach knowledge? And whom will he make to understand the message? Those just weaned from milk, those just drawn from the breasts.”                                        

Before we can understand the message of the end-time truth or as Zechariah calls it, “the flying scroll,” we must push away from the milky, repetitious teachings of the drunkards! The manner in which the truth in the message of the flying scroll will speak to the people is now described.                    

“For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept, line upon line, line upon line, here a little, there a little.”                         

The end-time measure of truth will be presented as reading material. It will not come from a glorified speaker standing at a podium! These messages will not merely repeat the bible’s visions; they will reveal their true meanings! The information will come periodically and yet will remain together, as in a basket. (Zechariah 5:6)

This basket will consist of directional facts, facts possessing the convincing power of authority, line after line, a little here, a little there. It will require patience and a thoughtful study of the scriptures not only quoted, but also those listed for reference. Eventually, the people whom God chooses, will know why these facts continually pronounce a curse on the woman who is also in the basket. They will begin to understand the wickedness of the harlot, and how God’s foundation stone of truth is prophesied to throw a lead cover over her mouth! This should explain one of the bible’s most misconstrued chapters since men have been reading it! (Zechariah 5)

“Therefore thus says the Lord God: Behold, I lay in Zion a stone for a foundation, a tried stone, a precious cornerstone, a sure foundation; Whoever believes will not act hastily, also I will make justice the measuring line, and righteousness the plummet; the hail will sweep away the refuge of lies, and the waters will overflow the hiding place.”        

“As often as it goes out it will take you; for morning by morning it will pass over, and by day and by night; it will be a terror just to understand the report.”                          

Yes, this very easy to understand report of truth will become a foundation stone, and have a terrifying effect on those who take to heart or tremble at God’s word. (Isaiah 66:2-5) People with this type of nature, who are currently instilled in the lies of men’s organizations, will at first, be stunned and bewildered at God’s awesome work as He brings to pass His unusual end-time act. The downfall of institutionalized worship and the realization there is truth that reproves their life-long beliefs, will be shocking, to say the least!

This is why Jesus said the sign of Jonah would be the sign of our times. (Matthew 16:4) It will be a terrifying thing when people who are positively sure their religion is correct…. are thrown overboard into the confused state of the watery deep!

Read Jonah 2:3-5 for the symbolic description that explains why the scripture states…. that understanding the report of the end-time truth will be a terror for many people.                     

“Now therefore, do not be mockers, lest your bands be made strong; for I have heard from the Lord God of hosts, a destruction determined even upon the whole earth.”      

As this destruction draws closer, becoming a believer in truth is more and more important. (Psalms 147:15-20) We must realize however, that truth will not be the popular course. (Jeremiah 8:6) (John 14:17) Most people much prefer sensationalism over logic. (Isaiah 44:25) The vast majority is drawn to the world’s traditional, dramatized forms of worship because they are entertaining, popular and require very little effort. (Mark 7:9) Making your mind over through the logistics of truth on the other hand, requires deep sincere thought, intense study, and an open heart. Remember, the gate is narrow that leads to life, and few will find it! (Matthew 7:14)

When speaking about the end-time arrival of truth, Jesus said at John 14:29; “And now I have told you before it comes, that when it does come to pass, you may believe.”

It has come to pass! The revelation of Jesus Christ has begun! The flying scroll is hurling through cyberspace! The white horse has gone forth to conquer! The crowned word of God resounds with a voice like thunder! The manifestation of truth will keep coming…. Precept after Precept, Line after Line! Here a little, There a little…. Until the wise people on the earth are prepared for the things coming! For only those who have the insight to cast aside the intoxicated teachings of men and recognize the authority of God’s end-time truth will find……