“Whoever drinks from the water that I will give him will never get thirsty at all, but the water that I will give him will become in him a fountain of water bubbling up to impart everlasting life.” (John 4:14)

Jesus made this statement when he revealed his true identity to the nations for the first time, at Jacob’s well. The true light that gives light to every sort of man was in the world, but the world did not know him. (John 1:9, 10) Will there be, once again, A Light to the Nations, before the great and fear-inspiring day of our God? The previous thunders in the wilderness have presented scriptural facts proving that yes, there will be. Will God’s people continue to drink from Jacob’s well, where their thirst is never quenched, or will they recognize the dawn of living waters, as the Samaritan woman did when she said, “Sir, give me this water, so that I will neither thirst nor keep coming over to this place to draw water.” (John 4:13, 15)

Since this decision is very important, the 7th thunder will shine a light down the narrow path to the way, the truth, and the life. It will provide vital information to all people who are interested in God’s ways, enabling them to recognize the coming events and escape the tribulation! (Revelation 3:10)

By God’s design, the 7 thunders are the only source of end-time information that will bring back Jacob to Him. (Isa.42:22) The house of Jacob’s many religions have claimed to be doing this all along, by using God’s prophecies prematurely. The bible calls this constant world-wide practice, picking green or unripe grapes. Job 15:23-35 describes this very scenario.

If the leaders of today’s religions are not busy applying future events prematurely, they cause blindness in an opposite way. Their inability to discern proper identities causes them to apply the prophet’s words as mere history. This error actually camouflages the musterion God declared to His servants the prophets. It also allows them to apply all of their own current falsehoods the prophets continually expose…. to other people.

By claiming they represent “the church” or “God’s organization on earth” their captives can be plundered and pillaged through the deception of light. As Isaiah 42:7 foretells, all of their captivated members currently sit in darkness as prisoners of their man-made molten images. God speaks to these captives at Isaiah 42:17-23.

Verse 17: “They must be turned back, they will very much be ashamed, they who are putting trust in the carved image, those who are saying to a molten image, “You are our gods.”

(Listen, all of you who will say “in what way do we worship molten images?” This scripture is not talking about the adoration of trinkets or statues. In these scriptures your God is explaining how people put all their trust in being present at structures men have built for worship. These places of worship are what God is calling our molten images! The expressed word of God is shown here to be very different than this world’s traditional concept of worship. These scriptures absolutely confirm that God is not pleased with merely going through the motions of attendance and appearing righteous to other men. Those who sincerely desire to please God might ask; “How then, does God want us to worship Him?” The bible’s answer to that question is…. From Your Heart! (Matthew 15:8, 9) (Matthew 6:5, 6) (Matthew 23:27, 28)

Verse 18: “Hear, you deaf ones, and look forth to see, you blind ones.”
(Many who are considered to be servants of God will say; “These scriptures are not talking about us, this is about everyone else, for we have the truth.” “The calamity will not come near or reach as far as us…. our molten image will be an ark of safety for us.” Those who have this thinking should read 1st Corinthians 4:5 and Acts 3:19-24)

Verse 19: “Who is blind, if not my servant, and who is deaf as my messenger whom I will send? Who is blind as the one rewarded, or blind as the servant of Jehovah?”
(God’s scattered people [the captive ones of the house of Jacob] are currently blind however they are not necessarily condemned to destruction. Their idolized molten images or their organizations and places of worship…. on the other hand…. are all destined to perish! (Jeremiah 5:20, 21, 26, 27) (Micah 5:10-14) (Amos 6:4-8) We all must dedicate our trust to The God of Israel, not the works of men’s hands!) (Isaiah 17:7-9) (Psalms 42:4)

Verse 20: “It was a case of seeing many things, but you did not keep watching. It was a case of opening the ears, but you did not keep listening.”
(This scripture sounds a wake-up call around the world! It’s talking about people with good intentions, people who have dedicated their lives to be servants of The Almighty God! As the scriptures in the 29th chapter of Isaiah forewarn concerning the time period immediately preceding the tribulation…. Their leaders have fallen into a deep sleep! Their eyes are closed to the prophets. Their heads are covered to the visions. They have become intoxicated but not with liquor. They have continued to teach and stand behind their handed down commandments of men!
During the process of beautifying their molten images they have neglected to understand the new things their God will do for them in the very last days. As a result their dedicated followers know nothing about the details of their own salvation, but that will change when Jehovah himself magnifies his law and makes it majestic.)

Verse 21: “Jehovah himself for the sake of his righteousness has taken a delight in that he should magnify the law and make it majestic.”
(As we have learned, God’s ways will be magnified and made majestic when Jesus opens the 1st seal)

Verse 22: “But it is a people plundered and pillaged, all of them being trapped in the holes, and in the houses of detention they have been kept hidden. They have come to be for plunder without a deliverer, for pillage without anyone to say: “Bring back!”

Verse 23: “Who among you people will give ear to this? Who will pay attention and listen for later times?”
(Who indeed, will pay attention and listen when the 1st seal is opened and the 2nd coming of The Word goes forth to conquer the lies of men, and the battle at the gate begins?) (Amos 3:8-15) (Isaiah 11:12-16) (Gen. 3:15)

(Isaiah 42:9-12) “The first things-here they have come, but new things I am telling out. Before they begin to spring up, I cause you people to hear them.”

“Sing to Jehovah a new song, his praise from the extremity of the earth, you men that are going down to the sea, and to that which fills it, you islands and you inhabiting them.”

“Let the wilderness and its cities raise their voice, the settlements that Kedar inhabits. Let the inhabitants of the crag cry out in joy. From the top of the mountains let people cry aloud.”
“Let them attribute to Jehovah glory, and in the islands let them tell forth even his praise.”

