The information contained in the Seven Thunders is by far the most important knowledge anyone can learn in our world today.
The messages that were sealed up in Revelation 10 were pertinent for the time period immediately preceding, and during, the great tribulation. This is exactly why John was told to “Seal up the things the Seven Thunders spoke and do not write them down.”

The Seven Thunder’s exclusive content was for the future…. when the beginning of God’s Kingdom would be drawing near. That time is now! In essence, the Seven Thunders represent a distinct portion, or as the prophet Zechariah termed it in the Hebrew language, an ephah measure of end-time truths that will go forth and lodge in the midst of the traditional lies that have been told from the altars of men. (Zech. 5:4-6) (Jer. 29:10-14)

Each one of the Seven Thunders will explain vital components of God’s amazing musterion that He declared to His slaves the prophets. At Rev. 10:7 most of our English translations have  rendered musterion as “mystery.”

When you understand the complete definition of the originally used Greek word musterion, and how the similtudes and visions God told the prophets are actually describing end-time events…. God’s hidden plan of salvation will become clear and easily understood! Until now this hidden plan has remained sealed up through the prophets use of ancient places, ancient peoples, and ancient events. God actually used the ancient world to metaphorically relate every detail of how His purposes for mankind will be accomplished!

The appropriate timing of the Seven Thunders will enable seekers of truth to lift the veil of the prophet’s antiquated disguise, and direct their steps to the most glorious event in the history of mankind…. God’s perfect and just…. hidden for centuries…. plan of salvation! If this intrigues you, prepare to learn great and mighty facts you have never before known, as God’s Holy Scriptures reveal the wonderful things awaiting all lovers of righteousness, at the end of the mighty angel’s rainbow. (Jer. 33:3) (Isa. 43:18,19 & 48:6, 7) (Daniel 12:3-10)