The true light, who gives light to everyone was coming into the world. The word was in the world but the world did not know it. Most people did not pay attention to the word, but all who followed the words of Jesus became the children of God.                                                    

Whether we realize it or not, the purpose of this play on words in the apostle John’s 1st chapter was to impact our world today. There is once again a light shining in the darkness. A light of truth in a world darkened by false teachings. A light to the people that will once again be hated by the world’s religious leaders! This light is the reason Jesus was called The Word, because this light shining in the darkness… is the Word of God.                                                                         

Throughout the bible the fact has been made clear; there will be a message of truth that will change and unify the thinking of people who are seeking God. This will take place regardless of who they are, or where they may be located. (Malachi 4:5,6) This light to the nations will prepare people to participate and fulfill God’s original purposes for mankind on a worldwide scale! All people of this time period will have the opportunity to experience the saving grace of God exactly as they did during Christ’s physical presence. This will take place because when they hear truth, they will love it. (2nd Thessalonians 2:8-10)                         

The first questions most people would ask are, how can this light of truth be recognized? How can truth be distinguished from all other teachings? How can we be sure we have found the singular truth the bible is referring to?                         

So, let’s talk about some things people should look for in the truth that will begin to shine in the final part of the days. First and foremost, everything said will be BASED ON SCRIPTURES. Personal opinions or non-scriptural traditions will never be included. Even if the scripture isn’t quoted you should read the scriptures listed. Studying can become very satisfying by reading your own bible with understanding.                 Another absolute fact is; IT WILL BE FREE! Absolutely and totally! The bible is very clear on this matter. Read Isaiah 55:1,2. & Revelation 22:17.

TIMING: It will appear when the 1st seal is opened! (Revelation 6:1) Unacknowledged by the world, it will be marked by signs in the heavens, immediately before the great and fear inspiring day of the LORD. (Joel 2:30,31) When the Lion of Judah roars the seven spirits of God will be sent forth into the whole earth! (Amos 3:8) (Revelation 5:6)              

WHERE WILL IT COME FROM? As Isaiah 17:7,8 has clearly pointed out, it will not come from the altars of men. In other words, it will not come from the churches and religious organizations, where the world considers righteousness must be found. We will not have to pay hard earned money to preachers or be present at temples made by the hands of men. God’s real truth will build a temple in our hearts! (Jeremiah 31:33) Remember, Jesus said his burden would be light, very different than the heavy burden of men.                                                         

In the first appearance of the word, the Messiah was expected to speak in harmony with the religious leaders, he did not! They hated him… They had him killed! The truth of our day will come from someone crying out in the wilderness. (Isaiah 40:3) Totally apart and uninfluenced by any religion of man. The world will consider it to be a place like a desert, without water, dried up and very unlikely to produce bible truth. It will be ignored, scoffed at and hated with a vengeance by religious leaders. Despite a battle at the gates of men’s religions, (Isaiah 28:6) the dry tree will blossom! (Ezekiel 17:22-24)                                     

WHO WILL WRITE IT? You will never hear any person’s name mentioned! It’s the Word of God, not the word of any man! Anytime a man’s name is involved in bible teaching, the attention goes to him. God and His Word are the complete focal point of the truth that will rise up during the final part of the days of this system! The bible informs us about the plummet line of truth through the use of an ancient similitude at Zechariah 4:9,10. This tells us all we need to know. Men and the organizations men represent always become the things people exalt and look to. The Lion of Judah is our leader! The Word of God will lead us to the promises of The Father!            

CONTENT: There will be Sacred Secrets never before revealed! It will explain that through the similitudes and visions of the prophets every detail of our future can be learned! (Hosea 12:10) It will lift the skirt and expose the many misleading falsehoods taught in all of today’s religions. (Amos 9:1) (Revelation 18:4) For the first time, the only sign Jesus said would be the sign of our times will be brought to light, the sign of Jonah. (Matthew 16:4) And of course, bringing forth the information that was sealed up in the 7 Thunders will be a major part of it! (Revelation 10:4,11)                      

There are many topics within that sealed up information that are vital to the time period immediately before God’s Kingdom begins to rule over the earth and all remaining mankind. Therefore, it’s very important to read and understand the following scriptures! (Daniel 2:44) (Psalms 37:9-11) (Proverbs 2:21,22) These scriptures explain the reason for the most profound part of the sealed up 7 Thunders. That is: God’s plan of salvation that has been hidden in the ancient stories and visions of the prophets for centuries! As Revelation 10:7 states; this musterion was announced by God to His servants the prophets and will not be completed until all things are restored back to God’s original intentions. Also read Acts 3:21-24.

God’s fair and just plan of how He will unite and prepare His choices of people for life under His kingdom’s rule is revealed in the 4th Thunder.

Men’s traditional churches and religions have no concept of this Sacred Secret that’s so vital to our future lives and the lives of our loved ones, even though parts of it are on practically every page the prophets have written. Why has this worldwide blindness continued for centuries? The following definition of the original Greek word musterion, will completely answer that question!                              

“The thought or plan of God which is hidden from the world and kept secret to ordinary eyes, awaiting fulfillment or revelation at the appointed time, to those for whom it is intended. A musterion is something quite unintelligible to the uninitiated but made crystal clear to the initiated by only, divine revelation.”                            

This definition explains in detail why God used this word. If someone is skeptical of this definition, it can be easily searched out by anyone. Some sites are even more elaborate in their information. Professors have actually made videos explaining the improper use of the word mystery in most bible translations as a replacement for musterion. A musterion is not a mystery, it’s a sacred secret! A secret is known by someone, a mystery is not known by anyone. This has misled many people to believe the word of God could never be understood.                          

The word Musterion is used in conjunction with a few other topics in the New Testament as well as the ancient similitudes and visions of the prophets. The Sacred Secret about Jesus Christ and his return is included. At the appointed time……. Stay tuned!                        

Through the unveiling of the sealed up 7 thunders and precepts that will add a little here, a little there, the true knowledge during the time of the end will become abundant! (Isaiah 28:9,10) (Daniel 12:3,4) Because of this true knowledge, seekers of God will be weaned from the breast and become the people Isaiah is referring to at 42:6.                      

  “I, The LORD, have called you for a righteous purpose, and I will hold you by your hand. I will keep you, and I will make you a covenant for the people and a light to the nations.”                                                      

The prophet Zechariah saw the vision of the flying scroll. (chapter 5) Today, people all over the entire world are reading it! This is why Jesus said, “You do not believe because you are not my sheep. But my sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.” (Isaiah 28:16,17)                  

Now is the time to spread the Word, tell your friends and neighbors, tell all your loved ones, and become “A LIGHT TO THE NATIONS.