There is an amazing amount of scriptures describing God’s elect, or as some translations call them, The Chosen Ones. Because these people are considered special to God, and are even referred to as a royal priesthood…. as we might expect, many presupposing people claim to be part of this holy nation of Spiritual Jews. (Read Revelation 3:9 & Romans 2:28, 29)

Since The Almighty God alone will choose His elect, (Romans 9:16) no man could refute another man’s claim regarding this position. However, the positive facts we are able to discern are the bible’s multiple descriptions of God’s elect. These facts include; the type of people they will be…. when they will be chosen…. and how the truth of God’s Word will cause the majority of them to become like polished arrows, hidden in the shadow of His hand! 

As the prophet Isaiah says in his 48th chapter, the first thing God’s chosen ones will do is; go forth out of Babylon! (For the complete story of this ongoing event, read the similitude presented in the 50th & 51st chapters of Jeremiah) The truth will set the captive ones of Jacob free from the chains of men’s false teachings! The 49th chapter of Isaiah goes on to give us a perfect description of what God and His word of truth will then do for them.

“And he proceeded to make my mouth like a sharp sword. In the shadows of his hand he has hidden me. And he gradually made me a polished arrow. He concealed me in his own quiver.

When the polishing is complete, God’s elect will come out of their concealed positions! Their words will become arrows of truth, as they learn from the house of Judah. The house of Judah is the symbolic name God has given to the people who will initially understand the arrival of truth. They will become leaders in God’s army of truth followers, during the very last days. The tribe of Judah represents the bow! Their leader is the Lion of Judah!! This prophecy for the last days is available for all truth seekers to read, at Zechariah 9:13 & 10:3, 4.

“For I have bent Judah, My bow, fitted the bow with Ephraim, and raised up your sons, O Zion, against your sons, O Greece, and made you like the sword of a mighty man.”                 

“For the LORD of hosts will visit His flock, the house of Judah, and will make them His royal horse in the battle.” “From him comes the cornerstone, from him the tent peg, from him the battle bow, from him every ruler together.”

The rest of the elect will then be honed to fit the bow. This is why the rider of the first seal is depicted as carrying only a bow. The arrows will come later, after God’s word of truth prepares and polishes them to a glistening! This is also why the tribe of Judah is listed first in the 7th chapter of Revelation…. even though Judah was not Jacob’s first born son in God’s metaphorically designed story. To understand how the children of Israel will be born again during the last days…. Read the 49th chapter of Genesis, as Jacob tells the twelve tribes of Israel what will happen in the last days. We can see from this prophecy, God’s elect will be made up of people possessing very different characteristics.

Unrecognized by the world, God’s crowned word of truth became a light shining in the darkness when it thundered forth onto the world scene at the opening of the first seal! The prophesied revelation of Jesus Christ began during the most sensational display of heavenly signs mankind has ever seen! An event unheard of, actually took place during that recent lunar Tetrad! A total eclipse of the sun occurred directly in the middle (to the day) of those four spectacular blood moons!

“The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the coming of the great and awesome day of the LORD.” (Acts 2:20)                                       

God dynamically announced the dawn of His crowned word of truth, through a metaphoric spectacle of turning sudden darkness into sudden light, on March 20th 2015! The true light that gives light to every sort of man was once again in the world, but the world did not know it! Israel’s New Year began on that date! The four winds of the earth began to be held back! The anointing and sealing of the ones God selects to teach His new creation of Israel is now eminent! The bride can now come forth from her nuptial chamber! For the grain, the new wine and the oil have arrived! (Joel 2:15, 19, 28-31) (Isaiah 30:20) (Jeremiah 3:15) (Revelation 7:1-3)

“Arise [O woman] and shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you.” “For look! Darkness will cover the earth and thick darkness over the peoples, but the LORD will shine forth, and upon you his own glory will be seen.” “Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn.”

“Raise your eyes all around and see! They have all of them been collected together; they have come to you. From far away your own sons keep coming, and your daughters who will be taken care of on the flank.” “At that time you will see and certainly become radiant, and your heart will actually quiver and expand, because to you the abundance of the sea will direct itself, the very resources of the nations will come to you.”  (Isaiah 60:1-5)

Most people will not believe what God caused to become during the recent Tetrad. Many religious people were looking on, expecting a physical or visible event to occur, but in their eyes nothing happened. Since they all believe they already have truth, and the sealing of God’s servants has already taken place, the actual arrival of truth would never enter their minds! Their practice of applying prophecy before its time for fulfillment…. will not change until the day of Jacob’s trouble begins! (Jeremiah 30:7-11) (Jeremiah 5:20-31) (Micah 7:8-20) (Jeremiah 31:29, 30)

(Properly discerning the real identities of the house of Jacob and the house of Israel are vital to understanding the bible’s salvation prophecies! The true identities and how they are used in prophecy is explained in the 4th Thunder. Now is the time to come out of the darkness caused by men without understanding! 1st Timothy 6:30 Titus 1:13, 14 Hosea 4:6)

In the Apostle John’s 1st chapter, he told the story about the first time God sent His light of truth into the world. It has since been acknowledged by billions as the greatest event in mankind’s history, and was announced by a magnificent guiding star, recognized by a few wise men of that era. But now…. is the grand finale, the great climax that will lead all obeying mankind into eternal salvation! Do we actually think God would start the first action of the final revelation of Christ without an even greater heavenly spectacle? He even connected the restoration of truth to a promised heavenly display at Joel 2:23-30. Verses 23-29 describes the dynamic change and impact the end-time truth will have on His people, in great detail. Verse 30 immediately follows with God’s promise that He will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth when that truth arrives!!!

