As this precept is being written our world is experiencing an unprecedented catastrophe. The coronavirus pandemic has not affected just a few places or countries, it has covered the entire world of mankind! Anything that requires a gathering of people has been shut down! All types of businesses, sporting events, schools, tourist attractions, music concerts, we could go on and on. All of these shut downs stop money! Can the gigantic business of men’s worship systems survive without attendance and money? For valuable insight Read Revelation 18: 4, 8, 23.

 After only a few weeks since the virus began spreading, the lives of all mankind have been drastically changed. It’s not hard to see that a complete recovery will be extremely difficult. The longer it continues the world’s economy will take bigger and bigger hits. We all know that every facet of this world revolves around, and depends upon, money. Being without money would eventually tend to equalize people, or make life as tough on one as it is another, regardless of who they are. The 24th chapter of Isaiah lays out the effect no buying power would have on the earth and its inhabitants.              

Verses 1-3 “See, the LORD is going to lay waste the earth and devastate it; he will twist its face and scatter its inhabitants. It will be the same:                                            for priest as for people,                                                                     for master as for servant,                                                                 for mistress as for maid,                                                                   for seller as for buyer,                                                                       for borrower as for lender,                                                              for debtor as for creditor.                                                                The earth will be completely laid waste and totally plundered. The LORD has spoken this word.                                     

As thunderinthewilderness.com has pointed out many times, the bible’s prophets used ancient places and peoples to prophetically foretell the events that would take place during the final part of the days of this system… before God’s Kingdom causes His will to be done on earth. They certainly couldn’t write about places and peoples that didn’t even exist in their time therefore metaphoric expressions had to be used. (Hosea 12:10) Anyone who doesn’t realize this fact has no hope of gaining accurate knowledge about the prophesied events of our day. (Read 2nd Peter 1:21) & (Luke 24:25)                                                                             

With this rare knowledge in mind, let’s read a few scriptures in the vision of the prophet Habakkuk about the time when God will bring down and expose instructors of falsehoods. Men who have covered the earth with their dragnets, gathering to themselves all the nations and peoples. These men of the altars are currently using and twisting God’s word making people drunk with false teachings in order to make profit for themselves and set their nest on high!                                           

Verse 1:5 “Look among the nations and watch—be utterly astounded! For I will work a work in your days which you would not believe, though it were told you.”           Habakkuk then described God’s presence when His work begins.                                                                                            

Verses 3:5,6 “Before Him went pestilence, and fever followed at His feet.” “He stood and measured the earth: He looked and startled the nations. And the everlasting mountains were scattered, the perpetual hills bowed. His ways are everlasting.”                                                                                  

As we speak, people world-wide have been scattered to their residences. Has God provided a situation that will help truth seekers learn more about His everlasting ways? We certainly do not know how long social distancing will be mandatory or how long people will be unable to attend churches and religious gatherings. However, one thing is for sure, people now have time on their hands and amazingly also have Thunder in the Wilderness at their fingertips!                    

In this day and time practically every person in every household carries a phone that will connect to the world-wide internet. Through Zechariah’s vision of the flying scroll, God’s voice of Thunder can now be heard in most houses across the entire earth! This is how the earth will begin to be filled with the knowledge of the LORD! It is also why the prophet Habakkuk (2:14) included this statement in his vision that foretells today’s moment in time!                                                            

The prophesied distresses on mankind are no longer mere speculations…they are reality!                                        

The symbolic language of Habakkuk’s vision is describing the things that will be torn down and the things that God will build up. If you are interested in learning God’s everlasting ways, now is the time! He will tear down men’s big business of false religion and establish His truth among all people on the earth who have heartfelt feelings for Him. When this type of person hears God’s voice of thunder, they will turn their backs to men’s traditions and look directly to God. (Habakkuk 3:13)                                                                                   

This moment in time provides the opportunity to study, learn and tell others about the one source that will unite the hearts of the families of God. (Malachi 4:5,6)                                                                                                                  

“Yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will joy in the God of my salvation.”  (Habakkuk 3:18)