If you have read the 4th & 5th thunders, you should now clearly understand the event these scriptures are really talking about. The voice of your God, through the prophet Isaiah, is telling out new things that have never before been understood! These things have not as yet taken place…. So put down the unripe grapes of your golden calf and continue to read and listen as the 7th thunder makes all the facts known about the pasture grounds of the wilderness and its cities. Learn all about the sheer joy that will overflow in the islands. Know when…. God’s people will go down to the sea!!! Hear all of these things and more, before they spring up!

When Jesus opens the 1st seal, a light will be shining in the darkness! (2nd Peter 1:19) Will there be signs in the heavens? This event can be metaphorically related to a total eclipse of the sun. As the moon makes its pass between the sun and the earth, total darkness on earth is transformed into total light. When this event occurs on March 20, 2015 very few people will see it in totality. Except for those who happen to be cruising the Norwegian sea, or present at only 2 land locations in that area, this event will fully impact only a few. Likewise, when Jesus opens the 1st seal, the dawn of living waters will occur…. but go unnoticed…. except by a few. Once again, the true light will be in the world, but the world will not know it. However, as the light goes forth conquering to complete its conquest, the very few that originally knew, will become many!

This solar eclipse on March 20, 2015 will occur directly in the center (to the day) of a tetrad of 4 blood moons. All 5 of these celestial events occur on ancient Israel feast days! Each of the 7 times this extreme rarity has occurred, a major event in the ongoing saga of Israel also occurred! This is the 8th time this has occurred since 1 A.D. There is however, one unique feature of this 8th tetrad that did not occur in the previous seven! The previous seven did not have a solar eclipse placed directly in the middle!

A new world began when 8 people survived the flood. Is this 8th tetrad once again, a sign of new beginnings? If so, the new creation of Israel will be the focal point in these last days! (Gal.6:15, 16) Ancient Israel has been merely the pattern for the currently unknown people who will become the born again creature of Israel! (1st Cor. 10:11)

NASA has confirmed this identical tetrad will not occur again in this century! Joel 2:31 and Acts 2:20 clearly state: “The sun will be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before the great and illustrious day of the LORD arrives.” Should these facts spawn predictions? Certainly not, however as Psalms 77:11, 12 states; we should remember God’s doings of long ago…. and meditate on His activities and be concerned with His dealings!!

Coincidence or not, March 20, 2015 is also the beginning of Israel’s New Year! As we have now properly learned…. because Jesus sacrificed his perfect life there is no longer a separation of people in the eyes of God. Now, all of mankind has the promise of the new covenant and equal opportunity to become Israel. This has been, and continues to be, the most difficult simple truth for most of men’s altars to understand. They are blinded to this fact…. when the bible talks about the final salvation of Israel it’s actually referring to a people that cannot be numbered and will be chosen from among every person on earth! (Hosea 1:10, 11) Salvation can come only through Jesus. Jesus is not the mediator of the old covenant!

Hebrews 8:6, 7 confirms this fact: “But now hath he obtained a more excellent ministry, by how much also he is the mediator of a better covenant, which was established upon better promises.” “For if that first covenant had been faultless, then should no place have been sought for the second.”

Jesus tore the wall down between Jewish descendants and the rest of the world! (Ephesians 2:14) The following historical facts should prevent anyone from supporting the lies that build it back!!!

There is blood tested evidence that Jews today are just another religion rather than a race. From the foregoing statements of biblical evidence and the following secular evidence, it is clear that the modern day people known as the Jews are not a pure race, but an amalgamation of different ethnic groups. This being true, it would be difficult for anyone to prove a claim that they are a pure and direct descendant from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. (Read Matthew 3:9)

In order for the serious bible student to have a clear comprehension of where literal Jews fit into the overall account of sacred and secular history, it is imperative to have a thorough definition of their ancient origins. Without tracing their travels, trials and triumphs, and their ethnic and religious genesis, it would be difficult to properly identify who the modern Jewish people are today. When speaking of the Jews who were of pure Judahite stock, one must consider that the original progenitor of that genealogy lived more than 3,000 years ago. From the historical evidence presented by Jewish authors, the people known today as Jews have a marked difference from those people of Old Testament antiquity, though they bear the same name.

In considering the centuries of time, devastating wars, migrations, both friendly and unfriendly encounters with other peoples, the adoption of various cultural and religious customs, it is quite obvious how today’s Jews bear little resemblance to Judah, the man from whom they derive their name. Many modern Jews have no genetic or blood tie connection with the patriarch Judah whatsoever!

All of these biblical and secular facts should once and for all, solve the mystery of Israel and remove the greatest stumbling block causing error! The demise of the old covenant eliminated a division or separation of people! (Hebrews 8:8-13)

A man was chosen after the death of Jesus to teach this change throughout the world, his name was Paul. Paul preached this change many times and in many different ways…. and yet most people today have no clue…. they themselves…. are the potential Israel of prophecy! As Paul said, “There is now no difference between Jews and Greeks.” “All those from Israel, are not really Israel.”

We should now understand exactly why the dawn of living waters, or…. the opening of the 1st seal will occur on a day that marks a New Year for Israel!  God will use the patterns of ancient times…. dates of festivals and events he set up for ancient Israel…. to become the guidelines for events concerning his new creation of Israel! This is why those ancient patterns were established.

The new covenant will not be based on bloodlines or memberships! The promise of the new covenant will be based on having faith like Abraham! (Gal. 5:5, 6) If you truly have faith, God will teach you his ways. That’s exactly what his hidden plan of salvation is based on. If a person has love and faith in their heart, why wouldn’t God put them in a position to learn his ways, regardless of their ancestry or their previous opportunities? Nothing else would be just or fair…. our God is perfectly just and fair! If you have read the 4th thunder, you should now realize that it couldn’t be done any other way and be perfectly righteous!

One reason men’s religions can’t understand the musterion is because they continually divide and separate people! (Jude 19) They refuse to believe that God will choose people from this world, regardless of their religious affiliation, and call them Israel, just as He did in the ancient pattern! God uses the word Israel to simply designate…. His chosen people. The end time selection of Israel gives every person on earth an equal opportunity to become that new creation! (Read Acts 15:5-11)

Isaiah 66:2 nullifies men’s separations and the necessity of denominational membership. Listen as God explains His criteria for choosing people. “To this one then, I shall look, to the one afflicted and contrite in spirit and trembling at my word.”

