Many of the bible’s metaphoric prophecies for the last days are currently in the process of fulfillment. One of the most visible and easiest things to detect in the teachings of every religion is “the picking of green or unripe grapes!” What is meant by picking green or unripe grapes? Obviously, it refers to picking or choosing something before it is ready, or before its time. In the bible’s case, this phrase is metaphorically used to illustrate today’s common practice of applying prophecy before its time for fulfillment.

The 15th chapter of Job explains how the teachers of falsehoods will not depart from darkness until their tabernacles of bribery are destroyed and their unripe grapes are cast aside. This enlightening chapter also relates this premature use of prophecy, to a premature birth, which is a very astute way of putting it.

Ezekiel 18 says the fathers eat the unripe grapes but the sons get their teeth set on edge. This is confirming how the premature doctrines and teachings have been passed down from generation to generation. This is why false teachings have maintained the centerpiece position in men’s traditional worship!

Jeremiah 31:28-30 tells us about the time period when the new covenant will start…. and the unripe grape picking will stop!

“And it shall come to pass, that as I have watched over them to pluck up, break down, to throw down, to destroy, and to afflict, so I will watch over them to build and to plant, says The LORD.                                 

“In those days they shall say no more: ‘The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children’s teeth have been set on edge.’

“But every one shall die for his own iniquity, every man who eats the sour grape, his teeth will be set on edge.”                                              

These scriptures certainly emphasize the absolute necessity of recognizing the false teachings of men’s handed down doctrines!!!

When the truth of the last days arrives, (John 16:13) it will be each individual’s responsibility to recognize it, and accept it! Along with that will be the individual responsibility to turn away from teachings that have been applied before their time for fulfillment!!! (Isaiah 30:22) If anyone is really interested in truth that leads to salvation, the 48th chapter of Isaiah thoroughly explains this latter day arrival!    

Why will it be an individual responsibility? Because as God declared, He is going to break down, throw down, and destroy all of the churches and world-wide religious organizations men have built! Memberships will mean nothing! As this time draws closer, we will need to associate and communicate with those who are turning to the end-time truth. This will be an important factor in the world-wide unity of thought God’s people are prophesied to obtain during the latter days. Hebrews 10:25 will finally be applied in its intended time period!!!

Few scriptures have been abused and adulterated as much as Hebrews 10:25! If we look closely, we’ll notice the context leading into this scripture is describing the future time period when God activates the new covenant. Religious organizations have used it in an arbitrary manner and out of context for decades. They have taught…. unless you attend their meetings and gatherings, pleasing God is impossible…. salvation is unattainable. This is just one small example of their continuous unripe grape picking!

Currently the truth of the latter days is having very little impact with the members of men’s religions, or even those who have abandoned them. In many cases the source is deemed more important than the words! When they read or listen to the real truth’s complete and irrefutable explanations of scriptures, they refuse to believe, because it’s not coming from the esteemed people or places they would expect. (1st Corinthians 1:26-28) It’s the same attitude that John the Baptist encountered during his plea to the people to repent or change their thinking. The inability of the people to recognize truthful words, eventually put Jesus in a position to be killed! Before a conversation even begins, most have no intention of changing any beliefs their idolized organizations have taught them, regardless of how irrefutable the end-time truth is. There is no doubt the fulfillment of Isaiah 48:4-7 is in process!

“Because I knew that you were obstinate, and your neck was an iron sinew, and your brow bronze, even from the beginning I have declared it to you; before it came to pass I proclaimed it to you, lest you should say, my idol has done them, and my carved image and my molded image have commanded them.”          

“You have heard; see all this. And you will not declare it? I have made you hear new things from this time, even hidden things, and you did not know them.”                                    

“They are created now and not from the beginning; and before this day you have not heard them.”                                                            

The fact is; the truth of the last days that God is talking about in these scriptures…. is very easily understood. To an open-minded lover of God, understanding this truth is as easy as swallowing a gnat. This is why Jesus called the molded images built by men;

“Blind guides, who strain out the gnat but gulp down the camel.” (Matthew 23:24) Most of their followers will continue to cling to their every word, until these idolized organizations are taken away! This is why “the sign of Jonah” must take place.

