The words coastlands and islands are used often by God’s prophets in their prophecies about mankind’s future salvation. If you are a person genuinely
interested in God and His Word this true statement should excite your curiosity!

Revelation 10:7 makes a profound statement that God has a hidden mystery or sacred secret that He declared to His servants the prophets. The religions of men have construed all types of false meanings for this scripture. (2nd Peter 3:16,17) The only way to properly understand this incredibly revealing scripture is to discern the complete definition of the original Greek word musterion. In most English translations, musterion was replaced by the very vague word, mystery. The definition of musterion actually reveals that God has a plan of salvation that is beyond the teachings of all religions! This fact will be extremely difficult for them to accept, especially those who claim to have infallible knowledge of all things.

Musterion: The plan of God which is hidden from the world and kept secret to ordinary eyes, awaiting fulfillment or revelation at the appointed time, for those whom it is intended. A musterion is something quite unintelligible to the uninitiated but made crystal clear to the initiated by only, divine revelation.                                                           

As this definition clearly shows, within the prophet’s seemingly unimportant stories about ancient events, ancient peoples and ancient places, is the most valuable information in existence! By putting the vital knowledge of His final part of the days plan of salvation all through the ancient similitudes and visions of His servants the prophets, God has allowed it to remain hidden until His appointed time. This complete darkness has continued into our modern-day!                                                          

In today’s religious world, every altar of men designed worship considers the prophet’s ancient stories as primarily
mere history! Because of their inability to understand that God used the language of antiquity to explain His future plan of salvation… the fair and just plan God has for all righteous minded people will never be heard from any altar of man! Read Isaiah 17:7-14 for the real story about those who now depend on their members money for their continued existence.                                                                             

Now that we know our God has a future plan for all seekers of Him, where will it take place, what events will cause it to become? Once again, these questions are thoroughly answered in the ancient visions of God’s prophets. (Romans 15:4) (Luke 24:25) (Hosea 12:10) (Zechariah 8:7,8,9)                                        

Undoubtably, the most cryptic and misinterpreted
part of the bible is the 29th chapter of Isaiah. After Isaiah’s
vision of how Ariel will be instantly devastated has been abstrusely related, this fact is proven. In the 9th, 10th and 11th verses, it speaks to the people who honor God with their lips, while their hearts are far from him. “This whole vision has become to you like the words of a book that is sealed. For the Lord has poured out upon you a deep sleep, and has closed your eyes to the prophets.”                                                                

In this chapter much of the hidden plan of salvation is revealed. It verifies that selected coastland areas will be the locations where the true final altars of God will begin. People from all parts of the earth will be gathered to these places and learn the perfect will of God. They will rebuild the devastated places and the unknown Jerusalem of prophecy will be created. (Isaiah 65:18,19)                                                                               

This new creation of Jerusalem has been hidden from the altars of men through the guise or false front of ancient Jerusalem! Every time the word Jerusalem is mentioned, these esteemed leaders immediately apply it to the only Jerusalem they know anything about. They have no clue that God used titles of antiquity as metaphors in the prophecies for our future. (Read the 23rd chapter of Jeremiah
if you really want to know the facts about all the self-appointed prophets in this world we live in!)                                                              

How could places and peoples that didn’t even exist at that time be named? This is all thoroughly explained through scriptures, in the 4th Thunder; God’s Sacred Secret.                                                          

Jerusalem means “City of Praise.” Our God is going to devastate or clear out areas of His choice… bring His people in and they will clean-up and rebuild the devastated places,
creating “Cities of Praise,” the Jerusalem of prophecy. (Jeremiah 33:3,10-16)

God loving people from all nations of the earth (regardless of their current religious affiliation) will accomplish these wonderful things, while being taught perfect knowledge and understanding by teachers chosen by God Himself! (Jeremiah 3:14-17) (Isaiah 30:20-22)               

The teachers are symbolized by the title, house of Judah. This is why the rebuilt coastland areas where Jerusalem will be created are referred to as “The Cities of Judah!” (Isaiah 44:26) (Zechariah 10:3,4)                            

This moment in time is pin-pointed at Isaiah 27:6 among many other scriptures in the prophets. Here Jacob is taking root and is in the process of blossoming into Israel, as the real people of God are born again. (Isaiah 66:8) This is the same teaching and learning process that is described at Isaiah 29:18-24. This unknown educational time period will take place after the sign of Jonah takes place, or in other words, after the destruction of men designed worship! (Isaiah 24:7-13) (Revelation 18:2-4, 21-24) (Jonah 2:4)                  

Eliminating instilled falsehoods and learning true worship is how God will get His people ready to live under the rule of the Kingdom Jesus constantly talked about. At that time, the people will not forsake nor neglect their gathering together, for the promised perfection of the 2nd covenant is drawing near! (Read Hebrews 10:16-25) These scriptures do not apply to any of today’s religious gatherings! Read Jeremiah 31:31-34 for the real time period! This will be accomplished in the rebuilt coastlands and islands of Ariel… as they become God’s glorious… created Jerusalem. (Isaiah 44:25-28)                                                      

“He will not fail nor be discouraged, till He has established justice in the earth; and the coastlands shall wait for His law.” (Isaiah 42:4)                           

“Sing to the Lord a new song, and his praise from the ends of the earth, you who go down to the sea, and all that is in it, you coastlands and you inhabitants of them!” “Let them give glory to the Lord, and declare his praise in the coastlands.” (Isaiah 42:10,12)              

“Listen to me, my people, and give heed to me, my nation; for a teaching will go out from me, and my justice for a light to the peoples.”                                              

“I will bring near my deliverance swiftly, my salvation has gone out and my arms will rule peoples; the coastlands wait for me, and for my arm they hope.” (Isaiah 51:4,5)                                                         

“Break forth into joy, sing together, you waste places of Jerusalem! For the Lord has comforted his people, he has redeemed Jerusalem.”                           

“The Lord has made bare his holy arm in the eyes of all the nations; and all the ends of the earth shall see
salvation of our God.” (Isaiah 52:9)            

What if the flying scroll was in your midst… who would believe the report? (Zechariah 5:3,4) (Isaiah 53:1) Be on the watch!! First, “The Sign of Jonah.” (Matthew 12:39) A great astonishment is in store for religious people all over the world. Churches and religious organizations will be shut down and abandoned! (Isaiah 34:8-16) The breakers and waves of the symbolic watery deep will cause great
confusion when the loss of traditional worship confronts all people. (Psalms 42:3,4,7) Love for God will become very real for some people and pushed aside by those who attended religious gatherings to be admired by other people, or in other words, for their own glory. The words of Jesus will then be fulfilled, the wheat and the weeds will be separated. (Jonah 2:3-5,7-9) (Matthew 13:34-43)

Next, pay attention when Psalms 46:1-4 becomes a reality on various coastlands and Islands. And as Jeremiah 9:21 states; “Death has come up through our windows.”                                                                                   

“God is our refuge and strength, a very pleasant help in trouble. Therefore, we will not fear when the earth undergoes change. Though the mountains totter into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains rock at its uproar. There is a river the streams of which make the city of God rejoice, The Holy Habitation of the Most High.”                                         

The following scriptures at Romans 16:25-27 make it very clear why coastlands, islands and the mystery of God’s hidden salvation plan is now being explained throughout the whole world!                                     

“Now to him that is of power to establish you according to this gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began, but now is made manifest, and by the
scriptures of the prophets,
according to the commandment of the everlasting God, made known to all the nations
for the obedience of faith: To God only
wise, be glory through Jesus Christ forever. AMEN.”