Does this statement by God fit the following teachings heard from all the altars of men? ….“All Jewish descendants are God’s chosen people.” “You must come and contribute money to our church if you want to be blessed by God.” “You must be a member of our organization if you want to be saved from destruction and live in the coming new system.”

There will be many people totally surprised that people of religions other than their own, and from all walks of life are present at the gathering to God’s coming true altar. (Isaiah 11:12, 13) Many will indignantly say; “This can’t be…. God’s ways are not adjusted right.” (Ezekiel 33:17) (Isaiah 33:18)

We have all no doubt observed how people today are quick to cast judgment on people who are in other denominations. They evidently do not have the insight or humility to take an unbiased look at their own denomination. They refuse to understand…. all of today’s religions have doctrine and moral problems. Without exception, undesirable types of people garner influential positions within, and soon corruption takes root. When organized together, people create problems of all types. We all need to realize holy positions cannot be attained in the midst of today’s corrupted organizations. The stubborn sons who pour out a ceremonial libation (Isa. 30:1) and claim they have already been chosen as a heaven bound anointed class…. are demonstrating a self-appointed, premature hope! (Hosea 9:4-9) (Math.23:13)

True knowledge begins when the Word goes forth at the opening of the 1st seal!! How will God bring an end to those who have sanctified and cleansed themselves with their own chosen ways of worship? What are the things he will unleash upon the earth before he creates paradigmatic Jerusalem and provides the areas where he will establish his own true altar? (Isaiah 56:7) (Psalms 84:1-3)

Ezekiel 6:3-7 gives many warnings about the events our world is about to experience. Those who teach smooth things and tickle the ears of God’s people generally consider this part of the bible to be meaningless history. It is not! Their self-righteous teachings that continually proclaim peace and security for their members will cause these events of destruction to be very shocking…. and come upon them like a thief in the night! (1st Thessalonians 5:1-3)

“Here I am! I am bringing upon you a sword, and I shall certainly destroy your high places.” “Your altars must be made desolated and your incense stands must be broken.” “I will scatter your bones around your altars and your works will be wiped out.” “And you will have to know that I am Jehovah.”

Scriptures in the 7th chapter of Ezekiel continue to sound the warnings of the opening of the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th seals!
“An end, the end, has come upon the four extremities of the land, and I must send my anger against you, and I will judge you according to your ways and bring upon you all your detestable things.” “a calamity, a unique calamity, look! it is coming. “An end itself must come, it must awaken you, the day is near, Look! It is coming.” The sword is outside, and the pestilence and the famine are inside.” “The rod has blossomed, pride has sprouted. Violence itself has risen up into a rod of wickedness.” “Into the streets they will throw their very silver, and an abhorrent thing their own gold will become. Neither will their silver nor their gold will be able to deliver them in the day of Jehovah’s fury. For it has become a stumbling block causing their error.”

“Make the chain, for the land itself has become full of bloodstained judgment.” “And I will bring in the worst ones of the nations, and they will certainly take possession of their houses, and I will cause the pride of the strong ones to cease, and their sanctuaries must be profaned.”

What is this sword or rod of wickedness God has caused to blossom that will soon come against all the altars and sanctuaries throughout our world today?

When the 2nd seal is opened plagues from the remotest parts of the earth will be awakened! (Jeremiah 6:22-26) As described in Isaiah 19 and James 5, the money flow that stimulates the very heartbeat of all religions and nations, will come to a screeching halt. The opening of the 3rd seal will quickly follow, as food shortage becomes world-wide. What follows on the heels of global plagues and famines? Death! The rider on the pale horse of the 4th seal is immediately loosed with a vengeance!

Without the powerful driving force of money the religious tricksters and con artists will lose their motivation. Without this driving force all of men’s religions will become vulnerable and have difficulties remaining in operation. Many people will lose their confidence in God, causing the love of the greater number to cool. (Mat. 24:12) Devotion to God, in the midst of the struggle to survive, will be forced to come from within each individual. (Jonah 2:4)

The very sign that Jesus said would dominate this time period, will be raging throughout the world! The collapse of religious leadership will cast their followers overboard, into the massive confusion of the symbolic watery deep! The sign of Jonah will test the love for God in every devout individual on earth. Just like Jonah’s bottle-gourd plant, their churches and organizations had provided them shade and comfort all their lives. When these things are no longer available, many will flounder, as in the pattern of Noah’s day. Some however will follow Jonah’s example and push aside their confused anger over the loss of their bottle-gourd plant and put all their trust in the sovereignty of The Almighty God.

When the sign of Jonah sweeps into the world like a flash flood, God’s people will momentarily be sheep without a shepherd as they initially plunge into the watery deep! Their first reaction will be; “Where is my God?” Eventually they will realize they can no longer passively allow others to do their thinking…. those that had preyed upon the gullible…. will be gone. The responsibility of recognizing the way, the truth, and the life, will rest on the shoulders of each individual. Just like Jonah, the people who will become God’s Israel, will realize their need to push aside men’s teachings and look directly to God…. then they will know…. salvation is not in the hands of men…. salvation belongs to Jehovah! (Jonah 2:8, 9)

As we should now see, the criteria God has established for salvation opportunity is not based on heredity or membership…. love is the key. The 13th chapter of 1st Corinthians explains this in explicit terms. Love will cause you to tremble at God’s word. Love will cause you to have humility and faith. Love will enable you to repent and explode out of the darkness of the watery deep into the new light of God’s musterion. When God begins to teach you his true ways in the cities of Israel, love will cause you to cast away the false teachings of your golden calf and say, “Not my will Father, but Your will be done!”

