The time period of the most important birth in mankind’s history… since the birth of Jesus Christ… is about to begin!!! This birth has been prophesied to take place all through scriptures, in the same manner as the promised birth of the Messiah! Ironically, this historical birth, like the Messiah’s, will be overlooked and unnoticed by practically everyone on earth. (Luke 17:20)

What is on the verge of actually being created or given birth at this time? Psalms 102:18-22 very plainly, reveals the answer!

“This will be written for the generation to come, that a people yet to be created may praise The LORD.”                                            

“For He looked down from the height of His sanctuary; from heaven The LORD viewed the earth,” “to hear the groaning of the prisoner, to release those appointed to death,” “to declare the name of The LORD in Zion, and His praise in Jerusalem,” “when the people are gathered together, and the kingdoms, to serve The LORD.”               

These scriptures are describing the beginning or birth of a very particular and special people the bible refers to many times, yet there is not a religion in the world that knows anything about it! They all teach they have already gathered God’s people…. the problem is; they have gathered people to themselves in order to build their own careers and organizations and not to God! It is realized most people will pay very little attention to this statement and remain loyal to their churches and organizations. However, for those who desire to follow the word of God instead of men, this complete modern-day scenario is perfectly presented in the 13th chapter of Ezekiel.

The proper time period for this prophecy’s application is immediately set in the 5th verse, as “in the day of the LORD.” This prophecy is actually in its final stages as we speak, as evidenced by God’s constant reminder of a fact that applies exclusively to the final days of this world system…. “Then you shall know I am The LORD.”

The subject of this “need to know” prophecy is the religious leaders who prophesy out of their own heart, while speaking nonsense and envisioning lies. By claiming God has sent them, when He really hasn’t, they plaster their walls with whitewash which God declares He will tear down! But the part that really upsets our God is the fact they have gathered in the souls of His own people like birds in the hunt!

“Because with lies you have made the heart of the righteous sad, and you have strengthened the hands of the wicked, so that he does not turn from his wicked way to save his life. Therefore you shall no longer envision futility nor practice divination; for I will deliver My people out of your hand, and you shall know I am The LORD.” (Ezekiel 13:22, 23)

Presently God’s people are still captivated by this world’s many false teachers and whitewashed organizations! When God fulfills His promise to deliver His people from the hands that have hunted them down and seduced them with untruthful teachings…. A BIRTH OF A NATION WILL OCCUR!!!

This coming birth is so special and important to God…. the apostle John saw a vision of a sign in heaven depicting it! John described his futuristic vision in the 12th chapter of Revelation.

“Now a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a garland of twelve stars. Then being with child, she cried out in labor and in pain to give birth.”

It’s very important for all who are interested in learning real truth to understand this very enigmatic vision! As John’s vision continues a male child is given birth. Now practically everyone assumes this male child is Jesus, but we must remember, as pointed out in Revelation 1:1, 2; the book of Revelation is a revealing of future events that will take place during the apocalypse or the days immediately preceding the establishment of Jesus as king and ruler of his Father’s Kingdom.

“The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants— things which must shortly take place. And He sent and signified it by His angel to His servant John,” “who bore witness to the word of God, and to the testimony of Jesus Christ, to all things that he saw.”    

The phrase “male child” is used to signify a people possessing an unusual amount of strength and fortitude, but is young or newly acquainted with God’s truthful Word. Also since Jesus was born more than 100 years prior to John’s vision and was then sitting at the right hand of his Father, John would certainly not have seen a vision of his birth! What would be the point?

The fact is: John saw a vision of the birth of a called out ecclesia, or those chosen to rule in heaven with Christ! These are the children of Zion described in the Revelation chapters 7 and 14. They will take the truth into their hearts that God restored to the world when Jesus opened the first seal! That event, marking the beginning of the revelation of Christ, was dynamically announced to the world through a solar eclipse in the middle of four spectacular blood moons! After a saturating period of over 800 days, there was another spectacular solar eclipse directly through the heart of the very country that makes the claim…. In God we trust!

