As we learned in the previous precept, the word wilderness is the English replacement for the original Hebrew word midbar. Therefore, the meaning of midbar is the correct application when the word wilderness is used in the scriptures.             

In the prologue of the apocryphal book of Ecclesiasticus this fact is actually addressed. The following statement is made:             

“Despite our diligent labor in translating, we may seem to have rendered some phrases imperfectly. For what was originally expressed in Hebrew does not have exactly the same sense when translated into another language. Not only this book, but even the Law itself, the Prophecies, and the rest of the books differ, not a little, when read in the original.”                                                                            

When people are in the midbar, or the wilderness, their minds are in a place of spiritual renewal. Their thinking has been removed far away from the traditional teachings of men. They have totally separated themselves from the religions men have built all over this world!                                                                                                     

The bible describes the act of leaving men’s religions as “Removing the yoke from your neck!” This is explained in many scriptures similar to Isaiah 58:9. “Then you shall call, and the Lord will answer; you shall cry, and He will say, ‘Here I am.’ “If you take away the yoke from your midst.”  

This confirms that God will listen, if we remove the yoke of religion’s bondage. The definition of yoke is: a symbol of submission, forced subjection, a burden of slavery.  Webster’s collegiate dictionary explains that the word religion originated from the 2 Latin words, Re and Ligare. Re is a prefix meaning return. Ligare means to bind. Therefore, the word religion actually means “a return to bondage.”                                                          

Galatians 5:1 uses it in this exact context: “Stand fast in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage.”                                                                          

As the original word midbar reveals, the biblical wilderness is the place of the word! The wilderness is where the mouth of God speaks! When people obey God and come out of Babylon the Great, or remove their yoke of bondage, they give themselves the opportunity to experience the active force of God… in the secret place of thunder! (Psalms 81:7)                                                                             

There are many examples of people God placed in the wilderness throughout the bible. One of the prime examples was the original Israel. 1st Corinthians 10:11 explains why all of their events are important for us to study and know today: “Now all of these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the ages have come”                

The spiritual food at the proper time (Matthew 24:45) that can be learned only in the wilderness in today’s world, was symbolized by the “manna from heaven” God gave to ancient Israel after their exodus to the wilderness. These people were the prototype for God’s people at the end of the age. Their story of captivity in Egypt was written to metaphorically represent the modern-day captivity of God’s people in men’s religious systems!                                                      

Before ancient Israel could receive God’s care and blessings, they had to first get out of Egypt, away from the Egyptian’s pagan belief system. By going to the wilderness, they left the masses and became the only people in the world following the call of God. The situation for today’s virgin Israel is no different. Going against the masses is never easy. Recognition of the identity of Babylon the Great is the first step, and a tough one, especially for the many who have spent their entire lives in churches and big religious organizations. Currently the number of people who have made this recognition is growing more every day. What to do next seems to be a dilemma for many of these very wise people. A good answer is in the prophecy of the 43rd chapter of Isaiah.                                                                 

God begins by saying “For your sakes I will send to Babylon and cause the bars of the prisons to come down.” He then starts talking about how He made a roadway through the waters for ancient Israel. After mentioning a few of the ancient events of long ago, He makes an abrupt change of thought! “Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness.” For I will give water in the wilderness, to give drink to my chosen people, the people whom I formed for myself that they might declare my praise.”                  

These scriptures, and many others, leave no doubt the Hebrew midbar or wilderness is the mental position God has planned for His people as the end of this world system draws closer.                             

For the many people who are now recognizing the scripture twisting, the money scheming, and the ranting antics of men’s religions, how do they find that way in the wilderness God is describing? His declaration that He will make a way in the wilderness, leaves no doubt there exists many scriptures and prophecies that will help guide His people to that way. Once you completely turn your back to the teachings of men, there will be a great extension of knowledge and understanding in the wilderness. If God had not already set up this knowledge in the wilderness, He would never have told you to go there! The key is to find it.                         

In the 28th chapter of Isaiah God begins to tell us how to recognize it. The chapter starts with; When God alone becomes your crown of glory and spirit of justice, He gives you strength because you have turned away from the “battle at the gate.” In other words, you have made the decision to turn away from the; I’m right, you’re wrong, bicker that goes on in the gates of religions, (Amos 5:10) and began to focus on God and His Word. He then explains how He will teach knowledge and how His people will understand the proper message. They will be weaned from the milk, and in the wilderness God’s people will tear at the tough meat of the carcass! Just as Jesus said, “In the last days the eagles will be gathered at the carcass.” (Matthew 24:28)                                                                                                        

We hear about people in the gate, who are constantly making very dramatized claims that they have suddenly accepted Jesus. However, a sustained effort to tear at the tough meat of the word is the true way we can turn to Jesus and accept him! (Genesis 49:27) Keep this in mind: the word, the carcass, and Jesus, are all synonymous. (John 1:1) (Revelation 19:13)                                                        

Now further in the 28th chapter God reveals there are writings in this world to help guide His people to the way in the wilderness. After people have escaped the captivity of men’s religions, they will experience a dilemma as what to do next. God provides the solution by describing the writings His people should seek.                                         

“For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept, line upon line, line upon line, here a little, there a little.”                      