This brings us to a very important question that may be on the minds of those who love God. How can we escape the terrible times that are coming? If you have read the 4th and 5th thunders and understand the new things that God will tell out on earth in the last days, you now know that an exodus is prophesied to take place….”a second time!” (Isaiah 11:11, 12, 16) (Jeremiah 31:21, 22)

In the prototypical exodus there were vast wilderness locations available for ancient Israel. In today’s world all accommodating areas are presently occupied. This is why the prophets used so many similes and visions depicting the breaches, or destructive events that will occur in the last days. Before anyone can escape the tribulation, there must be a place to go. Therefore the breaches must occur before God’s choices of people can carry out the prophesied exodus. How and why has this vital to salvation event remained unknown throughout the centuries? And…. How will people know…. when and where to go?

First of all, most people will not believe that a second exodus will take place! They will not accept anything that has not been taught from the altars of men. They will continue to follow men’s teachings until their backs are up against the proverbial Red Sea……Remember, at one time everyone thought the world was flat, but now, accurate knowledge has revealed the real facts, replacing traditional ignorance. Real truth always passes through 3 stages: First it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third it is accepted as self-evident!

Let’s first consider why God has chosen to reveal the most important detail of his salvation plan, practically moments before he causes it to become a reality. If it was an accepted traditional belief that an exodus from the tribulation into certain areas was going to provide safety, can you imagine the chaos it would create? The media would be in a complete frenzy! Self-serving people who are not really concerned with obeying God, would crowd into these areas and try to take over. God actually addresses this issue in the valley of the vision at Isaiah 22:16-21. In this similitude, he confronts unrighteous ones who attempt to come back to their homes after the breaches have occurred. If you have insight, these verses confirm the very thing the world knows nothing about!

The book of Nehemiah presents a similitude that explains how God’s people will be able to take possession of territories that had been previously owned and possessed by other people. Many would consider this to not be feasible in today’s world from a legal standpoint. However, remember…. God’s hand will be in the midst of these activities…. and nothing is impossible for God! This is the exact time when the real purpose for the pattern of an ancient event, “the festival of the booths” will become a reality. This will fulfill the many scriptures where God proclaimed; “I will give you houses you didn’t build, and vineyards you didn’t plant!”

The answer to when is given the same way in several different scriptures. We know that even before we read the scriptures that the breaches must first take place. These catastrophic events will be heard around the world! The earth will begin to rock when devastating events invade the Middle East, and big trouble occurs for the ancient city of praise. (Jeremiah 49:20-26) When stock markets crash…. Take Notice! When plagues and pestilences invade the world’s religious systems causing people to flee and scatter…. Take Notice! When earthquakes and volcanic eruptions dominate the headlines…. Take Notice! When Tsunami waves roar into many of the world’s coastlines…. Take Notice! For your deliverance is getting near!

Within coastline areas the locations of paradigmatic Jerusalem, depicted by the word Ariel, will yet be chosen by God. (Zechariah 2:11, 12) This is presently the closest answer as to where God’s people will exodus to. We have already discussed the chaos that would occur if the exact locations had not been written under the disguise of ancient lingo.

(Luke 21:25) “And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars, and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring.”

Because you have learned the true meaning of Ariel in the cryptic 29th chapter of Isaiah, plus the many similes and visions in other parts of the bible that give great details of this event, you should now understand the significance of Jesus’ statement: “the sea and the waves roaring.”

“For death has come up through our windows, it has come into our dwelling towers, in order to cut off the child from the street, the young men from the public squares.” (Jeremiah 9:21)

When this occurs, Ariel will be cleared out and ready to become the Jerusalem of prophecy…. The altar hearth of God! (Jeremiah 48:8, 9, 12) (Jeremiah 9:10-12) It will then be time for the end-time exodus! The opportunity of becoming one of Abraham’s heirs will then be attainable for any person who has the faith to make the journey and help build the temple of pure worship. (Zechariah 6:15)

God’s promise to Abraham that his descendants will become as numerous as the stars will finally begin to be fulfilled. Those erring in spirit will get to know understanding! Those who are grumbling will learn instruction! Jacob will become God’s Israel…. as Israel is born again! (Isaiah 29:22-24)

People constantly apply Acts 2:17-21 to their own current lives, however this prophecy for the last days will not take place until after the exodus! Only then will God pour out His spirit on every sort of flesh, and on all the escaped ones whom he has called. (Joel 2:28-32)

Let’s read through some scriptures that proclaim how we will know the exact time to leave all things behind and go where God will create Jerusalem and rebuild the desolated areas that will become the cities of people God will devote to a purpose…. His Israel!

(Isaiah 11:10-12) It will occur in that day that the root of Jesse will be standing up as a signal for the peoples!
It will also occur in that day that The God of Israel will again offer His hand, a second time, to acquire the remnant of His people. He will raise up a signal for the nations, and collect together His scattered people from the four corners of the earth.
(Isaiah 49:22) “This is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah has said. “Look! I shall raise up my hand even to the nations, and to the peoples I shall lift up my signal. And they will bring your sons in the bosom, and upon the shoulder they will carry your own daughters.”

These scriptures definitely indicate a signal will be given, however one of the bible’s patterns for this event will give us an even more exact understanding. This event will actually be the initial stages, or birth of God’s Kingdom. The pattern for this future event was the birth of Christ. As we all know, when Christ was born, there were men who traveled many miles across the land to be present and to bring him gifts. These men were called wise men. They had the wisdom to not only acknowledge the birth of the promised King, they also recognized the uncommon star and knew to follow it directly to where Jesus was born…. They possessed knowledge others did not!

The exodus to the birth of the promised Kingdom will be very similar. First of all, the only people who will make that journey will be people having faith and wisdom! As always, properly understanding the real meanings of the bible’s patterns eliminates people who pay no attention to God’s word. Therefore as in the pattern, only those possessing special knowledge will be looking for the signal and be able to recognize it. Remember, God has declared in many scriptures that his people will at that time, bring a gift to him, (Zephaniah 3:10) and there will be signs in the sun, the moon, and the stars. When that time comes, those with knowledge and wisdom will once again, recognize God’s heavenly signs, and bring their gift of faith, to the King of Israel. Read the 35th chapter of Isaiah and remember…. There will be no fools on the highway of holiness!!