Though not known by the world…. that eclipse symbolized that a time period was beginning when the darkness of lies would be turned into the light of truth! It was an exact replay of a pattern established over 2000 years ago. It was talked about all over the world and even televised, but no one knew it represented a fulfillment of a previous long-awaited arrival! When the first arrival of The Word took place, a prophetic statement was made in the first chapter of John: “The true light was in world but the world did not know him.”

2nd Corinthians 4:6 also, very astutely connects the August 21st sign to Jesus.

“For it is God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.”

The true light of knowledge…. The Word is now in our world! Who will recognize it? Who will know its voice and follow? Who will answer our Creator’s call? This prophesied moment in time is described at 1st Peter 2:9, 10.

“But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light, who were once not a people but are now the people of God, who had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy.”

(It shouldn’t be difficult for anyone to realize the bible is an eschatological book. Eschatology is the study or science dealing with the ultimate destiny or purpose of mankind and the world. Therefore because the world’s current places and peoples did not exist when the bible was written, the prophets, through God’s spirit, used places and peoples that existed during that time to prophetically write about future events. The ancient places and peoples were used in a paradigmatic form, which means: “to set forth a model from an old situation.” Understanding these facts will make God’s word jump to life, instead of the usual response, “oh that happened back then.”)

With this in mind…. We should realize how vital it is to…. Now Seek the LORD’S Light of Truth! …. Only a matter of days after that metaphoric eclipse on August 21st, we got a taste of the devastating prophecy of Zephaniah!!! This is a prophecy revealing events that will occur on the seacoasts immediately before the day of The LORD’S anger! The word Zephaniah means “hidden by Jehovah.” We should now realize, God has hidden the end-time fulfillment by using places and peoples of ancient times to symbolize our modern-day world.

“For Gaza shall be forsaken, and Ashkelon desolate; they shall drive out Ashdod at noonday and Ekron shall be uprooted.”       

“Woe to the inhabitants of the seacoast, the nation of Cherethites! The word of the LORD is against you, O Canaan, land of the Philistines.” “I will destroy you, so there shall be no inhabitant.”       

The ancient Cherethites were dwellers on the Philistia coastlines of ancient Israel. They are prophetically used to represent those now inhabiting the regions of the sea.        

We have always had hurricanes and earthquakes but they are definitely intensifying. No one can predict how many or the length of time involved, however the prophecies certainly indicate the destruction of coastlines will play a major role in God’s preparation for His Kingdom’s rule. (Revelation 11:15) The destruction of symbolic Moab, as described in Jeremiah 48 will be catastrophic! Zephaniah’s prophecy continues on to explain why God is clearing out the seacoasts!

“The seacoast shall be pastures, with shelter for shepherds and folds for flocks.” “The coast shall be for the remnant of the house of Judah; they shall feed their flocks there; in the houses of Ashkelon they shall lie down in the evening. For The LORD their God will intervene for them, and return their captives.”  

As we learned in the 4th and 5th Thunders and several other precepts, the seacoasts are the locations where paradigmatic Jerusalem will be created (Isaiah 65:18) and the Musterion or Sacred Secret of God will be fulfilled. (Jeremiah 47) Why seacoasts? Never ending food! The remnant of the house of Judah represents the ones now being called to teach God’s true ways to people who are currently captivated in men’s organizations. (Jeremiah 3:14-18) The word Jew sprang from the word Judah. They are the first called, which is why they are listed first in the 7th chapter of Revelation. The other symbolic tribes will eventually join them in leadership positions. Through spiritual intervention, these chosen leaders will teach the great crowds that will flock to them. The symbolic 12 tribes and the great multitude from all the nations that will learn from them…. Will become the new creation of God’s Israel! (Galatians 6:15, 16) (Revelation 9, 13-17)

