At John 16:13 Jesus made a statement concerning how the word of truth would eventually come back upon the world scene after his physical departure! “Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will show you things to come.”                                          

Throughout the bible the voice or words from God are described as having a sound like roaring Thunder. (Job 37:4, 5) The bible also prophesies these thunderous end-time words will prepare a road straight to our God… and will come from an unknown and unexpected source… someone crying out in the wilderness. (Isaiah 40:3)

As the meaning of the original Hebrew word “midbar” reveals, these messages from the wilderness will be completely unattached and absolutely unguided by the traditional teachings of any religion of man! They will be the beginning of a unification of the thoughts and hearts of all righteous loving mankind (Malachi 4:5, 6)… as God gathers a people for Himself… to live under the rule of His coming Kingdom. (Daniel 2:44) (1st Corinthians 4:5)

Regardless of previous religious memberships and beliefs, good deeds pleasing to men, the country lived in, or the color of skin, these people will have one thing in common… the type of heart that is pleasing to God! In other words if any person, anywhere, has the proper heart condition, our God’s active force will assist that person in understanding His end-time word of truth, freeing them from the darkness of men’s lies! This is what Jesus meant when he said; “The truth will set you free.” When this occurs during the final part of the days, God’s true people will take Christ into their heart. This is much more than a sudden emotional declaration, as most seem to assume. It actually means “making a complete turnaround by converting from men’s false teachings to taking God’s Word into the heart in truth! (Acts 3:19-21) Individuals will experience the saving grace of Christ through faith and belief in truth. (2nd Thessalonians 2:10) (1st Timothy 2:4) That truth is found by becoming very interested in studying The Word. (Acts 28:26-28) Recognizing truth when you hear it, and following it, will be very similar to the time when Jesus was on the earth. Some recognized who Jesus was, many did not.

Many people today make the claim of loving Jesus, however if a person truly loves Jesus, they will burn inside with the desire to find and learn the singular truth in God’s Word! This is how God’s people will begin to think in a spiritual manner and abandon their physical minded beliefs that currently cause division. (1st Corinthians 1:10 & 2:10-15) As Spiritual minded people, they will understand the anomalous (a departure from common thinking) meaning of the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ!! As they become joined to “The Word of God” in truth, God’s people will become followers Jesus Christ! When this truly takes place, they will become recognizable by the love they have for one another! (John 12:48) (John 13:35) (Matthew 24:23-26)

The sole purpose of this website is to publicly reveal the uniting factor during the final part of the days, in order for all flesh to see it together. (Isaiah 40:5) The people of God will then have the opportunity to become bonded together by the Spirit of Truth.

Open your mind and heart with prayer… discern the scriptures intently… make understanding your treasure… (Proverbs 2:1-6) and you will be shown the things to come!! (John 16:15)