So take comfort you people, all you who will look to God when plagues, famines and death become unbearable. The highway to your God has been cleared up and made straight. All those who possess the wisdom and faith to make the journey, will become heirs of the land promised to Abraham’s seed (Romans 4:13) and rebuild the devastated places that will become the altar hearth of God. There, the hearts of fathers will turn to their children, and the hearts of their children will turn back to their fathers as they learn God’s true ways and worship Him in complete unity and truth. This will fulfill God’s promise to create Jerusalem, and bring His hidden plan of salvation into full swing.

Before this takes place as stated at Zechariah 8:10, “There will be no wages for mankind made to exist”! All of men’s premature “heaven bound” teachings will be exposed and cast aside as mere dirt! Only then will the blood of the lamb wash away the sins of the world! (Read the 4th chapter of Isaiah) Then and only then, can anyone legitimately say; “I am saved!” (Mathew 24:13)

Men’s religions have taught their members these events have already been occurring. They have constantly heard; “The new covenant and the kingdom of God is our church or organization.” “We have already been born again!” Does it make sense that God would reward anyone before they prove themselves as being receptive to His ways? Wouldn’t they first need to be exposed to real and complete truth? (Hosea 2:14-20) Remember this fact; when the bible says this world is lying in the power of the wicked one, the driving force of that power is the deceptive lies of men! (Hosea 4:1, 2) When the people of God arrive into the devastated places of Ariel and are set in unity, like a flock in the pen, (Micah 2:12) the world-wide practice of applying prophecy before its time for fulfillment ……. will stop! (Jeremiah 31:27-31) (Hosea 1:10, 11)

Currently most people make very little or no attempt to study God’s word, and yet confidently await their heavenly call. How could anyone honestly think God is that shallow? Jesus gave his life for people to have the opportunity to have their sins forgiven and attain everlasting life. That opportunity will not come to fruition until they are present in the righteous environment of the new covenant! Those who choose not to leave their homes and businesses and wait upon heavenly rewards as promised in the doctrines of men, will by-pass those opportunities!

Even though the end-time Exodus is now being revealed only for the first time, we should be beginning to realize why the people of God must flee to the wilderness, and be fed the meal of real truth. It is the only fair and just way God could provide a worldwide…. unified…. salvation for all the multitudes of deserving people!

In paradigmatic Jerusalem, our Great God will be in our midst. He will come as a strong one, His arm will be ruling, His reward will be with Him, He will shepherd His own drove. With His arm He will collect together the lambs, and in His bosom He will carry them. The babes in truth, He will conduct with care. (Isaiah 40:10, 11)

(Zechariah 2:1, 5,7,11) “And I proceeded to raise my eyes and see, and look, there was a man, and in his hand a measuring rope. “So I said where are going? In turn he said to me: “To measure Jerusalem, in order to see what her breadth amounts to and what her length amounts to.”
“And I myself shall become to her,” is the utterance of Jehovah, “a wall of fire all around, and a glory is what I shall become in the midst of her.”

“Hey there Zion, make your escape, you who are dwelling with the daughter of Babylon.”
“And many nations will certainly become joined to Jehovah in that day, and they will actually become my people, and I will reside in the midst of you. And you will have to know that Jehovah of armies himself has sent me to you.”

The main purpose of the 7th and final thunder is to make people aware and prepare the way for the coming Exodus. If the highway to our God was not cleared up and made straight, we would all be victims and God would devote the land to destruction! (Malachi 4:5)

The end-time…. Or 2nd Exodus has now been illuminated in the scriptures, for all to understand!!! The bible actually validates that the revealing of this hidden, yet prophesied event will be the main subject of the new things God will tell out, before they spring up! (Isaiah 48:3-7) (Isaiah 43:16-19)

This fact is made known in the scripture that precedes his promise to send the end-time message of Elijah. At Malachi 4:4 God says; “Remember, you people, the statutes I gave to my servant Moses!” As we all know, Moses main assignment was to exodus God’s people out of Egypt so they could worship without the interference of Egypt’s false gods. In the next verse God says; “Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD.”

Through this subtle manner, God has connected the two liberators that carry out the separation of His people from a world that resists His truth. The first liberator was Moses, the executor of the smaller prototypical exodus. The second liberator will be the Elijah message that will prepare the way for God’s people to partake in the much bigger, world-wide, end-time Exodus. This 2nd Exodus will put God’s choices of people in the direct presence of the 2nd coming of the greater Moses…. Jesus Christ. This is why Jesus, Moses and Elijah were seen in the vision of the transfiguration. (Mathew 17)

God will positively gather all of the people he chooses, and without fail, collect them together and set them in unity, like a flock in the pen. And like a drove in a pasture, they will be noisy with men! The one making a breakthrough….(the end-time Elijah message) will come up before them. They will be led by their savior and king, Jesus Christ. Jehovah God will be at the head of them all!

These powerful scriptures at Micah 2:12, 13 may have been illustrated in the stars for all to see since the beginning of time! Does matching configurations of 2 star groups, one little and one big, mean anything? Men have named them dippers…. but is it possible that the seven stars illustrate a flock in a pen and the procession of their leaders? Could it be…. the second exodus that has now come up before us…. has been right in front of our eyes night after night for centuries? Coincidence or very intelligent design, use your own insight.

Psalms 19:1-4 provides serious food for thought on this matter. “The heavens are declaring the glory of God, and of the work of his hands the expanse is telling.” “One day after another day cause speech to bubble forth. And one night after another night shows forth knowledge. “There is no speech, and there are no words. No voice on their part is being heard.” “Into all the earth their measuring line has gone out and to the extremity of the productive land, their utterances.”

