Because of God’s unfathomable intelligence, His explicit way of creating metaphoric patterns for important future events has been overlooked by modern-day bible readers. All the ancient stories in the bible have much more value and deeper meanings than the mere historical information usually accounted to them. They are presented in a physical nature, but have a spiritual purpose! One of the most important metaphoric meanings to understand in our day and time…. is the story of Noah’s Ark.

Both time periods represent identical situations in the saga of mankind. The separation of good from evil was the key factor then, and will be the key factor during the tribulation Jesus described in Matthew 24. Only the people interested in living a righteous life under the rule of God’s Kingdom will survive during “The Sign of Jonah”…. which Jesus said would be the only sign our generation will be given! (Matthew 16:4) They will re-populate the earth, just as the 8 survivors did in Noah’s day. People not interested in God and His righteous ways…. will struggle to survive. The 2nd chapter of Proverbs relates this future scenario, culminating with:

“For the upright are the ones that will reside in the earth and the blameless will be the ones left over in it.” “As regards the wicked, they will be cut off from the very earth, and as for the treacherous, they will be torn away from it.”

By properly discerning that the story of Noah’s ark is in fact, a metaphoric pattern of the conclusion of our age, we should begin to realize that God will once again provide a safe haven for righteous people. After realizing this very obvious fact, naturally anyone’s first thoughts would be…. where is it and what is it?

The definition of the word ark is: something that affords protection and safety.   

Since God has declared the world would not be destroyed by literal water again, we know a physical boat will not be needed this time. In order to understand the latter day ark, we need to take heed of Paul’s words at 1st Corinthians 2:14, 15.             

“But the natural man [physical man] does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.” “But he who is spiritual judges all things, yet he himself is rightly judged by no one.”           

Today, most people need to literally see something or be in the presence of something physical in order to express their faith and loyalty. The futuristic pattern for this modern-day illusion occurred when ancient Israel wanted a king they could actually see instead of their real King, Jehovah God. Despite God’s warnings, a man of awesome stature named Saul was appointed Israel’s king. Saul had a physical appearance everyone admired, however his kingship failed because of disobedience to Jehovah. (1st Samuel 8:7, 18 & 9:2)

Today’s people are drawn to the very same type of outward glamour. Beautiful churches and enormous world-wide organizations are very important to most people. (Matthew 23:27, 28) They have been taught their physical presence at a church or being a member of a physical organization will provide all the protection and safety they need. On the contrary, God’s word repeatedly states that physical entities…. built by the hands of men will be taken away! These beautiful and highly revered venues are not where His end-time people will find their protection and safety! It will be exactly as Ezekiel 24:25 states:

“Will it not be in the day of my taking away from them their fortress, the beautiful object of their exultation, the thing desirable to their eyes and the longing of their soul.”

Ezekiel 14:20 continues to put today’s twisted way of thinking into a correct perspective.

“Even though Noah, Daniel and Job were in it, as I live,” says The Lord God, “they would deliver neither son nor daughter; they would deliver only themselves by their righteousness.”

These scriptures clearly explain that salvation will not be attained because an organization as a whole claims to have God’s Spirit, or because we are with a particular group of people. Protection and deliverance will be attained by righteous individuals regardless of their station in life!

So don’t let men tell you their churches and organizations are the latter day ark, or that being in their midst will guarantee safety during the tribulation! As the meaning of Jonah 2:8 relates; if we continue to put our trust in untruthful teachings, and idolized organizations men have built…. We forsake our own mercy!

Psalms 132 reveals how and where the protection and safety during the last days will be found! This extremely deep Psalm stresses the importance of finding a place in your heart for God and His truth, and keeping this thought above all other things. The fruit of this truth blossomed in Bethlehem Ephrathah, at the birth of Israel’s ruler. The prophecy foretells the time period when it will be found again in many different fields in the wilderness. The lamp of truth God has set in place will shine brightly in the hearts of the born again sons of the latter days…. the remnant of Israel. (Micah 5:2-4)

When the fruit of God’s truth is in our heart, we become spiritually enclosed in His Tabernacle. God Himself then becomes our Ark of Strength!                                            

For those who relate His testament of truth to others and remain loyal to its provisions…. when the storm of the tribulation begins…. God will shut the door of His Tabernacle behind you!!! (Genesis 7:15, 16)

Yes, a deep chapter indeed, certainly not able to be properly discerned if considered in a literal sense. The information also verifies the latter day resurrection of God’s truth and why Jesus connected it to the sign of Jonah. (Matthew 12:39, 40)

In order to keep afloat during the mental anguish of the end time deep waters, an individual relationship with The Almighty God will be the only thing that matters! That relationship can be developed only through His son Jesus Christ! Who is Jesus? He is The Word! He represents the singular truth of his Father, and the one way to survival. When we find that resurrected truth, we find the protection and safety found only in God Himself! We find the Latter Day Ark! (Jonah 2:3-10)