The drought of true knowledge is over! The days of the latter rain have begun! The threshing floors are full of wheat; the vats are overflowing with new wine and oil!  Now is the time to take Jesus into your heart, by eating and digesting his Father’s meal of truth!

Zechariah’s vision in his 4th chapter is beginning. The days of small things are over, the plumb line is here! The seven eyes of God are scanning to and fro throughout the whole earth! (Read Zechariah 4:6-10) Who will recognize His truth? Who will fast on the teachings of men and feast on the word of God? Who will God choose to teach His people?

Jesus actually put this choosing of God’s elect into a parable! The parable of the wedding feast can be read in the 22nd chapter of Matthew. Jesus ended his symbolic illustration by saying, “For many are called, but few are chosen.”  Yes, The Father’s end-time meal of truth is available to all…. will be rejected by most…. accepted by few.

Since this very important meal marks the beginning of God’s end-time actions, let’s read some scriptures describing its effect. The admonitions presented in 1st Peter are relative to the exact time period we are now living…. when truth arrives!

“Since you have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit, having been born again, not of corruptible seed but incorruptible, through the word of God which lives and abides forever.” “As newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the word.”          

“Coming to Him as to a living stone, rejected indeed by men, but chosen by God and precious, you also as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.”

“You are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; who were once not a people but are now the people of God.”

Did the bible give us a pattern for this end-time revelation of truth? Absolutely! After Jesus returned from the wilderness and forty days of fasting, it was time for his teaching work to begin. Immediately before he began his 3 ½ years of teaching, his Father chose 12 men to become his followers. These men were good men, with the ability to apply logic to their thinking. Even though they had never before heard anything like the teachings of Jesus, they knew he was the one the prophets had promised would come…. why? Because they recognized truth!!!

These men could never have been unified with truth, until truth itself had arrived! They were in the exact scenario as the world is today. Just as God promised He would send a savior that would present truth to the ancient world, He has promised a saving message of truth in our day. (Isaiah 49:5, 6 explains this fact in detail) As God stated at Malachi 4:5, 6…. If He didn’t send the Elijah message in the last days that would enable His people to come together as a family, He would strike the earth with a curse of destruction.

After the 12 men chosen by God to follow Jesus learned how and what to teach, their appointed mission began. (Read the 15th & 16th chapters of John) This same mission stands before the chosen ones today! The helper, the spirit of truth has arrived! The truth in the word of God is the vine (John 15:5)…. the chosen ones are the branches. They will go forth and teach as the Spirit of God leads them! (Zechariah 4:6) They will tell all the nations that God’s Kingdom will soon rule this world…. and the end has come for the worship and governing systems established by men! (Matthew 24:14)

This is absolutely an event of the very last days, immediately before the conclusion of this system of things!!! These things have not and will not be carried out by any of men’s organizations, churches or religions! This fact is not stated with the intention of putting down people, the lies our leaders have taught are the things all of God’s people must overcome. (Isaiah 3:12-15) This is why Isaiah 17:7, 8 says that in that day, man will learn to look directly to God, and not the altars and wooden images made by the hands of men.

John the Baptist prepared the apostles for the presence of Jesus, exactly as the latter day Elijah message will prepare the chosen ones of our day. Now is the time to study that message closely and very intently. The task ahead will not be for the faint of heart, your knowledge of the word will be your sword. Through God’s Spirit, your knowledge will allow multitudes from all the nations to wash their garments in the blood of the Lamb. They will stand clean before God on earth…. and God will wipe away every tear from their eyes. (Revelation 21:3, 4) Despite this success, you will be hated by many others, (John 17:14-19) especially by those who remain loyal to men’s worship systems! (Amos 5:10) They will come against you and ridicule you every step of the way! (John 16:1-3) The hardships you must endure will be very similar to the pattern established by the original chosen apostles.

The ones who are about to become the chosen people of God will fulfill Revelation 10: 8-11. They are ones who will prophesy again with regard to peoples, nations, languages and many kings.

When they take the little scroll of The Seven Thunders, eat it up and digest it, it will taste as sweet as honey. But now we know why the scripture says…. it will make your belly bitter.

No one knows who the chosen elect will be, only God. We will only recognize them through the bible’s descriptions of their traits and deeds. (Romans 8:19, 28) (Daniel 12:3) It’s very clear they will have diverse personalities and cultures, symbolically having the name of one Father written on their foreheads, though born of different women. (Genesis 49) They will not be defiled by the harlot, Babylon. As Isaiah said, they will come out of Babylon by fasting on her falsehoods, while learning to speak the unadulterated words of truth.

Their love for the praise, honor and glorification of The Almighty God will overcome their thoughts of rewards and personal desires. The sincere satisfaction of God becoming the focal point in other people’s lives will be the driving force behind their teaching work. This is the separating trait that will allow these first fruits to walk with God, just as it did with the first righteous man, Enoch. (Genesis 5:24) (Jude 14)       

No matter who we are, where we are, or what our beliefs have been in the past…. God, through the blood of His son, has presented us with the opportunity to learn real truth…. And bring His salvation to the ends of the earth! (Isaiah 49:3-7)

Who will become A Light to the Nations?