God’s remarks to Job, at Job 38:32 actually reveal a connection between a distinctive group of stars in the Mazzaroth constellation known as the big dipper…. and the end-time second Exodus!

“Can you bring forth the Mazzaroth constellation in its appointed time? And as for as the Ash (Arcturus) constellation alongside its sons, can you conduct them?”

Ash is a Hebrew word for Arcturus, meaning “a litter.” Arcturus is the brightest star in the constellation Bootes. Its name means: “a gathering together.” What men have called the big dipper’s handle is actually an illustration of the 3 leaders who are guiding God’s litter of people directly to a star that is in perfect alignment with the procession. This extremely bright star is the Arcturus…. which illustrates their destination. God’s question to Job indicates that only He can conduct that Exodus when the appointed time comes!

These constellations have only been mentioned because they provide visuals that people can relate to. Accepting an exodus that has never before been explained will be difficult for anyone. It will require an intense desire to understand the word of God, regardless of the many inept scoffers you will encounter. If you have followed the 7 thunders intently, and now understand God’s perfectly designed method of salvation…. just remember…. the scoffers are those who don’t have the insight or enough genuine interest to really dig in to the real meanings of the scriptures! That anti-Christ type of person will remain in the imprisonment of religious lies! (Jude 1:10) By continuing to accept lies instead of God’s constantly described end-time exodus, they will not escape the mitzrayim of our world today. Mitzrayim is a Hebrew word for Egypt, meaning resistance or constraint. By remaining in Egypt, they will not experience the freedom of truth that can only be found in the futuristic cities of Israel! (Matthew 10:23)

Can you be a part of a gathering by sitting alone in your house in the midst of the plagues and famines of the tribulation? What about those who think they cannot physically make a journey to the devastated places of Ariel? Never underestimate the power of angels! “For he will give his own angels a command concerning you, upon their hands they will carry you.” (Psalms 91)
In other words, unseen forces will be at work in order for the will of God to be carried out!

God Himself then addresses the most important thing in this troubled world…. something anyone can be a part of by doing one simple thing. “Because he has set his affection on me, I shall also provide him with escape.” “With length of days I shall satisfy him. And I shall cause him to see salvation by me.”

After reading these scriptures, Malachi 3:16, 17 should also be considered. This is describing something that corresponds with setting your affection on God, and is taking place as we speak.
“At that time those in fear of Jehovah spoke with one another, each one with his companion, and Jehovah kept paying attention and listening. And a book of remembrance began to be written up before him for those in fear of Jehovah and for those thinking upon his name.” “And they will certainly become mine, at the day when I am producing a special property. And I will show compassion upon them, just as a man shows compassion upon his son who is serving him.”

Regardless of the different pronunciations in our languages, many scriptures emphasize the importance of calling upon God’s name! Remember this fact; the tetragrammaton (the 4 letters YHWH forming the sacred name of the supreme Deity) was in the original Hebrew text close to 7,000 times! Every time we see the word LORD in capitols in the kjv, the consonants for God’s Name was originally used! And, when Jesus was asked how to pray, his first sentence was: Our Father who art in heaven, “Hallowed be Thy Name.” Also read Jesus’ words at John 17:6, 26.

There are many scriptures similar to Malachi 1:11 that show…. despite the prejudices that currently exist…. Everyone that gains salvation will learn to call upon the personal name of God!
“For from the sun’s rising even to its setting my name will be great among the nations, and in every place sacrificial smoke will be made, a presentation will be made to my name, even a clean gift, because my name will be great among the nations, Jehovah of armies has said.”

(Proverbs 18:10) “The name of Jehovah is a strong tower. Into it the righteous runs and is given protection.”
Joel 2:32 puts the importance of calling on the name of God at an absolute premium. “And it must occur that everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will get away safe; for in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there will be prove to be the escaped ones, just as Jehovah has said, and in among the survivors, whom Jehovah is calling.”

Whether we have given this scripture any thought in the past or not, the most important thing for everyone in today’s world, is to become one of those escaped ones…. to be among the survivors whom Jehovah will call!

So when the shade and comfort of your bottle-gourd plant is taken away and is proved to have been a mere growth of a night, will you become hot with anger as Jonah did in the prophecy? As the breakers and waves of the watery deep pass over you, and as the weeds keep winding around your head, will you repent and change your thinking? Will you leave behind your idols of untruth, and learn to call directly upon The Sovereign God as Jonah did? Yes, the very sign that Jesus said would engulf the world, is soon to come upon us! When God’s polished sword begins to fulfill the sign of Jonah on a world-wide scale, every devout person will ask the same question that Jesus did in his final moments….”My God, why have you forsaken me?”

(When the appointed worm strikes your bottle-gourd plant, remember the 91st Psalm…. it was written for that exact time!)

As was previously stated, the main purpose of the 7th thunder is to make people aware of the coming Exodus that will provide escape from the tribulation into the cleared out areas of Ariel, where pure worship will be restored in a rebuilt Jerusalem. As we have learned, God’s promise to create Jerusalem has nothing to do with the ancient city most of the world applies all the prophecies to. With this true knowledge in mind, let’s consider one of the most enlightening, yet definitely one of the most misunderstood end-time prophecies in God’s word…. the 9th chapter of Daniel.

The chapter begins with God’s servant Daniel lamenting over and over concerning the many errors the people had made in their attempts to worship the one true God. Daniel had already discerned that this devastation of true worship had been going on for the past 70 years. This number was used because it is mankind’s average life-span. The false worship of the last days, prior to the tribulation will also be counted as 70 years. This applies to the end-times from the standpoint, that only those living could be held accountable for the continuous false worship that has covered the earth since the days when Jesus spoke real truth.