The definition of precept is: a written rule or instruction that will provide a guide for direction. How will this connected group of directional precepts be recognized? First of all, they will no doubt contain The Seven Thunders. The Seven Thunders were full of end-time information that was sealed-up, awaiting the appropriate time for revealment. As the 10th chapter of Revelation states, these thunders will reveal the mystery or sacred secret of God’s hidden plan of salvation that He declared to His servants the prophets. (Revelation 10:7) Therefore, these precepts will contain many explanations of the Old Testament prophets that will never be heard from the altars. (Luke 24:25) Unknown to the religions of men, within the prophet’s stories are the similitudes and visions of the events that will bring in The Kingdom of God. (Hosea 12:10) (Read Matthew 6:33)                                                                                                      

The prophet Zechariah calls this group of precepts “The Plummet Line,” “The Golden Liquid” and “The Headstone.” (4th chapter) He also saw an end of time vision of them in his 5th chapter. He called them “A Flying Scroll” that would enter households all over the face of the whole earth! This provides a great clue as to where and how God’s people can find them. Zechariah’s flying scroll was always a mysterious observation… until the internet came along. Now, at the push of a button, practically everyone on the face of the earth can read; “precept upon precept,” “line upon line,” “here a little,” there a little.”                                                                                                       

These ephah measure of precepts will provide insight and understanding of scripture after scripture in God’s Word. They will not be affiliated with personal agendas, personal names or any religion, and will be unspotted from the world. (James 1:27) Unlike the never-ending plead for money that goes on in all religions, they will be absolutely free for all people. (Revelation 22:17) There will not be memberships required or any joining of anything necessary. The only joining involved will be the hearts of people to one another and to God and His son.                                                                

This is showing the effects of the promised end time Elijah message that’s explained at Malachi 4:5,6. “Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD: And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.”                                                                                        

Therefore, if you are among the many who have come out of Babylon the Great and are contemplating your next move, allow insight into God’s Word to be that move. Search for the precepts that will point you to the scriptures that explain God’s hidden plan of salvation. Once you find these precepts, there will also be many scriptures that will guide you in understanding subjects like; Zion, Jerusalem, Jacob, Israel, exodus, libation, baptism, fasting and the sign of Jonah, among many others.                                                                         

This is not meant to imply where you will find the way in the wilderness, that’s a personal decision between you and your God. Purity of motivation is the crucial element. The intention of this precept is merely to list things the bible indicates will be contained in the end-time knowledge. (Read John 16:12-14.)                        

Accurate knowledge of these subjects will prepare you to recognize the events that will bring in God’s promised Kingdom. When you begin to attain this knowledge show your love for others, share it. (Isaiah 48:20) If this joining of hearts did not take place, as Malachi 4:6 warns, God would come and smite the earth with a curse!                                                                                                                 

The 4th & 5th chapters of Ephesians contain many scriptures showing the effects of the end-time precepts. When people begin to learn how God has hidden His plan of salvation (the musterion) in the prophet’s similitudes and visions, a world-wide unification of thought will occur. Even though these seekers of “the way” will not know each other personally, their hearts will be joined together with knowledge and anticipation of God’s plan for their future. As Malachi 4:5,6 prophetically proclaims, this joining of hearts will take place before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord. Ephesians 4:14 explains a primary reason, seekers of God’s way in the wilderness will no longer be divided by the doctrines of men.                

“That we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting.”                                    

The precepts that contain the end time knowledge are vividly described in the very important prophecy of Isaiah 48:5-7.                   

“Even from the beginning I have declared it to you; Before it came to pass, I proclaimed it to you, lest you should say, ‘My idol has done them, and my carved image and my molded image have commanded them.’ “You have heard; See all this. And will you not declare it? I have made you hear new things from this time, even hidden things, and you did not know them.’ They are created now and not from the beginning; and before this day you have not heard them, lest you should say, ‘of course I knew them.”     

These always ignored scriptures, absolutely verify the existence of end-time knowledge that is beyond our churches and religious organization’s ability to teach us! The existence of this extended knowledge is the most unknown fact among devout people in the world today! Because God’s people do not realize this very important fact, many of them are still devoted to their molded images, or their idolized organizations. (Ezekiel 24:25) Therefore, when you realize this vastly unknown fact, do as God says in these scriptures, declare it to others!                                                                   

We will close with 2 scriptures in Colossians that perfectly summarize this precept. They actually apply directly to the time period when God’s people will begin to understand the mystery of God’s hidden plan of salvation. This understanding will be possible when you find the precepts that contain the sealed-up knowledge of the last part of the days! As God said, “You have heard! See all this!”                   

May your hearts be encouraged, being knit together in love, and attaining to all riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the knowledge of the mystery of God, both of the Father and of Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” (Colossians2:2,3)