When Jacob prophesied that in the final part of the days…  Benjamin would seize the prey, keep tearing at it like a wolf and then divide the spoil, what did Jacob really mean? (Genesis 49:27)

Most people completely overlook this prophecy however it’s actually revealing the most vital activity of our times! This activity will cause the emergence of real truth upon the world scene! This is not a story about a literal hunter of animals as many assume. The prey is The Word of God! The people of today, symbolized by the tribe of Benjamin, will seize The Word! They will tear at its truth with the vengeance of a hungry wolf!!! They will then divide the spoil by sharing their spirit inspired knowledge with God’s chosen people during the end of this system of things.

In the symbolic story of how God’s people will once again emerge, Benjamin was Jacob’s youngest son, and the smallest tribe of Israel. They were a different type of people, as depicted in the fact most were left-handed. In battle, their procedures were extremely keen and carried out through very precise maneuvers. They were the most skilled and ferocious warriors of all the tribes of Israel. (Judges 20:15, 16) But even before all of this took place, Benjamin occupied a special place in Jacob’s heart and in the eyes of Joseph he was a very special brother.

When the 12 brothers were once again gathered together in Egypt, Joseph made sure Benjamin ate the same meal as he himself ate. This is yet another part of the prophecy being fulfilled as we speak. The meal of truth Benjamin is now eating will be acknowledged for what it really is, and then consumed first by the tribe of Judah. This world will then experience the same separation of God’s people as occurred in the prototypical split. As we recall, 10 tribes were participating in false worship while the tribes of Judah and Benjamin remained in Jerusalem, the city where the center of worship was located in the ancient world.

After a period of recognizing that the people symbolized by Benjamin are actually telling God’s singular truth of the final days, the people symbolized by Judah will begin teaching on a worldwide scale. (Zechariah 10:3, 4) At that time Isaiah 30:20 and Matthew 24:14 will begin to be fulfilled.

“And though the LORD gives you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction, yet your teachers will not be moved into a corner anymore, but your eyes will see your teachers.”                    

“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.”     

When this worldwide teaching work gets underway many people will begin to understand that the entire story of ancient Israel was actually a similitude (Hosea 12:10) (Jeremiah 6:16) of how God will form a people of His own, to live under the rule of His promised Kingdom!

Currently there exists a religion or two that understands this to some extent. They even claim to have already done the prophesied worldwide preaching, not understanding they have actually fulfilled the prophecies about picking green or unripe grapes. Obviously these people believe they themselves are the source of truth, and have claimed to be God’s organization on earth for many years. They can’t even begin to fathom the final day gathering of God’s people will not be carried out through a previously established religious organization. Many people have left these organizations, realizing that despite many sound doctrines, they have also taught many falsehoods. In observing the comments of these very intelligent individuals who have left, it becomes quite evident they are in a quandary as to how complete truth will come into existence. They bicker back and forth about organizational structure, citing the problems but remaining oblivious to the solution God has clearly provided in His Word. Realizing these long standing organizations will not play a part in the finale of things is proving to be quite a challenge. (Jeremiah 5:26-31)

These astute people have taken the first proper step, (Revelation 18:4) but are certainly not clear about where to go next. They currently have no concept that eventually all righteous seeking people will have to congregate together at the carcass little Benjamin is now busily tearing apart. (Psalms 68:26, 27) (Matthew 24:28)

First finding, then taking in and digesting the tough meat of the carcass, will require some changes in thinking. Most people feel it is mandatory to pick out a charismatic individual who has established for himself, a personal platform to follow and admire. When this occurs, the attention is drawn to that individual’s personal name, his personal leadership abilities and his personal words.

A currently unknown fact that must be acknowledged is this: The congregating of God’s people during the final part of the days will be nothing like that!!! The real gathering to Christ Jesus will not involve the personal names of any individuals! (John 1:22, 23) The people of God will congregate solely to The Word of God and not to words spoken by lifted up, lofty individuals! (Isaiah 2:10-22) Some of these popular individuals have read the bible extensively, but as the prophecy at Judges 9:15 reveals, it only matters if done in truth!  (John 1:9-13) Humbly re-evaluating their knowledge and departing from previously learned organizational teachings will not be easy for those currently lavishing in the attention of a big audience.

As Benjamin divides the spoil, God’s true people must do exactly what the meaning of Mahershalalhashbaz  suggests in the 8th chapter of Isaiah. They must “hasten to the spoil.” They must recognize the flying scroll as prophetically seen by Zechariah, as it goes into cyberspace over the surface of all the earth. Some have said this ephah measure of God’s Word is His judgments … however would a fair and just God administer judgments without first giving people the chance to recognize and follow real truth? We must realize no religion can justify being “the truth” and be teaching falsehoods at the same time!

The fact is; the metaphoric flying scroll is the only place that contains the essential knowledge for our times! This is why the prophet Zechariah saw the vision! It explains all the end-time events symbolically expressed throughout the Word of God. It will lodge in the midst of men who have stolen from God by building their own dynasties… placing themselves and their organizations in the limelight… while doing so in the Name of God. (Zechariah 5)

None of men’s organizations or any individual’s name will be attached to these end-time instructional precepts. This is God’s way to insure that He is the focus of His people and they are drawn to Him solely through the recognition of the powerful truth of His Word!

So in conclusion, does it really matter what religion is closer to truth or what person appears to have the most knowledge? The bottom line is; everyone must gather to the same carcass! Everyone must find the spoil of Benjamin!

It’s time to give serious thought to Isaiah’s prophecy in his 43rd chapter, because it’s telling us about the very time period we are now living! It explains that something unexpected during the final part of the days must be found by all sincere seekers of God… and how God Himself will form and organize a people of His own to preach the good news of His coming Kingdom… to all the world!

“Look! I am doing something new. Now it will spring up. You people will know it, will you not? Really, through the wilderness I shall set a way. I shall have given water in the wilderness, to cause my people, my chosen one to drink. The people whom I have formed for myself, that they should recount the praise of Me.”    

At the present time most people are very content in their beliefs and salvation status. They certainly feel no need to accept or even look for something new. But what if our God Himself made it clear… that at this time He is bringing new things to light, would you change your thinking? Listen to His words at Isaiah 48:6, 7.

“You have heard; see all this. And will you not declare it? I have made you hear new things from this time, even hidden things, and you did not know them.” “They are created now and not from the beginning; and before this day you have not heard them.”    

And Jehovah spoke out of the windstorm: “Gird up your loins like an able-bodied man. I shall question you and you inform me.” “Really, will you invalidate my justice? Will you pronounce me wicked in order that you may be in the right?” “Or do you have an arm like that of the true God? And with a voice like His can you make it thunder?”  (Job 40:7-9

Keep listening for that voice like thunder….                                                          Keep searching for the carcass.

“Where the slain are, there it is.”  (Job 39:30)