In the 6th verse of this time of the end prophecy, Daniel cites the main error that has caused the people’s blindness.
“And we have not listened to your servants the prophets, who have spoken in your name to our kings, our princes and our forefathers and to all the people of the land.”
(As the 7 thunders have repeated many times, the answers this troubled world is seeking are actually found in the prophets. They explain every vision John saw in Revelation and are referred to in the New Testament over 890 times. They also provide proper understanding of the parables Jesus told. The darkness of the prophet’s real meanings will be turned into light when Jesus opens the 1st seal. This dawn of living waters will be a marked date in mankind’s history! Enlightenment of some of the most important and revealing end-time prophecies will begin!)

(Daniel 9:24) “There are seventy weeks that have been determined upon your people and upon your holy city, in order to terminate the transgression, and to finish off sin, and to make atonement for error, and to bring in righteousness for times indefinite, and to imprint a seal upon vision and prophet, and to anoint the Holy ones.”

(This prophetic scripture in Daniel 9, has always been applied to past events…. but…. Has sin ever been finished off? Has righteousness ever been brought in forever? What does it mean that 70 weeks have been determined upon God’s people and upon the holy city? 70 weeks equals 1 year 4 months and 10 days. (Isa. 32:10-20) This is the amount of time God has determined for his people to gather to the abandoned pasture grounds (Isa.27:10-13) and establish the foundation of paradigmatic Jerusalem. Daniel’s next scripture divides the allotted time for arrival (7 sevens) before God’s spirit activates the work that will be accomplished during the next 62 weeks.)

Verse 25: “And you should know and have the insight that from the going forth of the word to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until Messiah the leader, there will be seven weeks, also sixty-two weeks. She will return and be actually rebuilt, with public square and moat, but in the straits (troubled) of the times.”

(The end-time significance or the real meaning of this scripture has remained hidden because men have twisted its timelines to match Christ’s 1st coming. (This scripture is referring to the 2nd coming of Messiah the leader, not the 1st) In this way God has arranged for men to follow the wide path of a paradox instead of prematurely revealing the Jerusalem that He set forth in prophecy under the pretense of ancient Jerusalem. This scripture is actually telling us how to discern when to flee from the tribulation, and begin building the temple made not with brick and mortar…. but with human stones! (1st Peter 2:5) The opening of the 1st seal only reveals the knowledge of this event. The word to act on this knowledge will go forth after some of the destructive events described by the prophets take place. The most telltale event, and the one to be on the watch for, will be when tsunamis wreck many of the world’s coastlines. After this occurs, the word will go forth to restore and rebuild Jerusalem! (We have already discussed how this word or signal will take place.) God’s people, for whom His musterion is intended, will have 7 weeks to recognize the need to escape the tribulation and “Hasten to the Spoil!” (This story is told in a very unique manner at Isaiah 8) (also read: Matthew 24:40, 41)

Isaiah 13:2 & Isaiah 18:3, 4, 7 describe things that will take place during those 7 sevens (weeks) or the first 49 days, as they arrive in the devastated places of Ariel. On the 50th day, (as the pattern of Pentecost portrayed) The Holy Spirit will become active! The words spoken by the house of Judah will be understood! The work that will establish the foundation of the restoration will take place during the following 62 weeks. This is described in a similitude at (Haggai 2:4, 5, 7, 9), as God addresses two prophets that symbolize the 2 witnesses of Revelation 11 and also includes all the people.

“But now be strong O Zerubbabel, is the utterance of Jehovah, and be strong, O Joshua the son of Jehozadak the high priest.”
“And be strong, all you people of the land, is the utterance of Jehovah, and work.”
“For I am with you people, is the utterance of Jehovah of armies.”
“Remember the thing I concluded with you people when you came forth from Egypt, and when my spirit was standing in among you. Do not be afraid.”
“And I will rock all the nations, and the desirable things of all the nations must come in, and I will fill this house with glory, Jehovah of armies has said.”
“Greater will be the glory of this later house become than that of the former, Jehovah of armies has said. And in this place I shall give peace, is the utterance of Jehovah of armies.”

After the 62 week period, the restoring and rebuilding of Jerusalem will begin to be noticed in other parts of the world. The people of the leader that is coming will start to cause big problems for God’s people! Just as verse 26 forecasts, until the end there will be desolating events.

Some parts of the remaining scriptures in the 9th chapter of Daniel are detailed at Daniel 11:44, 45. The king of the north, who will gain world dominion during this time, will hear reports that disturb them. They will think they had brought an end to what they consider to be Zionist theology, but reports confirming the activities in the rebuilt cities of Israel will enrage them. This king of the north, whom God has given the mysterious title Gog of Magog, will go forth in order to annihilate and devote many to destruction. They will plant themselves between the grand sea (ocean) and the holy mountain of decoration, (the restored cities of Israel, Mt. Zion) but they will come to their end…. and there will be no helper for them.

The details of this mass destruction of world leaders are recorded in the 38th & 39th chapters of Ezekiel. The religions of men have contorted and twisted these chapters to an amazing extent. Their inability to understand the correct identity of Israel and what the cities of Israel actually are…. has caused total blindness of end-time events. This is the same battle that is briefly mentioned at the beginning of the 12th chapter of Daniel. When the great prince stands up during Gog of Magog’s invasion…. the people who have been rebuilding Jerusalem by laying the foundation of truth for the previous 69 weeks…. will escape! The prototype of this escape was ancient Israel’s escape through the Red Sea a short time after their departure from Egypt. This future escape of re-born Israel will consist of everyone that has been written down in the book. (Daniel 12:1)

When Michael stands up for God’s people, there will be supernatural devastation unlike mankind has ever experienced!!! After this literal power of The Almighty God has been displayed, the escapees will begin a cleanup work again. The burial work in the valley of Gog’s crowd will take 7 months. After they have buried Gog and his crowd and the land has been cleansed, many extraordinary wonders will begin to occur! Resurrections will take place! (Rev. 6:11) Some who have been “asleep in the dust” will accept the truth of God’s ways that is being taught and gain everlasting life. Those who choose not to accept God’s ways will shamefully face the eternal abhorrence of the 2nd death. (Dan.12:1, 2) (Joel 3:9-17)

During this time of wonders, the wise and insightful house of Judah will shine like stars among the people. These future teachers, who are presently unknown and hidden from the eyes of the world, will make the true knowledge abundant, while bringing the many to righteousness! (Daniel 12:3, 4) Carrying these things out will be their daily sacrifice, or their constant feature. However, this constant feature will not be without opposition.

