As the coronavirus pandemic continues to rage throughout the world at an alarming rate, many people are asking the questions; “Is this the beginning of the tribulation?” “Is the day of the LORD at our doorstep or will everything shortly get back to normal?” On the other hand, many others are not at all concerned with anything God is doing, their only thought is how this pandemic is affecting them. Regardless of which type of person we are, everyone’s thinking is irrelevant when it comes to God’s actions!                                                      

Since all people are susceptible and vulnerable to our Creator’s actions, wouldn’t it be wise to thoroughly investigate His word in these uncertain times?                                                                                             

So how would we start, where could we find the answers pertinent to today’s questions? Amos 3:6,7 provides critical information we should not overlook!              “If there is calamity in a city, will not the LORD have done it?”  “Surely the Lord God does nothing unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets.”                                                                                            

It appears the similitudes and visions of the prophets will provide answers. (Hosea 12:10) We know that a similitude does not represent itself, it is a story about something similar or a counterpart of itself. Did God have the intelligence to cause the prophets to see visions of the future and then write about them in ancient lingo? Yes, His thoughts are much higher than ours. (Isaiah 55:9) This has certainly stumped the religions of men because they always apply the prophet’s writings back to the time when they were written. This world-wide practice virtually renders most of the bible as meaningless history. Read 1st Corinthians 10:11 to understand the real purpose of the prophets. Also observe the comments of Jesus at Luke 24:25. “O foolish ones, and slow of heart to believe in all that the prophets have spoken!” The inability to understand the prophets is why the general comment from the altars about today’s pandemic has simply been, “We’ll get through this.”                                                                                                             

With all of these facts in mind we can read the visions of the prophets with a more accurate viewpoint. Accurate knowledge of the prophets will enable us to know the world events that will take place when the tribulation actually begins, which is currently the big question. For those who are sincerely interested in learning, read these futuristic visions and similitudes written through the concealing element of ancient lingo. Isaiah 47, Jeremiah 51, Ezekiel 34, Daniel 4, Hosea 2, Amos 8, Micah 3, Nahum 1, Habakkuk 2, Jeremiah 5, Amos 5, Isaiah 13, Ezekiel 13, Revelation 18. Understanding these chapters will aid in separating the money schemers from those who will become the people of God during this final part of the days!            

There is one constant feature that rings throughout the prophets and also coincides with the final day warning Jesus repeated several times. “The only sign the last generation would get will be the sign of Jonah the prophet.” Anyone who has read the 3rd Thunder knows the “Sign of Jonah” is about losing the opportunity to worship. The coronavirus pandemic has done that very thing and just as quickly as Jonah was thrown overboard! The opportunity to attend churches and socially participate in religious activities has been greatly hindered… from one end of the earth to the other!                                   

No one can say this is the beginning of the end of this system of things, however we all could agree that in light of our world’s unprecedented current events, God-fearing people should be on the watch! The Eagles are sucking up the blood of the slain lamb! Listen to them!                                                                                                                 

The reason for this precept is to give God’s future people the opportunity to watch for the events God has laid out in His word. So, what development should we watch for that will allow us to know the world is headed directly to the tribulation?… A constant, continuous deterioration of this world’s entire empire of worship systems!!!          

If they regain some of the money they’ve lost and survive, then this will only have been a precursor, but even if it is not the time, God’s destruction of men’s traditional money-driven worship will remain the telltale event, the prophecies will not lie. (Habakkuk 2:3)                                                                                                                            

Quite possibly, our fair and just God will use this time to expose and make a spectacle of the great harlot who has ensnared nations and families with her greed and deceiving lies. (Nahum 3:4,5) This will give all people who are seeking Him in truth, the chance to heed His repeated warning; “Get out of her my people!”                   

Whether this is the time or just a precursor, the prophets wrote about the eventual destruction of men’s traditional worship all through their prophecies. They explained how good-hearted, God-loving people, wherever they may be, or whoever they are, will get out of the religions men have built and begin to learn God’s singular truth from an end-time world-wide message. As Isaiah foretold, the information that will prepare the way of the LORD, will not come from all the diverse teachings heard from the altars of men! A flying scroll will announce the coming of God’s Kingdom by entering into households across the entire earth! (Zechariah 5) (Matthew 24:14) These Thunderous messages will be presented exactly as the prophet Isaiah foretold:                                                            

Precept upon precept, Line upon line, Here a little, There a little…….Now is the time to recognize!