Most people would agree the coronavirus pandemic has put the world in a position mankind has never experienced in modern history. Fighting this virus has actually become a global warfare, there has been no peace for anyone since it began! Will the world’s economy recover from all the massive shutdowns? Will these shutdowns eventually begin to affect our food supply? Will the virus surge again when everything is opened back up?                                                                                        

Because they have no understanding of the prophet’s allegoric speech, the religious leaders can’t say much more than “We’ll get through this.” And of course, the old stand-by, “Give us money and you’ll be blessed.” How much longer will grief-stricken bank accounts allow people to continue supporting them? (Revelation 22:17) (Isaiah 55:1,2) It will become a personal decision for each individual, stay in the dark and keep paying to have your ears tickled by men without understanding, or be enlightened with the real facts about this pandemic… found only in the metaphysical prophecies in the Word of God. (Isaiah 48:5-7) The meaning of metaphysical is: “A branch of philosophy that explains reality and knowledge; the study of the real nature of things; highly abstract; very hard to understand.” We must remember, God’s ways and knowledge are much higher than ours. (Read Isaiah 55:6-11)                                 

Unknown to the altars of men, there is a prophecy in the bible that pinpoints this very moment in time. Every aspect of the pandemic that the world is now facing is described by the prophet Nahum! The revealing of Nahum is certainly not for most people! There’s a reason it has never been understood for thousands of years… It’s metaphysical, it’s full of metaphors and loaded with complex intellectualized images! The vision seen by Nahum was written this way because God never intended for this prophecy to be understood until it actually took place! Nahum actually tells us how The Almighty God will begin His many times promised… Day of the LORD! If you’re not looking for God’s Kingdom to set matters straight in this world, then you will not want to know the real truth behind the coronavirus global pandemic!           

The book of Nahum begins by stating he has seen the vision of the pronouncement against Nineveh. Nahum uses the same ancient city in the same metaphoric way as the prophet Jonah. Nineveh was the capital of the Neo-Assyrian empire, known for the strongest religious beliefs of the era. Both prophecies are about similar end-time events concerning idolatrous worship. Jonah was about how some people will hear truth, change their thinking, and willingly come out of the great harlot. (Revelation 18:4) Nahum reveals how God will lift the harlot’s skirt, exposing the wolves in sheep’s clothing to His people. If God didn’t cause this exposure, His people would never realize men’s traditional teachings are leading them astray! (Nahum 3:4,5) (Isaiah 3:12)                           

Nahum then begins to explain that God is slow to anger but by this time He’s watched good people being duped long enough. As the prophecy continues, we will see how God is going to cause something to occur that will force people to break away from the grip the harlot has on them, by eliminating their opportunity to attend.                                                

“The earth will be upheaved at His presence, yes, the world and all who dwell in it.”       “Who can stand before His indignation?” “Though I have afflicted you, I will afflict you no more; For now, I will break off his yoke from you and burst your bonds apart.”                                                                                                             

This explains one of the reasons God has afflicted the world with this pandemic. By making it more and more difficult to attend men’s churches, He’s tearing off the yoke of bondage false worship has placed upon His people! The following scriptures confirm.

“Get out of her my people, if you do not want to share in her plagues.”                                                  

“Your name shall be perpetuated no longer. Out of the house of your gods I will cut off the carved image and the molded statue. I will dig your grave, for you are vile.”                   

In the next chapter we will see how the abstruse use of pronouns and imagery have kept this prophecy hidden until it has now taken place.

Different bible translations use a various number of words to identify the perpetrator, such as; the attacker, the siege, the one, and the most cryptic, he.                

“One who scatters has come up before your face.”  This is exactly what the attack of covid 19 has done! Gatherings of people in many aspects of life have been stopped! Other than a few activities, people have been scattered to their residences.                                                                                                          

On the surface, this prophecy appears to refer to an army God is sending to mount an ancient attack. But information about an ancient army certainly has no concern for us today. So why is it in the bible? Should we really think God would inspire meaningless writings, or writings that we should just pass by and ignore? The metaphoric content in the following scriptures exemplify how God has kept the real meaning of this prophecy veiled for centuries.          

“The shields of His mighty men are made red. The valiant men are in scarlet. The chariots come like flaming torches in the day of His preparation, and the spears are brandished.” “The chariots rage in the streets, they jostle one another in the broad roads; they seem like torches, they run like lightning.”                                                                                 

Now is the time to lift the veil… What are God’s mighty men that have shields made red and why are His vital men of energy termed as being in scarlet? The ancient setting and the story itself make it very easy to assume this is an army of men neatly dressed in identical red uniforms and all carrying little bright red shields. If we think about it in a literal sense, this would be highly peculiar, especially during ancient times. This actually is Nahum’s metaphoric vision of the coronavirus itself! We have all seen the pictures of the virus and though they may be colorless, when photographed they are made red! Through the lens, most of the pictures that have been presented to the public make them appear to be surrounded by red and have red protrusions, or crowns. In Nahum’s vision, he described the flat area on the end of these extensions as shields!                      