As Daniel 12:10 states: “Many will cleanse themselves and whiten themselves and will be refined. And the wicked ones will certainly act wickedly, and no wicked ones at all will understand, but the ones having insight will understand.”

The question is asked at Daniel 12:6 “How long will it be to the end of the wonderful things?” The answer given is the same length of time given at Revelation 11:3. It will be for a time, times and a half, or 1260 days which is the same 3½ years of Jesus’ ministry. The end of Jesus’ ministry came when the false religious leaders instigated the authorities of the land to execute him. The bible’s prophecies have laid out the exact scenario for the end-time teachers of Israel. All of these things will come to their finish when their power is dashed to pieces. (Dan.12:7) How do the prophecies verify that a similar cast of characters will bring an end to the power of the anointed teachers?

When they have finished their teaching, the authorities of the beast that ascends out of the abyss will conquer them. (Rev.11:7) Once again, this will be controlling leaders driven by religious doctrines. As scriptures in Daniel 11 state; they will hurl denunciations against the new covenant and act effectively. They will profane the fortress of the sanctuary and remove the constant feature. They will then put in place the disgusting thing (their type of worship) that causes desolation. This will cause many problems, but the people knowing their God will be blessed with a little help, allowing them to prevail and continue to impart understanding to the many. (Daniel 11:30-35) The refining, cleansing and whitening of God’s people will march on for 1290 days, but in the face of much duress. The endurance and faith of the holy people will be tested to the limit, but happy will be the one who remains faithful and arrives at the 1335 days!! (Daniel 12:11, 12)

After all of these things have taken place, God’s righteous decrees will have been made manifest in the holy cities of Israel. There will however, be people remaining in other parts of the earth who refused to go to the altar hearth of God. This future situation is the true meaning of Jesus’ parable at Luke 14:16-24.

At Isaiah 30:7 God calls these people “Rahab”…. because they are for sitting still. Rahab was a poetic name in Egypt signifying one who is prideful, having audacity and insolence. Rahab was also a mythological sea monster in Egypt that would sit on the bank and do nothing. It’s easy to see why God would place this title on all those who showed no trust in the 7 thunders, by choosing not to partake of the exodus. Because of their choice to stay in symbolic Egypt, they will be fortunate indeed, to still be alive! Their future plight and God’s unfailing patience and mercy are described at Zechariah 14:16-21. Some of these people will eventually accept their need to celebrate the festival of the booths, by coming to worship at God’s true altar…. in paradigmatic Jerusalem! If they do not, they will face a similar outcome as their prototype…. the straggling behind…. disobedient wife of Lot! (Zechariah 14:12)

Rahab will become a big part of the rest of the story as the seven angels with seven plagues pours out the seven bowls on all those who remain in opposition to the Jerusalem God will have created! By means of the 7 bowls, the anger of God will be brought to a finish. (Chapters 15 & 16 of Revelation)

During this time period, the statement made over sixty times in the book of Ezekiel will become manifest throughout the entire world!

Now listen as paradigmatic Jerusalem identifies herself and describes the 2nd exodus…. before the call to her goes forth:

“A mere saffron of the coastal plain I am, a lily of the low plains.” “The sound of my dear one! Look! This one is coming, climbing upon the mountains, leaping upon the hills.”
“My dear one is resembling a gazelle of the young of the stags. Look! This one is standing behind our wall, gazing through the windows, glancing through the lattices.”
“My dear one has answered and said to me, ‘Rise up, you girl companion of mine, my beautiful one, and come away.”
“For look! The rainy season itself has passed, the downpour itself is over, it has gone its way.”
“Blossoms themselves have appeared in the land, the very time of vine trimming has arrived, and the voice of the turtledove itself has been heard in our land.” (Song of Solomon)

Through the sealed up voice of the Seven Thunders, God’s Sacred Secret He declared to the prophets has been revealed! We should now realize God’s previously hidden plan of gathering people to His altar and teaching them a singular and unifying truth, is the only fair and just way the gift of salvation could be given. How could we expect that a disarray of people believing the different doctrines of men could ever justify eternal salvation from a God of perfect order. (Read Micah 2:10-12) This is why Jesus said at John 6:45: “It is written in the prophets, they shall all be taught by God.” God’s hidden plan will teach each and every deserving person love and appreciation for His ways, while casting aside the unclean teachings of imperfect men. (Read Isaiah 30:22) They will become temples of truth as they are prepared for the essence of life under the rule of God’s Kingdom…. Pure and Unified Worship! This is how God’s choices of people will become washed in the blood of the lamb…. because Jesus is truth!

Pay close attention to the following profound scripture. It is describing the present time period when God’s promised end-time Elijah message has been completed and sent to all the nations of the world.

“Now to Him who has power to strengthen you according to this gospel and the proclamation of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the sacred secret kept silent for long ages, but now revealed and made known through the scriptures of the prophets, according to the command of the eternal God, to advance the obedience of faith among all nations.” (Romans 16:25, 26)

The Seven Thunders are dedicated to The Eternal God. Hallowed be your Great Name, Father…. Through Your Mighty son Jesus Christ, may Your now revealed plan for mankind become instilled in the hearts of those intended.   Amen.

The Conclusion of the Matter

Not only was the teacher wise, but also he imparted knowledge to the people. He pondered and searched out and set in order many proverbs. The teacher searched to find just the right words, and what he wrote was upright and true. The words of the wise are like goads, their collected sayings like firmly embedded nails-given by one shepherd. Be warned, my son, of anything in addition to them. Of the making of many books there is no end, and much devotion to them wearies the body.

Now all has been heard, here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man…. For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or bad. (Ecclesiastes)

My God is Jehovah