Throughout the bible God uses the phenomenal eyesight of an Eagle as a metaphor for a very rare and meticulous type of person. The first characteristics that would identify a true Eagle would be attributes known only by God Himself. They possess a Love for God that is totally heartfelt and radiates down deep within them. They have no need for this Love to be applauded or praised by other people. However, this kind of deep Love for God actually spawns an incredible Love for their fellowman.                     

The true Eagles of this world are not locked in to the bondage of any religion. They are locked in to the Holy Name of The Almighty God and His Word, Jesus Christ!!! Their life is driven by the desire to reveal to others, the real meanings of the prophecies and stories found in God’s Word!                                      

An example would be the story of David and Goliath.  Everyone is familiar with this story, but the fact that it actually represents a very important future world event is currently not known to the general public. This event will be explained in a future precept.                                                                     

Another type of revealing will be proper explanations of extreme metaphorically designed prophecies. Prophecies that men of the altars simply apply to ancient history, therefore just disregard them. Does God have the extreme intelligence to use the ancient world to foretell the future world through the prophets? The answer is YES!                                      

“I have also spoken by the prophets, and have multiplied visions; I have given symbols through the witness of the prophets.”  (Hosea 12:10) And we certainly can’t ignore the words of Jesus at Luke 24:25. “O foolish ones and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken!”                                                                                             

In the precept preceding this one, the revealing of the prophet Nahum answered the question many people are now asking… Is God behind the covid-19 pandemic? Because the prophecy was designed by a far superior intellect than humans, there is no doubt, some people will not understand and therefore scoff at the symbolisms Nahum used. However, for clear thinking truth-seekers, the prophecy metaphorically describes every detail of the current covid-19 attack… why it’s here, and everything it’s designed to effect! God will never leave people that are truly interested in Him in the dark. Hopefully the real meaning of Nahum’s prophecy is appreciated by most people. We should all realize what a grand privilege it is to understand this antiquated prophecy that sheds much needed light on the world’s current status!                                                                         

Being able to digest or understand the real meat in God’s Word is much different than the milky repetitious teachings most churchgoers have heard their entire lives. The necessity of becoming weaned from the milk and removing oneself from the breast is described at Isaiah 28:9-11.                                        

“To whom will he teach knowledge, and to whom will he explain the message? Those who are weaned from the milk, those taken from the breast?”                                                                

How important is accurate understanding? The bible very clearly answers that question at Psalms 49:20.          

“Man in his pomp yet without understanding is like the beasts that perish.”                                                                             

This certainly indicates that acting proudly and self-important, or being pompous about knowledge that lacks understanding will not secure God’s salvation! Looking through the eyes of understanding, this very simply put scripture describes multitudes of people, including many religious leaders. Developing a self-righteous attitude through false knowledge will make it very difficult to accept The Word in truth. Ignoring, being indifferent or turning one’s back to the truth in The Word since the white horse began its journey across the earth… is exactly the same as rejecting or crucifying Jesus Christ!!! It’s unforgivable! Mark 3 describes this rejecting of God’s truth as being the unforgivable sin! Investigate thoroughly, do not turn your back to what God’s Holy Spirit is causing to become!                   

Understanding the synonymous relationship between Jesus and The Word will become mandatory in the final part of the days! If you study the incredible words of Jesus in the 8th chapter of Proverbs, wisdom and understanding should begin! When you find and accept the truth and nothing but the truth in God’s Word, you accept Jesus Christ as your savior! Why? Because Jesus is the truth, the way, and the life! Claiming to be a follower of Jehovah’s savior and remaining a believer in the falsehoods men teach, regardless of sincerity, makes us no different than the people who had Jesus killed! This is just another bible pattern that will take place…once again!                                                                                             

The reason the Eagles understand the tough meat of God’s Word stems from the title God has given them. The description of an Eagle’s extraordinary vision is related at Job 39:27-30.                                                                                              

“Is it at your command the eagle mounts up and makes his nest on high?”                                                                                     

“On the rock he dwells and makes his home, on the rocky crag and stronghold.”                                                                       

“From there he spies out the prey, his eyes behold it from far away.”                                                                                                  

“His young ones suck up blood, and where the slain are, there is he.”                                                                                                   

The phrase, “where the slain are” has great significance. If something has been slain there’s always a carcass. In the 24th chapter of Matthew the disciples asked Jesus what would be the signs of his coming and the end of this system? During his explanation of the signs he made a mysterious statement.                                                                                                                

“For wheresoever the carcass is, there will the eagles be gathered together.”                                                                                 

The most significant carcass that will ever exist is the Slain Lamb of God… Jesus himself! Gathering at the carcass is the same as gathering to the tough meat we encounter when the truth in God’s Word is found. This provides even more information about the synonymous relationship of Jesus and God’s Word. It also explains why the scripture said, “the Eagle’s young ones suck up blood.” The ones who listen and understand will gather at the carcass and gain the accurate knowledge necessary for salvation! This explains why it’s said, “We will be saved by the Blood of The Lamb! (1st Corinthians 10:4)                          

Gatherings among men’s teachings have been stopped!! God is now giving everyone the opportunity to turn away from falsehoods and become a believer in truth! This is the time to accept Jesus into your heart the way the bible really means it! Renew your strength and mount up with wings like Eagles! (Isaiah 40:31) (Luke 17:37) For now is the time for the Eagles to gather at the carcass!!                                                                                                                                                                          

“Does not wisdom cry out, and understanding lift up her voice? “She takes her stand on the top of the high places.” (Proverbs 8)