The prophecy depicts the virus as raging in the streets, jostling one another in the broadways, as they keep running up and down in the public squares. Their appearances are like fiery-colored torches. Like lightnings they keep darting and running through the world of mankind... Anyone with common sense and even the most ardent skeptics, should be able to realize this is not describing an invasion of a literal army of men!                      

This is Nahum’s metaphoric description of the attack by the invisible army God has sent in His day of preparation. Amazingly, the silent, deadly attack of the coronavirus has single-handily impacted every entity in the world that God has promised to destroy! Millions of jobs have been lost! World economics is in drastic trouble. (Read Isaiah 19 & 24) The world’s food supply has been greatly affected and will worsen as the pandemic rages on. (Joel 1) (Rev. 6:5,6) And of course, the main target of this pandemic; religious teachings that prevent people from changing their thinking to the bible’s real truth. This real bible truth has been riding across the earth since Jesus opened the 1st seal! How the teachings of men act as a restraint against it is described in 2nd Thessalonians 2:6-12.     

Most people are only interested in their own daily life, never considering bible prophesies. However, if you are one of the few that do, the bible is very clear about world economics, food shortages and the downfall of men’s religions becoming world-wide realities when the day of the LORD begins.             

Sceptics of Nahum’s real prophecy meaning should realize that the prophet Joel also used similar metaphoric analogies to describe future invading activities as the day of the LORD nears. He calls God’s symbolic locust swarm that will cause a mourning and lamenting for the priests and ministers of the altars, “A powerful army drawn up for battle.” “Like warriors they charge.” “Like soldiers they scale the wall.” “They burst through the weapons and are not halted.” “They leap upon the city, they climb up into the houses, they enter through the windows like a thief.” (Joel 2:7-9)

As Jesus said, someday the word of God’s many symbolisms will be made clear. The experts who sit in the temples of men, will not understand Nahum’s prophecy during this final part of the days. On the other hand, God’s true people will hear his knock at the door and humbly invite him in. They will take the evening meal of true knowledge with him. They will overcome the teachings of men, and do as God now commands all people, everywhere… change your thinking! (Acts 17:30) (Revelation 3:20) (Matthew 11:25)                                                                                         

The religions of men have made themselves appear to be God’s representative for salvation. As Nahum put it; in the past they’ve been like a pool of water to the thirsty. But now this pandemic has changed all that!                                                   

“Now they flee away. Halt! Halt! They cry; but no one turns back. Take spoil of silver! Take spoil of gold! There is no end of treasure, or wealth of every desirable prize.”  “She is empty, desolate, and waste! The heart melts, and the knees shake; much pain is in every side; and all their faces are drained of color.” Where is the dwelling of the lions? (religious leaders) “I will cut off your prey from the earth, and the voice of your messengers shall be heard no more.                                   

Her Shepherds slumber, her nobles stay in their residences, her people have been scattered and there is no one collecting them together.                                                                    

This information described in the book of Nahum is no longer events of the future. This is now a reality! The profit sustained churches and religious organizations of this world are in big trouble. As Nahum states, they are full of lies and robbery and prey on nations and families! God may slow to anger, but He is great in power, therefore He declares He will lift the skirt of the great harlot and expose these unsuspected facts to all the nations! (Nahum 3:1-6)

As this pandemic rolls along, it will hit highs and lows. This will cause many people to have a false sense of security and during the lows they will rush to regain their normal activities. Their traditional gatherings will cause a continuous passing of the virus from one to another, actually causing people to kill one another. Is this the fulfillment of Revelation 6:3,4? Has the 2nd seal been opened? More on this later.         

If you now understand how God uses the metaphoric image of an army under His command to explain the various plagues and peoples that will execute His word as His day draws near… you are no doubt one of the very few sons of light! (Joel 2:11) Therefore, you should be on the watch and stay awake! Be aware and take notice when leaders announce the war with the coronavirus is behind us and it’s now safe to resume normal activities. Remember these scriptures in the 5th chapter of 1st Thessalonians.                       

“For when they say, “Peace and Safety!” then sudden destruction comes upon them.”  “You are all sons of light, therefore let us not sleep as others do. But let us put on the breastplate of faith and love and as a helmet, the hope of salvation.”                                                                                                                                                           

Salvation can’t be obtained through the religious leader’s scripture-twisting pleads for money or their traditional song singing and soothing talk. Salvation will only be obtained through Jesus Christ… The Word of God, which you are now learning! We no longer have to wonder if God has a purpose for the current global pandemic… understanding the book of Nahum in truth has proven it! (Psalms 43:3 & 145:18) Remember this; our God will never take any action unless He has explained it in His word!

“For the LORD God does nothing without revealing His secret to His servants the prophets.” (Amos 3:7) Stay tuned for the next thundering precept from the wilderness… This world is changing!

Keep this in mind after reading this very enlightening prophecy that is now taking place all over the world. The prophet Nahum is not reporting actual ancient events. As stated in his first paragraph, he saw all of these things in a vision! As God did many times with His prophets, He allowed Nahum to envision future world events through symbolic images!