In the ancient pattern, Abraham was chosen from among all the earth’s inhabitants. After his grandson Jacob had his name changed to Israel, his 12 sons and their offspring were selected to become God’s people because of bloodlines or heredity. In the fulfillment of the pattern, God will once again choose people from all walks of life however bloodlines and heredity will have nothing to with His choices. His new creation of Israel will be based solely on the change or condition of each individual’s heart.   (Ezekiel 36:24-27 & 33-38)

Zechariah 8:23 actually explains the process of how the great multitudes will flock to the house of Judah and the other symbolic tribes of Israel…. People of all languages of the Nations will take hold of the skirt of a man who is a Jew and say; “We will go with you people for we have heard God is with you people.” In order to properly understand exactly who God will consider a Jew in this many times misconstrued scripture, we should read Romans 2:28, 29.

“For he is not a Jew who is one on the outside, nor is circumcision that which is on the outside upon the flesh.” “But he is a Jew who is one on the inside, and his circumcision is that of the heart by spirit, and not by a written code. The praise of that one comes not from men, but from God.”

No one could read these scriptures and not understand that a Jew in God’s eyes has nothing to do with race, age, gender, nationality or religion. A Jew in our day could be anyone! Only God knows the inside of a person! This is why God said the old covenant would be replaced by a new and better one! (Hebrews 8:6-13)

Thirty three days after the sign that symbolized “A Light to the Nations” on August 21st, the sign John described in his vision will actually be seen in the heavens! As the bible makes clear in many scriptures, God will announce His end-time actions through displays of signs in the heavens. This coming constellation depicts the start of a time period when the gathering to the light of truth causes the birth of a new people!

Unfortunately, as John’s vision further indicated, the long established lies of the original serpent will continue to haunt these newly dedicated truth-seekers. Since real truth is quite different than men’s traditional teachings, their words will be scoffed at and ignored by the vast majority. They will be considered total outcasts and not to be associated with. As Jesus forewarned at John 16:2; whoever does these things to his true followers will think they are rendering God a sacred service!!! Therefore because of the serpent’s indoctrinated lies, many families will be torn apart!

“I came to cause division, with a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a young wife against her mother-in-law.” “Indeed, a man’s enemies will be persons of his own household.” (Matthew 10:35, 36)

In his 8th chapter, the prophet Zechariah describes this newly born, nation of strong people.                                                          

Thus says the LORD of hosts: “Behold, I will save My people from the land of the east and from the land of the west; I will bring them in, and they shall dwell in the midst of Jerusalem. They shall be My people and I will be their God, in truth and righteousness.” “Let your hands be strong, you who have been hearing in these days these words from the mouth of the prophets, who spoke in the day the foundation was laid for the house of the LORD of hosts, that the temple might be built.”

“For before these days there were no wages for man, nor any hire for beast; there was no peace from the enemy for whoever went out or came in; for I set all men, everyone, against his neighbor.”

To hear in these days, the words from the mouth of the prophets, and understand how they used ancient places and peoples to symbolically represent our modern world…. is to more clearly understand events as they take place! (Hosea 12:10) Prior to these days there have been no wages for mankind made to exist! But now, The Real Zion that represents the truth and righteousness of Theocratic Governing has come into labor!

If you are a person who loves truth and righteousness, if you want to become A Light to the Nations, now is a time to rejoice! (Isaiah 49:5, 6)

If you want to learn more about the exciting birth of the people who will thrive when God’s Kingdom Rules…. study the 66th chapter of Isaiah. Now is the time to look directly into the face of Jesus Christ and take God’s Word into your heart! What could be greater than The Almighty God turning His attention to you?

“TO THIS ONE, THEN, I SHALL LOOK, TO THE ONE AFFLICTED AND CONTRITE IN SPIRIT AND TREMBLING AT MY WORD.”                                                            (Isaiah 66:2)