The most abusive premature use of God’s word has been equally adulterated by each and every religion of man. Because of men’s ear-tickling handed down doctrines, most people claim to possess a heaven bound future. The biblical fact is; people cannot decide who will be a part of the royal priesthood, the holy nation, or the people of special possession that will become a chosen race to rule in heaven with Christ! (1st Peter 2:9, 10) It’s God’s choice, not the one wishing or running! (Romans 9:16) No one can be certain of those choices until the work is finished that will teach God’s people to do His Will on earth as it is in heaven! (Revelation 11) (Daniel 12:2, 3) The unripe grape pickers have no clue a truth is coming that will accomplish this…. they think they’ve already got truth. We can continue to listen to their heaven bound claims, or we can admonish the words of Jesus.

When the mother of James and John asked Jesus about her son’s position in heaven, his answer verified she was asking him things that even he would have no control over. He told her it was not his to give, but rather; “It shall be given to those for whom it has been prepared by my Father.”

It is realized the real truth concerning this particular subject will not sit well with anyone who has devoted their time and efforts to the religions of men. Whether it tickles our ears or not, the truth of salvation will be told during the last days of this system!

Listen…. Just as in Noah’s day, there are floodwaters coming!!! Granted they are symbolic waters, however they will have the same effect on the earth’s population as the literal flood in Noah’s day! When the only sign of our times, “the sign of Jonah” begins, men’s false teachings will be exposed. The realization they have spent their entire lives believing in idols of untruth will throw many people overboard into the symbolic waters of the deep. Their mental state of confusion will cause a floundering similar to being literally drowned in Noah’s day. Why? Because being without God during the tribulation will be sure death! The only way out of the end-time deep waters will be finding and obeying The One True God, exactly as the story of Jonah foretold!

The truth God will provide during this time will be the ark of safety that leads to salvation! To be more specific, this truth is represented by the Ark of the Covenant!   

In the ancient pattern of the last days, the physical Ark of the Covenant was carried by God’s people everywhere they went. It represented God’s presence and the fact they were under His guidance and protection. Though many have searched for this original artifact, it vanished from history for a reason. The physical ark that ancient Israel toted around will not be found because…. The promise it symbolized for God’s people of the end-times is the only real thing of importance!

Now is the time to wake up and realize that promise! The time period when baptisms by the Holy Spirit will take place, is at our doorstep! Become one of God’s end-time protected people and part of His promised new covenant! Get on that ark and stay on that ark! Do not be thrown overboard into the confused waters of the symbolic deep!

During this time period preceding the rule of His Kingdom, God has put a decision in front of all mankind. Follow His ways, or follow the ways of the world. Put your faith and trust in Him, or men. It’s the same decision of Noah’s day, climb aboard the ark of truth or experience the forsaken and frantic feeling of drowning in the symbolic watery deep.

God’s ingenious way of establishing a pattern of physical drowning that symbolized a drowning through mental anguish during the final harvest…. has completely flown over the heads of this world’s religious leaders. Don’t let it fly over yours! Don’t be caught wondering how you can find God again, when all of men’s religions go down during the destruction of this system of things! This future situation of mental anguish during the storm of the tribulation is described at Jonah 2:4.

“And as for me, I said; ‘I have been driven away from in front of your eyes! How shall I gaze again upon your holy temple?’

When you testify to God’s end-time truth of salvation, you open the door to the real Ark of the Covenant!!! The protective Spirit of God will be with you wherever you go! You will not sink into the depths of oblivion…. You and your loved ones will ride high on the breakers and waves of the end-time…. “Waters of the Deep!”

“He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: His truth shall be thy shield and buckler.”                                                   (Psalms 91:4)

IT’S TIME TO RISE UP AND GO TO NINEVAH!!!!                                                 PROCLAIM THIS MESSAGE TO ALL!!!!             (Jonah 3:2)